NGO Another Way (Stichting Bakens Verzet), 1018 AM Amsterdam, Netherlands.


                                                                                    01. E-course : Diploma in Integrated Development (Dip. Int.Dev.)


Edition 01: 02 December, 2009



Tekstvak:         Quarter 3.










Study points : 05 points out of 18

Minimum study time : 125 hours out of 504


The study points are awarded upon passing the consolidated exam  for  Section C : The Model.



Sixth block : The Model.


Study points : 01 point out of 18

Minimum study time : 16 hours out of 504


The study points are awarded upon passing the consolidated exam  for  Section C : The Model.


Sixth block: The Model.


Section 1 :  Method.

Section 2:   Content.


Block 6 : Exam .


Sect. 1 : Method. (08 Hours)


Method part 3 : the order of sequence of the sections. (At least 2 hours)


The project index  (the «Model ») which forms integrated development projects is organised in eight groups of files plus a series of technical annexes. Together the documentation may amount to some 400 pages.


Each set of  information plays a specific role in  the organisation of the project documentation.


Files inside each group are often organised to create a logical sequence to the collection of the information.


Any documentation drafted following the Model must be seen as a living being. Where applicable, according to needs,  one of  his arms can be chopped  off ; he can be better fed, his stomach can be emptied, he can learn another language. New clothes can be put on him as he is being written, according to the ideas and wishes expressed by the populations. Subject always to agreements made with donors, the project documentation can be changed during the course of project execution  The project must be seen as living from day to day.


However, the principles the Model is based on are not negotiable.


The first group of files includes information of a general nature. Some of them will «grow » with progress made in the preparation of the documentation and during project execution.


The second group of files contains geographic and economic information relating  to the project.


The third group of files gives a description of the current situation in the project area. The most important of these is an accurate description of the everyday life of women.


The fourth group of files contains the goals and expected results of the project, the principles applied and explanations on some specific topics.. Most of these files are normative and should not require much adaptation.


The fifth group is the heart of the project. It contains a description of the individual structures to be created, and the critical order of sequence applied to them.

For complete information on the order of sequence for the creation of the planned structures refer to justification of the order of sequence for the creation of the structures in  Section 1 of the fourth block the structures to be created of the course.

The sixth group of files is about the phases of execution of project activities. They are called the research phase, the formation of structures, the practical start-up and execution of some activities, and follow-up and evaluation.

The seventh group comprises files on finance aspects. They are obviously important for donors and financing parties, for on-going audit of payments, and the justification for the payments. They are and remain administrative files, without any specific implication for the actual execution of the projects.

The eighth group collects files on social aspects considered important for integrated development projects. The files are useful for explaining to donors, politicians, and other interested parties how the projects resolve problems typical to some specific sectors under discussion world-wide.

The annexes contain technical information for use as references during the course of project execution.


1. Opinion.


On one page,  explain to the populations in your project area how it is that their integrated development project in reality is just an index of files.


2. Research.


The information in the various sections of the project index are of interest to different groups of persons. On one page, make a list of  the sections of the   project index. Next to them mark in the  target groups..


3. Opinion.


You are responsible for the drafting of the integrated development project for your chosen area. Set out on one page the order of sequence you would use for the preparation of your project documentation. How much time do you think you would need ? (Note : these need not call for an enormous effort ! ).


4. Opinion.


Once the method to be followed for the execution of a project has been identified, the preparation of the documentation for it is quite flexible. This flexibility may be considered and advantage and a disadvantage. On one page, explain why..


5. Opinion.


The preparation of project documentation is part of the  «first phase» of each project. It is without payment. Feasibility studies are not foreseen..[N.B. In some countries an initial environmental analysis may be needed before project approval and initial financing.] On one page explain why this approach is so innovative.


 Sixth block :  Section 1: Method. 

 Sixth block :  The Model.

Main index  for the Diploma in Integrated  Development  (Dip. Int. Dev.)

 List of key words.

 List of references.

  Course chart.

 Technical aspects.

 Courses available.

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"Money is not the key that opens the gates of the market but the bolt that bars them."

Gesell, Silvio, The Natural Economic Order, revised English edition, Peter Owen, London 1958, page 228.


“Poverty is created scarcity”

Wahu Kaara, point 8 of the Global Call to Action Against Poverty, 58th annual NGO Conference, United Nations, New York 7th September 2005.



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