Group 1 Personnel 26900
Group 2 Travelling costs 4750
Group 3 Maintenance 1650
Group 4 Use of vehicles, services 16300
Group 5 Formalities 2275
60105, 60203 Health clubs and courses 8500
603 Social structures : operations 51500
604 Local money : operations 54000
605 Micro-credit :operations 20000
60604 Forms and moulds 6000
60701 Workshop recycling 10000
60702 Sanitation network 5000
60703 Composting network 5000
60704 Organic waste tank level 10000
60705 Organic waste well level 10000
60706 Inorganic waste well level 10000
60801 Bio-mass workshop 37000
60802 Mini-briquettes units 10000
60901 Drinking water workshop 23200
60902 Central management water 18000
60904 Washing points 18000
60905 Platforms 4000
60906 Enclosures etc. 4000
61101 Study rooms 30000
62201 First primary schools 25000
62301 First secondary schools 23000
70101 Boreholes 200000
70201 Supply moulds 25000
70202 Transport recycling 50000
70203 Solar pumps 240000
70204 Solar panels 331200
70205 Hand pumps 99000
70206 Accessories 40000
70207 Pipe-lines to tanks 75000
70210 PV lighting study rooms 25000
70225 Equipment primary schools 25000
70226 Equipment secondary schools 20000
Group 703 Consultants 38775
70304 International transport 6000
70305 National transport 6000
8 Unforeseen 40000
9 Administration 6000