
The Model

Draft projects

Articles published


Annexed material


 About Bakens Verzet




T.E.(Terry) Manning,

Schoener 50,

1771 ED Wieringerwerf,

The Netherlands.

Tel: 0031-227-604128

Homepage: http://www.flowman.nl

E-mail: (nameatendofline)@xs4all.nl : bakensverzet



Incorporating innovative social, financial, economic, local administrative and productive structures, numerous renewable energy applications, with an important role for women in poverty alleviation in rural and poor urban environments.



"Money is not the key that opens the gates of the market but the bolt that bars them"


Gesell, Silvio The Natural Economic Order

Revised English edition, Peter Owen, London 1958, page 228



Edition 12: 02 November 2006





Partners : This project is executed by the Project Coordinator, who is independent of  (the applicant NGO) and acts as “government”, with a small team of specialists. The local populations participate fully in project execution for about 25% of the formal money value of the project.  The (applicant NGO) itself acts as “parliament” to monitor on-going project activities. It reports to the auditing commission (which may include donor and civil population representatives and which has wide investigative powers ) which in turn reports and to the independent auditor (name).


As a result of  (or notwithstanding) this innovative project structure, which is quite different from that used for traditional projects, the applicant NGO (does not have, has) partners jointly responsible for project execution within the meaning of “partnership” as it is used by (the international funding agency). The (applicant NGO) (will, will not) make use of executive services of other, local, NGO’s with specialisation in specific project activities and who (will, will not) support the Project Coordinator as “specialists”.  (In this role, the NGO’ s in question act as “associates” within the definition of this term used by most funding organisations.) (The associates are named in the project documentation and their tasks are defined. However, they do not share formal responsibility for project execution the way partners do.)





1. Description of the partners

This section must be completed for each partner organisation within the meaning of section (number) of the (funding agency’s) Guidelines for Applicants. You must make as many copies of this table as necessary to create entries for more partners.




Partner 1…..

Partner 2…..


Full legal name







Legal status



Official address



Contact person



Telephone number



Fax number






Number of employees



History of cooperation with the applicant



Experience of similar actions, in relation to the role in the implementation of the proposed action



Role and involvement in preparing the proposed action



Role and involvement in implementing the proposed action






1.      This application form must be accompanied by a signed and dated partnership statement from every partner, in accordance with the models provided on the next page.

2.      Partners who are also providing co-financing do have to sign and date the co-donor statement as well.

2. Partnership statement[1]


A partnership is a relationship of substance between two or more organisations involving shared responsibilities in undertaking the action funded by the (funding agency). To ensure that the action runs smoothly, the (funding agency) requires all partners (including the lead applicant that signs the contract) to acknowledge this by agreeing to the principles of good partnership practice set out below.


Principles of Good Partnership Practice


1.        All partners must have read the application form and understood what their role in the action will be before the application is submitted to the (funding agency).


2.        All partners must have read the standard grant contract or contribution agreement and understood what their respective obligations under the contract will be if the grant is awarded. They should authorise the lead applicant to sign the contract with the (funding agency) and represent them in all dealings with the (funding agency) in the context of the action's implementation.


3.        The applicant must consult regularly with its partners and keep them fully informed of the progress of the action.


4.        All partners must receive copies of the reports - narrative and financial - made to the (funding agency).


5.        Proposals for substantial changes to the action (e.g. activities, partners, etc.) should be agreed by the partners before being submitted to the (funding agency). Where no such agreement can be reached, the applicant must indicate this when submitting changes for approval to the (funding agency).


6.        Before the end of the action, the partners should agree on an equitable distribution of equipment, vehicles and supplies for the action purchased with the (funding agency) grant among local partners situated in the target countries. Copies of the transfer titles must be attached to the final report.


Statement of partnership


We have read and approved the contents of the proposal submitted to the (funding agency). We undertake to comply with the principles of good partnership practice.



Title of the Action



Name :








Date and place:






Co-donors : This project will be executed by the Project Coordinator, who is independent of  (the applicant NGO) and acts as “government”, with a small team of specialists. The local populations participate fully in project execution for about 25% of the formal money value of the project.  (The applicant NGO) itself acts as “parliament” to monitor on-going project activities. It reports to the auditing commission (which may include donor and civil population representatives and which has wide investigative powers ) which in turn reports and to the independent auditor (name).


As a result of this innovative project structure, which is quite different from that used for traditional projects, the people in the project area themselves self-finance about 25% of the project costs. This financial participation is not “in kind”. Nor is the work done by generous “volunteers”. The work carried out by the local populations is actually paid for by the populations under the local money systems set up in an early phase of the project. The local money credits earned by those carrying out the activities are debited to the population in the project area. For the purposes of expressing this contribution in formal money as a percentage of the project costs, the credits for services rendered for project execution have been converted into Euros at the conventional rate of (Euro 3) for each eight-hour working day. The rate of conversion, and therefore the percentage participation of the local populations, has been (will be) agreed between applicants and the funding (agency) agencies. A higher conversion rate will usually lead to a higher percentage contribution of the local populations.



3. Description of the co-donors



Co-donor 1…..


Full legal name







Legal status



Official address



Contact person



Telephone number



Fax number






History of cooperation with the applicant



Role and involvement in the proposed action





4. Co-donor statement[2]



Important notice: Partners who are also providing co-financing do have to sign this co-donor statement as well.



We have read and approved the contents of the proposal submitted to the (name of funding organisation). We confirm that we will co-finance the action with an amount of ….………………..€.


Tick as appropriate:


 This statement is already legally binding for our organisation.


 This statement is going to become legally binding for our organisation only after the decision of the……………………………. We acknowledge that such decision must occur at the latest within four months from the date of provisional acceptance by the (agency)of the proposal. The (funding agency) grant will be subject to this pre-condition. Should this pre-condition not be fulfilled, then the (funding agency’s provisional acceptance and the related award of grant will be null and void.




Title of the Action



Name :






Signature :


Date and place:



Forward: The question of ownership.

Back: institutional structures.

Complete index of the Model.

Main menu for the Model.

List of drawings and graphs.
Typical list of maps.
List of key words.
List of abbreviations used.
Documents for funding applications.


Homepage Bakens Verzet 

[1] To be provided by each partner in all cases where there is a partner in addition to the applicant.

[2] To be provided by each co-donor in all cases where there is a co-donor in addition to the applicant.