NGO Another Way (Stichting
Bakens Verzet), 1018 AM
Edition 01 : 11 December, 2010
built zeer pots for food conservation,
Zeer pots are
simple traditional conservation systems thought to have originated in
For a general introduction to
simple equipment for food conservation see E. Rusten, Understanding Evaporative
Cooling, Volunteers in Technical Assistance (VITA),
Technical Paper 35,
step by step description on how to make zeer pots see The Clay Refrigerator
on pp. 15-19 of Clay-based technologies,
Practical Action,
For a detailed parametric analysis of zeer pots see Appropedia : zeer pot refrigeration (design), which concludes :
device performs well only in climates possessing a low relative humidity. The
velocity of the wind and the area available for evaporation to occur on/through
are two primary factors that can addressed to improve the performance of the
pot-in-pot refrigerator.
“It has
been shown that increasing the radius of the outer pot from 0.25m to 0.45m,
almost doubles the total cooling effect. The adaptation of this however, is
restricted by the increase in cost associated with using more materials. It is
suggested that the strategy to make larger pot-in-pot refrigerators be employed
only if community members are willing and able to pool their resources to share
a device with superior performance.
“It is
unrealistic to assume that electricity is available to ensure that their is a
constant and adequate source of air flow. The device is dependent solely on
naturally occurring winds. To maximize air flow, it is recommended that Zeer
refrigerator be placed as high above the ground as possible. This can be
accomplished by building a simple frame to support the device, and placing them
on high ground or on top of buildings.
remains the potential for future analysis of this device. The development of a
detailed conduction model to analyse heat transfer and mass diffusion
mechanisms within the various layers would aid in identifying factors limiting
performance and how they can be addressed. Additionally, by experimentation, a
study could be performed to replace the permeability correction factor used in
this analysis with real diffusion rates of moisture through clay. “
Back to:
Some recommended technologies.
"Money is not the key that opens the gates of the market but the
bolt that bars them."
Gesell, Silvio, The Natural Economic Order, revised English edition,
Peter Owen,
“Poverty is created scarcity”
Wahu Kaara, point 8 of the Global Call to Action Against Poverty, 58th
annual NGO Conference, United Nations,
"In the end, it's about love for mankind. Freedom begins with love.
Our challenge is to learn to love the world"
Nigerian writer Ben Okri, interview in Ode Magazine, Dec 2002-Jan 2003,
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