NGO Another Way (Stichting Bakens Verzet), 1018 AM
"Money is not
the key that opens the gates of the market but the bolt that bars them"
Gesell, Silvio The
Natural Economic Order
Revised English
edition, Peter Owen, London 1958, page 228
Edition 11:
Annexe E
Analysis of the financial viability and the economic justification
économique of the project and of its
environmental impact
I Introduction
Description Component C
III.1: Sustainable results with respect to the populations.
The action sets up a complete range of permanent basic services for the
benefit of the entire population in the project area. The services in question
include social, financial and productive
structures and service , entirely managed and maintained by the populations
themselves, who own them. The populations pay a monthly contribution of between
Euro 0,60 and Euro 0,75 per person into a Cooperative Local Development Fund.
Part of the monthly contributions covers
the formal money costs of management, for example the cost of spare parts for
capital goods which cannot be produced locally. The greatest part of the
monthly contributions is used to finance interest-free micro-credits for
productivity increase. A large capital fund build up in the Fund during the
first ten year project activity period. The accumulated amount is comparable to
the initial formal money investments made in Euro and amounts to about Euro 3.000.000.
At the end of the ten years' period, on repayment, where appropriate, of
the ten year interest-free loan, large capital reserves will again be built up
during the following ten years for use in Micro-credits and, subsequently, for
the extension and renewal of the capital goods. In case of loan repayment after
ten years, funds available for interest-free micro-credits will be reduced to
zero. Since the families continue to make their monthly payments to the
Cooperative Local Development Fund, the capital in the Fund for micro-credits
will gradually build up again during the second ten-year period as it did during the first period of ten
years and is then available for the replacement of capital items goods. The
system continues indefinitely and sustainably
in cycles of ten years to cover project extensions and the replacement
of capital goods. Where the original seed funding was by way of grant, the
large amount of capital in the Fund at the close of the first period of ten
years will continue to circulate to finance interest-free micro-credits. It can
also be used to finance extensions to project structures.
III.2: Environment.
An initial report on the
environmental impact of the project has been prepared and is attached to
the project documentation.
The project is 100% ecological.
It is based on the utilisation of renewable energies and in particular
on photovoltaic energy application for clean drinking water supply. The
sanitation structures foreseen are of
the dry-composting eco-sanitation type with on-site recycling of organic
wastes. Urine and faeces never have the chance of mixing with surface or
underground waters.
Non-organic wastes are collected and locally recycled wherever possible
in the project area in support of local productive activities carried out
within the framework of local money systems set up as part of the project. The
utilisation of high-efficiency cooking-stoves using locally produced
mini-briquettes promotes the elimination
of smoke hazards and fine particles inside and around users’ homes. The
mini-briquettes replace wood, charcoal and traditional fuels, safeguarding
forests, local eco-systems, and the flora and fauna in the project area. The
local financial systems set up enable the people to pay for guards to defend
and conserve the natural resources in the project area and for the responsible
promotion of tourism there.
The production of articles from gypsum composites is also entirely
ecological. The work cycle is such that very small quantities of water used
during one phase of the cycle are recycled during a second phase, without the
loss of any contaminated or used water into the environment. Gypsum composite
products are always repairable on site. If they are no longer needed, they can
be returned to the factories for 100% recycling for the manufacture of new
products. Used material is never lost in the environment, where, furthermore it
would never cause harm to persons or things.
Use of gypsum composite materials may bring with it some risk of fine
dust in and immediately round the production units and the gypsum quarries.
Appropriate means of protection for eyes and lungs should be adopted where
gypsum is worked in confined areas. Gypsum mining and manufacture in the
production units is manual and on a very small scale, to the order of a few
hundred tons a year.
Use of gypsum could in principle require the re-location of families
whose homes are literally situated on the gypsum deposits. However, the amount
of material to be consumed is so small, that re-location is extremely
III.3: Integrated water resources management.
The project concerns relatively small amounts of drinking water (about
1500m3 per day) and the management of supplementary rain-water harvested at
household level. Measures to improve drainage of public places are also
foreseen as part of a general campaign to reduce the incidence of water-borne
diseases in the project area. All possibility of contact between contaminated
water and surface and underground waters is eliminated.
Activities carried out under this project are independent of other
eventual plans for large-scale regional or national management of water
resources. However they inherently supplement and can be integrated in any such
III.4: Sanitation and hygiene
Sanitation and hygiene education are both basic components of project
activities. Complete eco-sanitation systems will be installed in each of the
10.000 homes in the project area and in schools and public places. Production
installation and maintenance of these systems and of structures to house
them are carried out under the local
money systems set up in an early phase of the project without the need for any
formal money.
III.5: Social aspects.
An important role in project education is reserved for women, both in
relation to the management of the structures set up and to the benefits they
bring to the population. The very first structures created are the Health Clubs
which enable women to organise themselves to play an active role in the tank
commissions, which are the heart of the project. The tasks of the tank
commissions are set in details and graphically illustrated in the project
documentation. Women no longer have to fetch firewood and water. Smoke hazards
are eliminated at household level. The introduction of local money systems
enables women to monetise their work. Each family will on an average receive
interest-free micro-credit loans for Euro 1500 for productivity increase during
the first ten years’ project cycle.
The proposed activities to not involved the treatment of HIV/AIDS directly.
However, they do have a powerful indirect impact on social environments where
HIV/AIDS is a problem. First, through the permanent and institutionalised
activities of the Health Clubs and hygiene education courses in the schools.
Secondly the a gradual reinforcement of the role of women in the community.
Finally, through the possibility of improved nursing and care which can be made
available to patients within the framework of the local money systems set up.
The elderly, the sick and the handicapped living in the project area all
benefit fully, without exclusion, from all of the benefits created as a result
of project execution. The financial structures set up offer advanced social
security protection at several levels in respect of their formal money obligations
to the Cooperative Local Development Fund and for their consumer debits under
the local money systems. For instance the debit points accumulated by an
elderly, sick or handicapped person under the local money systems can be
distributed amongst the adult members (some of them, the youngest, or all of
them) of his family; of the entire group referring to a given tank commission;
of the entire group referring to a well commission; or where appropriate to the
entire group in the project area.
The structures set up should lead over a period of a few years of
operation to full employment in the project area, including employment for
handicapped people such as the blind. A cooperative local radio-telephone
communications structure, for instance, could alone give employment to 400-600 blind people. Such initiatives are
not specifically included in this project, as they are not directly related to
hygiene education or drinking water supply or sanitation. Since they would
involve an initial formal money capital input for transmission equipment, a
separate item for them could be included in the project budget where this is an
option acceptable to financing parties.
III.6: Financial aspects.
The financial concepts introduced in this project are innovative. Formal
money maintenance costs, essentially for spare parts for certain structures,
are covered by the monthly formal money contributions paid by families into the
Cooperative Local Development Fund. The operation of this Fund is described in
section III.1 above and in the project documentation which also contains a
graphic presentation. Maintenance related labour and administration costs are
covered under the local money systems set up. The local money units rotate
continuously in the local community. Their value is referred to the perceived
value of an hour’ work. Powerful social control exists over the work and the
services offered. In principle, the cost of maintenance of structures and
services expressed in local money units is not important, as it is in any case
recycled locally. To take an improbably
example, the cost of a full-time drinking water supply system maintenance
cooperative would represent an annual debit the equivalent of one hour’s work
for each of the 35000 adults in the project area. Social insurance aspects
protecting the weakest members of the community are described in section III.5
The payments made by families into the Cooperative Local Development
Fund typically amount to between Euro 3 and Euro 4 per family of fiver persons
per month. The project makes a wide range of services available to the
beneficiary families. Savings on their former formal money expenditure for
these services should be higher than the
monthly contribution to the Fund. Consider for example savings in the cost of
drinking water and fire-wood for cooking. Consider the social and financial
advantages created by the project and
the introduction of interest-free micro-credits
The budget includes complete details on the financial management of the
structures set up. For the complete package of services offered, a monthly
contribution of Euro 0,60 per person per
month by 50.000 people produces a total annual contribution of Euro 360.000. Only Euro 100.000 in formal
money is needed for management and maintenance of the system. The remaining part of the income is
continuously recycled in the form of interest-free micro-credits for
productivity increase. Within ten years this fund will have accumulated at
least Euro 3.000.000, taking repayment of initial loans for productive
activities made during the first two
years’ execution phase of the project. At the same time, each family will on an
average have enjoyed interest-free micro-credit loans for at least Euro 1.500
for the increase of the own productivity.
The relationship between formal money revenues and formal money
maintenance and administration costs, can, according to the concepts applied in
this project, only be positive. Compare this with financial principles
traditional adopted for international development projects. In this sense, the
project constitutes a world-wide precedent, as it is inherently permanently
III.7: Institutional aspects.
The social, financial and productive structures and services set up by
the project operate independently of but in full harmony with the existing
political and administrative structures in the project area. They operate
freely and voluntarily in parallel with the existing structures. They do not
substitute the existing structures. Except for works and services carried out
for the execution of the project itself, users are always free to choose
whether a given transaction be carried out under the local money system set up
or under the traditional formal money system.
The local populations themselves carry out most of the work and services
needed for project execution. They manage and maintain the structures. They
make formal money and local money contributions necessary for the management,
maintenance and long-term replacement and extension of the structures of which
they are themselves the owners. Operation and maintenance are carried out by
permanent locally owned project structures and
by local cooperatives and operators.
Economic and financial feasibility.
V.1: Description of the resources.
The principles applied to the execution of this project follow two
innovative lines.
The first is that the formal money (Euro) funds are almost exclusively
destined for the purchase of goods and services which are not locally
available. For example, the purchase of solar pumping systems and the solar
panels for them. The local populations are responsible for most of the work and
services necessary for project execution.
The creation of the structures necessary for them to do this takes place
through a series of Moraisian capacitation workshops, during which the people
themselves set them up. The people themselves become, as it were, the
structures. Their contribution in works and services is for this project
estimated to amount to 3.400.000 working hours carried out within the framework
of the local money systems set up. These have been converted into Euro at the
rate of Euro 3 for each eight-hour
working day, producing a local direct contribution by the populations of about
Euro 1.250.000, or about 25% of the total project cost. The budget fully
justifies the number of hours worked by the local populations for each budgeted
activity. The 3.400.000 hours of work
represent a true mobilisation of the local populations, 10% (about 4.000 person) of whom are permanently usefully
employed as a result of the project application.
The second innovative line of approach is that, with the exception of
the very first structures leading to the creation of the local financial
structures, the management structures have to be set up before the formal money
capital project funds can be spent. Without the presence of the local social
and financial structures, no formal money investment, for example for drinking
water structures, can take place. This is because the local money structures
under which the project works have to be paid, have not yet been formed. For
example, the installation of solar pumps for the supply of distributed drinking
water cannot take place until the water tanks are ready. The water tanks cannot
be built until the gypsum composite construction units are in place. The gypsum
composite construction units cannot be built until the local money systems have
been set up. The local money systems
cannot be set up until women’s participation in the structures is assured. Women’s
cannot organise themselves until they are given a platform, the formation of
the Health Clubs, enabling them to do so.
The role of the applicant NGO, despite indications often given in the
guidelines published by donor organisation, is the permanent on-going
monitoring of project execution, which is for a large part carried out by the
local populations themselves under the guidance of the project-coordinator and
his team. The inhabitants work through the social, financial and productive
structures they set up. They follow the indications given them by a project
coordinator and by a general consultant, who for this first project is the
author of the concepts, who will work for just the current pro-diem tariff foreseen by the European
Union for expatriates in the host country. In some specific areas, the project
coordinator will obtain the help of a single specialist, provided the
specialist can be found within the time span available. In the absence of a
specialist, the general consultant will take his place.
V.2 Relationship between the project activities and the expected
The whole package of services provided by the project costs less in
formal money terms than any one of its
numerous elements following traditional methods of financing and execution. In
the case of this particular action, deep bore-holes have to be drilled
throughout the project area. More often, hand-dug wells can be built using the
local money systems set up, and the formal money content of the project could
be still further reduced.
All of the social financial and productive structures and services made
available through the action are permanent. They enable the inhabitants to take
action to increase their productivity and improve their quality of life. Apart
from an average use of interest-free micro-credits for at least Euro 1500 during the first period of ten years, the
local money systems set up make it possible for them to do whatever they wish
and to strongly reduce if not entirely eliminate unemployment in the project
area within a few years.
The people in (the project area) do not enjoy adequate
hygiene education, sanitation or clean drinking water and. In this respect the
situation in the project area is critical. In rural areas in (the host
country), most people (percentage) use up to 30 litres per person per day of
surface waters from rivers or ponds. Some people (percentage) have open wells.
A few (percentage) have access to boreholes. Water from the same source is used
for all applications (as drinking water for washing clothes, cooking, animal
watering etc). (Percentage) of child deaths are due to diarrhoea- related
Drinking water bought from water sellers costs (price)
for a bucket containing (15) litres. Poor families cannot usually pay this
amount, and are forced to fetch water from contaminated sources, if they exist.
Water is stored in (describe jars or jerry cans) generally without lids. These
containers are often badly maintained. The water in them is replaced (times per
week) using (instruments and their cleanliness).
Poor water quality throughout the project area
spreads diseases such as (name the diseases). The cost of the fighting often
deadly water-related diseases takes up a large slice of the family incomes. A
goal of the project is to reduce water-borne disease so medical and financial
resources can be re-directed to other health objectives like vaccination
programmes and preventive medicines. Resulting diseases also affect the quality
of life and the productivity of the people.
Supply of readily accessible clean drinking
water for personal and household use should improve the health of the whole
population and ease the pressure of work on women and eliminate all risks
currently involved in fetching water over long distances.
The project includes gypsum composite production units whose first job will be to
make water storage tanks and well linings for the project. The project will
provide at least 25 litres of distributed clean drinking water per person per
day at a distance of not more than 150-200 metres from their homes, plus a
back-up supply of another 25 litres of clean drinking water at the (40) well
sites, plus up to 25 litres per person per day of non-potable water for personal
uses from rain-water harvesting systems placed in users’ houses. Washing places
will be supplied at each of the 40 well/borehole sites.
Health Club activities will increase awareness
for the risks of poor hygiene at household level, and ensure that the clean
drinking water delivered to them at tank commission level remains clean when
transferred to household water containers and that proper attention is paid to
the cleanliness of household utensils cutlery kitchen and tableware.
V.3 Financial viability.
Refer to comments under points III.1, III.5, III.6, V.1, and V.2 above.
The project documents contain detailed information of the social and financial
structures et up, their tasks, and the benefits they offer to all, including
the poorest and the currently unserved. The position of women is strongly
V.4 Specific financial aspects.
They way the inhabitants participate in the project and contribute to
its cost has been described several times above. All of the social, financial, and productive
structures and services created are independent and managed by the people
themselves. The formal money Cooperative Local Development Fund builds up over each ten year project
operation cycle to cover future replacement of capital goods and new investments
for the extension of services, together with all formal money funds necessary
for maintenance purposes. The principles applied in this project for the first
time create a precedent for integrated development in poor countries. They do
not follow any existing political and economic principle except that of honest
and responsible management of public goods and interests.
All of the inhabitants in the project area have permanent access to all
of the structures and services created. There are no special categories of beneficiaries or levels of service.
Each inhabitants will receive at least 25 litres of clean drinking water
per day at tank commission level. A hand-pump back-up service covering an extra
25 litres of drinking water per person per day at well-commission level is also
provided. The installation of rain-water harvesting structures in each of the
10.000 homes in the project area to supply another 25 litres of non-potable
water per person per day for personal uses is also planned. Users’ personal daily
water requirements are also reduced through the use of dry composting toilet
systems and useful recycling of household
grey waters.
All of the formal money costs relating to drinking water supply are
covered by the monthly contributions made by users into their Cooperative Local
Development Fund. All of the costs of systems management and maintenance are
covered under the local money systems set up. Everyone in the project area pays
the same contribution. Several levels of cooperative social support structures
are set up to help families and individuals who may have temporary or permanent
problems in meeting their formal money or local money obligations.
The system has no qualification requirements or connection costs, except
bona-fide residence in the project area.
Management and maintenance of services at tank commission level is the
responsibility of the tank commissions, who own the structures in question.
Management and maintenance of services at well commission level is the
responsibility of the well commissions, who own the structures in question. The
role of each commission is carefully defined in the project documentation where
it is also graphically illustration.
Maintenance of all structures installed in the course of the project
will usually be in the hands of local cooperatives and local operators trained
and organised during the Moraisian water supply structures workshop. The formal
money costs are paid out of the Cooperative Local Development Fund. Maintenance
services are covered under the local money systems set up. Decisions concerning
extensions to services and to long-terms replacement of capital investments are
taken by the central management unit the members of which are elected by the
well-commissions, after discussion at tank commission level with the
populations involved. However, each tank commission and each well commission is
autonomous. The commissions are free to take any initiatives in their own area
they may consider to be in the interests of their members.
All of the structures created are tax-free and free from any other
charge other than the monthly contribution of between Euro 0,60 and Euro 0,75
per person paid by the families into the Cooperative Local Development Fund.
The formal money costs for spare parts imported into the project are subject to
inflation. The central management unit of the project, duly elected by the
inhabitants themselves through the tank commissions and the well commissions
may propose changes to the monthly contribution of the inhabitants into the
Cooperative Local Development Fund. Taking a presumed substantial increase in
local productivity and consequently of the general quality of life of the
people in the project area over a period of several years, increases to the
monthly contribution over the years may reasonably be foreseen. They are also
in the interests of the inhabitants themselves, as the amount of money
available to them for interest-free micro-credits for productivity development
increases proportionally. On the other hand, the cost of management and
maintenance services should remain stable over the years, as the local money
systems under which payments for them are covered are both interest- and
Sanitation structures, including most of those necessary for waste recycling
are supplied, installed, managed and maintained entirely under the local money
systems set up. They are therefore interest- and inflation-free. Formal money
costs for vehicles and transport for the collection and recycling of
non-organic wastes can be incurred by the network of cooperatives and operators
set up under the project for this purpose. They are generally expected to cover
these costs out of formal income for waste products which cannot be recycled
locally and which are “exported” for formal money outside the project area. As
stated in the project documents, their ability to repay their formal money
investments is expected to be lower than that of other productive activities
set up, and will take place over a relatively long term.
5.1 Beneficiaries
The project area is rural, and includes (number) villages each with a population lower than (number) inhabitants; (number) larger
centres with a population between 5.000 and 10.000 and (describe larger towns)
A full list of the
communities involved can be found under section 02.03 of the project
documentation together with details of
drinking water supply installations planned for each village.
The average income
of the people in the project area is less than (Euro 2) per day. (The national
GDP in (host country) in the UNDP’s report on human development for 2005 (based on figures for 2003) was ($ amount) per person per year; with a
poverty index of (00,0 ).
The total (target) population in the project
area is officially (number); the actual population there is estimated to be about (number).
All structures and services set up serve all of
the inhabitants in all of the villages
in the project area, without exception.
The gender issue and the question of sex
equality has been addressed by the adoption of a specific order of priorities
for the formation of the various structures involved. An active, usually
dominating role, of women in project execution and management is thereby
ensured. One of the purposes of the first structure to be put in place, the
Health Clubs, is to enable women to organise themselves in groups so they can
play an active role at meetings and in the management of the structures. Women
are expected to play a dominant role in the tank commissions (the heart of the
project) and in all of the other structures set up. However, men also have full
right to participate in project management; they can also take part in the
Health Clubs, although a large
participation is not expected in the early project execution years.
The specific needs of children are taken into
account in the project basic concepts. In particular through the supply of
clean drinking water, safe sanitation, hygiene education courses and water and
sanitation facilities in schools, the elimination of smoke hazards in and
around homes, accommodation and lighting for study purposes and the reduction
of the work load on women.
5.2 Current
level of services.
Sanitation in the project area.
The level of access of the population in (host country) to clean
drinking water and adequate and safe sanitation services is (percent- quote
source of information). The situation in the project area is much worse still.
In practice, there are no sanitation structures there at all. People urinate
and defecate in the open.
Disposal of domestic grey water constitutes a major problem. Only
(percent) of the population in (the host
country) is served. This is practically zero in the project area. Water from
showers, grey water mixed with urine are discharged into nature. Larger
villages have poorly built sumps which attract mosquitoes and other disease
carrying animals and insects. A chain of transmission of diseases passes via
faeces to diarrhoea-based illnesses including cholera and intestinal parasites which are very
common in the project area.
However, structures such as « VIP »
toilets have already been culturally accepted in rural area, The project
provides for the local construction, installation and maintenance of dry
composting eco-sanitation systems in every home in the project area under the
local money systems set up. Similar, collective, structures will also be
installed in schools, clinics, and markets and other public places.
Drinking water
supply in the project area.
There is an acute and urgent drinking water
problem throughout the project area, both in the larger villages and in the
more isolated rural areas, where there are in practice no clean drinking water
structures at all.
Urban water supply in (host country) is the
responsibility of (official
responsible). Its network covers just (names cities etc and a few large
villages). In the project area there are just (describe the drinking water
facilities there). This is obviously inadequate and socially unacceptable.
Without improvement in the water supply,
good hygiene practices cannot be followed either at public level in the
schools or at home.
Women have to cover large distances (how many
kilometres?) to fetch contaminated water cause of water-borne diseases. The
consequences of these illnesses for the local populations are disastrous.
Contaminated surface waters such as rivers and small dams are currently the
most common water source. Total water consumption is about ( amount) litres per
person per day.
All of the problems traditionally linked to
poor water quality in developing countries are present in the project area,
including numerous deaths due to water-borne diseases, the limits of seasonal
supply, the distance between the water
source and users’ homes and the time lost in fetching water.
Water bought off water-sellers costs on an
average (amount and currency)(Euro equivalent) for a 15 litres bucket. This
cost is not payable by poor families who are forced to go to contaminated water
sources, if they exist.
No-one in the project area has access to basic
drinking water and sanitation services
as described in international health publications. (Quote information and
statistics from the World Health organisation for the host country). The
situation in the project area has been described on the basis of visible
conditions noted during visits to the project area.
Population growth in the project area is
thought to be about (percent) (UNDP– Human Development Report 2005).
Without this project, it is unlikely that the
situation concerning the provision of clean drinking water and safe
eco-sanitation facilities improve over the coming years. The authors of this
project document are no aware of any other alternative development initiatives
currently planned in the project area.
5.3 Situation
« with the project »
The present situation with regard to drinking water supply and safe
sanitation will be improved throughout the project area through the formation
of 200 health Clubs, on-going hygiene education courses in the 40 schools in
the project area, the harvesting or rainwater at household level, the supply of
eco-sanitation systems in all households,
so that the families have a sufficient supply of good quality water for
their personal use, and sufficient water for general domestic use. The services
are at the disposal of everyone without exception in the project area. Women
and girls will no longer have to fetch water. Management and maintenance of the
structures is done by the people themselves. The structures are set up within
the framework of a stable, cooperative, interest-free and inflation-free
economic environment created in an early phase of project execution.
The planned level of consumption of clean drinking water is
25 litres per person per day. A reserve or back-up clean drinking water supply
provides for another 25 litres per person per day, at well-commission level,
through the use of multiple hand-pump groups. Rain-water harvesting provides
another (25 litres per person per day) in each of the 10.000 homes, to cover
extra water requirements for personal use. The need for water supply is at the
same time reduced through the adoption of dry composting eco-sanitation toilet
systems requiring small amounts of water for washing purposes only.
Thanks to the project, all of the (50.000) inhabitants in the project
area will have access to basic clean drinking water and safe sanitation services
as defined in the Millennium Development
Goals (MDGs) adopted in 2000 with a purpose of reducing the part of the world
population without sustainable access to clean drinking water by 50% by 2015) and the decisions taken
during (example: the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) held in
Johannesburg in 2002 with a purpose of reducing the part of the world
population without sustainable access to sustainable sanitation by 50% and
promoting efficient integrated structures for the management of water
During the first twelve months of project execution, the local social
and financial structures necessary for the formation of the planned productive
structures and services are set up. The first water supply structures at well
level should be ready after about 15 months. The physical water supply
structures at tank commission level will be ready after abut 18 months.
Installation of household rain-water harvesting systems should start after
about 21 months. The installation of eco-sanitation systems in private houses
should start after about 8 months.
The success of this pilot project should lead to the adoption of the
concepts at national level. In this case (the host country) will need to set up
about (number, being population divided by 50.000) of these projects with a
total formal money cost of (project number times Euro 5.000.000). All of these
projects could be completed on or before 2015.
The decision to make extensions to the services set up under this
project lies with the populations themselves, who are responsible for the
management of them. In principle, water supply at existing water tanks can be
increased by 30% at a very low extra cost, by adding 100Wp to the existing installed power of the solar arrays. In most
cases, it should be possible to install an extra water tank system (solar pump,
photovoltaic panels, feed-pipe, tank structure)
in an existing well or borehole.
The construction of new houses will be automatically covered by the
installation of eco-sanitation and rain-water harvesting structures. The
concepts adopted therefore offer a flexibility of adaptation unknown until now.
Existing structures can be adapted at a very low cost to any new situation
which might arise.
Efficiency and effectiveness
5.5.1 Efficiency
Cost per beneficiary (in Euros per person):
What is the average cost under the project for each person gaining
access to basic clean drinking water facilities?
The average investment cost in formal money = Euro 75 per
person in coverage of the entire package of services offered. It is extremely difficult to separate the net
costs of the various structures made available. The structures are completely
integrated with each other. An indicative separation for the initial formal
money investment for drinking water services = 50% of the total, or about
Euro 37,50 per person.
What is the average cost under the project for each person gaining
sustainable access to basic hygienic sanitation facilities?
See comment above. An indicative separation for the initial formal
money investment for hygienic sanitation facilities = 15% of the total, or
about Euro 11,25 per person.
What is the average cost for each person gaining access to hygiene
education promotion structures?
See comment above. An indicative separation for the initial formal
money investment for hygiene education promotion structures = 15% of the
total, or about Euro 11,25 per person
2) Costs per installed unit (in Euro per m3):
What is the unitary cost per m3 of water distributed through
the project’s systems?
Taking the amount of distributed drinking water at tank commission level
(1300m3/jour) the unitary cost is Euro 1447.
Excluding the hand-pump back-up facilities at well commission level;
excluding the rain-water harvesting structures. Over 20 years, including formal
money costs of maintenance, the cost would be about Euro 0,21 par m3, excluding
the back-up hand-pump structures; excluding the rain-water harvesting
What is the unitary cost of the eco-sanitation structures installed under
the project?
The unitary formal money investment cost of complete
eco-sanitation structures, including recycling structures les structures
assuming the installation of 10.000 systems is Euro 56.
General administration costs of the project. These are the general and
agency costs directly connected with the project execution, expressed as a
percentage of the total project costs.
About 2%.
5.5.2 Effectiveness
The project offers a complete package of social, financial, and
productive structures and services for all or the inhabitants in the project
area, without exclusion.
The project activities are executed by the inhabitants themselves. The
inhabitants own the structures themselves through their elected organs. Their
monthly contributions into their own Cooperative Local Development Fund cover
all of the formal money management, maintenance, service extension, and
long-term capital replacement costs.
The social and financial structures set up give full multi-tiered social
security guarantee with regard to coverage of formal money and local money
obligation of the elderly, the sick, the poor and the handicapped members of the community.
The structures created offer full employment possibilities in the
project area, including activities suitable for the elderly and the
handicapped. These aspects are not specifically mentioned in the project
documentation, as they do not directly fall under the stated goals of the (
fund or programme under which the application for financing is being made.)
Progress made towards the Millennium Development Goals
How many people will have obtained access to clean drinking water and
safe sanitation facilities as a result of the execution of this project?
Clean drinking water services:
At year one after delivery of service structures : 50.000 (being
all of the inhabitants in the project area)
In 2015 : 50.000 + demographic growth.
Safe sanitation :
At one year after delivery of service structures: 50.000 (being all of
the inhabitants in the project area). Delivery of the system will have commenced towards the end of
the 24 months’ project period, when about 1500 systems will have been
installed. The other systems will be installed during the following three years..
In 2015 : 50.000 +
demographic growth.
Which proportion of the total number of people needing access to basic
services will have received them by 2015 as result of the execution of this
Number of people with access to basic services under the project
expressed as a percentage of the planned goals under the Millennium Development
100% of the inhabitants and families in the project area.
Orientation note: types of water supply and
sanitation structures
Types of water
supply and sanitation systems. |
Water points with
manual installations. |
Small autonomous
system based on local communities. |
Urban distribution organisations |
Technology and service level |
Triple hand-pump groups next
to 35 bore-holes. The pumps serve as back-up and support for the distributed
drinking water systems. |
200 Local tanks each
serving 40-50 families supplied by
high-pressure solar submersible pumps installed in 35 (wells/ boreholes) with
an internal diameter of at least 8
inches; each with photovoltaic panels with an installed power of the least
300Wp per pump. 40 local tanks serving the schools and the clinics in the
project area each with systems as above described. |
Not applicable. |
Services |
According to the preferences
of the institutions in question. Service in any case include
washing points |
Independent rain-water
harvesting systems at individual household level for non-potable household
and personal use. |
Not applicable. |
User types |
10.000 households in rural
areas and small villages. |
10.000 households in rural
areas and small villages. |
Not applicable. |
Management |
35 Well-level commissions
whose members are elected by the tank commissions. |
200 Tank commissions chosen
by the households served. |
Not applicable. |
Use and maintenance
requirements. |
Ownership and management of
the structures at well-commission level. Wells (boreholes),manual
pumps, platforms, washing places, guards, (also for solar pumps and PV
generators), supervision of access to the well area. Maintenance by the
cooperatives set up for the purpose. Formal money maintenance and long-term
system replacement costs paid out of Cooperative Local Development Fund. |
Ownership and management at
tank commission level. Feed-pipe installations,
tanks, platforms, supervision, access to tanks. Maintenance by the
cooperatives set up for the purpose. Formal money maintenance and long-term
system replacement costs paid out of Cooperative Local Development Fund. |
Not applicable. |
Typical way of cost
recovery. Periodic forfeit fees and contributions to cover
repairs and replacements. |
The families pay a monthly
contribution of (Euro 0,60 –0,75) per person into the Cooperative Local
Development Fund. About one quarter of this
contribution (Euro 69.500 per year) is reserved for the coverage of formal
money costs especially for spare parts. Most management costs are
covered under the local money systems set up as part of project execution. |
Management of the monthly
contributions is in the hands of the 200 tank commissions. The structures set
up offer several layers of social security support to the elderly, the sick,
the poor, and the handicapped who either temporarily or permanently have
problems meeting their formal money
or local money contributions. |
Not applicable. |
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files specific to hygiene education, drinking water and sanitation.
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for funding applications.