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T.E.(Terry) Manning,

Schoener 50,

1771 ED Wieringerwerf,

The Netherlands.

Tel: 0031-227-604128

Homepage: http://www.flowman.nl

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(partnership applications invited)




"Money is not the key that opens the gates of the market but the bolt that bars them"


Gesell, Silvio The Natural Economic Order

Revised English edition, Peter Owen, London 1958, page 228



“Poverty is created scarcity”

Wahu Kaara, point 8 of the Global Call to Action Against Poverty, 58th annual NGO Conference, United Nations, New York 7th September 2005.

 (Edition 02 : 10th July, 2008)





Hygiene education structures : general notes.


297 Voluntary Community Health Clubs are set up within the project area. The members of each Health Club, which can include men, follow a course normally lasting at least six months. During the course, hygiene-related topics are discussed under the leadership of a specially trained Health Worker.


The Health clubs have two tasks:

The first is hygiene education itself tending to the improvement of health standards pending the installation of the drinking water and sanitation structures foreseen under the project.

The second is the formation of a socially acceptable platform enabling the population, and in particular women, to work together, which is basic to the success of the project. The health clubs constitute a forum for women, helping them to identify the requirements of the community and to fully participate in the planning and execution of successive phases.


The structures, rules and administrative aspects of the Health Clubs will be established during one or more Organisational Workshops, during which the Health workers will also receive due training.


For some indicative information on the courses, refer to BASIC COURSE FOR HEALTH CLUBS. This material is subject to adaptation according to the preferences expressed by the Workshop participants.


The Health Clubs will continue to meet regularly after the course has finished. Their role is fundamental to the project. They serve as a forum for identifying community needs, assisting with project planning and implementation, and developing the sense of unity and cooperation on which the success of the project depends.


A system will be set up to provide on-going inspection of the individual sanitation and water supply systems by local Health workers.

Water quality will be systematically monitored by a local clinic or hospital using testing equipment supplied under the project.


Hygiene education should become an integral part of the school curriculum at all levels in the 60 schools in the project area. The purpose of the courses is to reinforce the work done by the Health Clubs. The cooperation of trained personnel of the Ministry of Health is foreseen. This personnel will participate in the Health Club workshops during which the courses will actually be prepared and the Health Clubs organised. Teachers from the schools will also participate in the workshop and in the preparation of the material for the courses. The courses will be held during normal schools hours under the supervision of the teachers' commissions.


Where necessary, schools will be supplied with appropriate quality clean drinking water and proper sanitation systems under the project.

In some cases children from poorer families may not have access to the schooling system, especially where schooling is mostly funded by parents. This will put extra responsibility on the Health Clubs which will in such cases be called upon to cover hygiene education for the children not covered under the arrangements made with the schools.


Capacitation workshop for the health clubs.




The Health Clubs must form a socially acceptable platform to get users, and especially women, to work together as this is the base of the project. They will create a forum for women, so that they can identify the needs of the community and participate fully in the planning and execution of the structures to be set up.

Two Moraisian workshops will be held during which draft Health Clubs rules will be prepared and discussed with the local people so the community fully "owns" the project. The Health Clubs will be a socially acceptable method of getting people used to working together, the cornerstone for a successful project. Local Health Workers will be trained to lead Health Club discussions. Material for the Health Clubs and for hygiene education courses in schools will be adapted, preferably using local artists. Preference will be given to the use of traditional local art styles.


Indicative participation (both workshops together).


The Moraisian trainers.
A member of the project coordination team.
The general consultant.

The Africa AHEAD Consultant.
Representative of the NGO.

At least 5 observers (possible coordinators for future projects).
20 qualified instructors indicated by the Ministry of Health to guide the Health Club lessons.
297 female initiative takers at the level of the future Tank Commissions.


Duration of each workshop: about three weeks.

The Workshops will be expected to produce the following structures:


a) A system coordination structure for coordination:
- with the project coordination team 
- amongst the main project areas
- with the Health ministry
- amongst the Health Ministry trainers and the women locally responsible
- the statues and rules for the running of the clubs


b) A materials structure
- discussion with potential members of the Health Groups
- definition of the content of the courses according to local requirements
- adaptation of the material according to local customs (illustrations, languages etc)
- actual physical preparation of the course
- distribution of the material


c) A methodical structure
- how to use the material
- the role of the Health Ministry specialists
- the role of the local Health Club leaders
- practical exercises
- how to call meetings and lead the first lessons
- continuation of the Health Clubs after the termination of the courses


d) A communications structure
- vertical, at project level (coordinator, Health Clubs leaders, Health ministry teachers)
- horizontal, amongst local Health Club leaders, (future) radio programme


e) A structure at local Tank Commission level

- Payment of the local Health Club leader once the local money systems have been formed - Relationship between the local Health Club leader and the (future) Tank Commission - Relationship between the local Health Club leader and the Health ministry teacher responsible for the area - Discussion with persons (women) interested in the (future) local Tank Commission - Registration of Health Club members - Practical organisation of the lessons and later group meetings.


Capacitation workshop for hygiene education in the 60 schools.


One Moraisian workshop will be held during which Local Health Workers will be trained to lead hygiene education courses in the schools. Material for the courses in schools will be adapted, preferably using local artists. Preference will be given to the use of traditional art styles from the project area.

Subject to discussions by interested parties during the Moraisian workshops, the school hygiene education courses will be expected to include coverage of menstrual hygiene and management for both girls and boys. Coverage of HIV/AIDS and family planning issues is also recommended. 


Indicative participation :

The Moraisian trainers.
A member of project coordination team

The general consultant.

The (Africa AHEAD) Consultant.
Representative of the ONG.
Representative of the Health Ministry.
Representative of the Education Ministry.
At least 5 observers (possible coordinators for future projects).
20 qualified instructors indicated by the Ministry of Health to guide the lessons.
60 teachers from the schools.

Duration of the workshop: about three weeks.


The Workshops will be expected to produce the following structures:


a) A system coordination structure for coordination:
- with the project coordination team 
- with the Health ministry
- with the Education ministry
- amongst the Health Ministry trainers and the teachers' commissions


b) A materials structure
- discussion of course content according to the different levels of the pupils
- definition of the content of the courses according to age groups (illustrations, language etc)
- adaptation of the material according to local customs (illustrations, languages etc)
- actual physical preparation of the course
- distribution of the material


c) A methodical structure
- how to use the material
- the role of the Health Ministry specialists
- the role of the teachers
- planning the courses
- continuity


d) A communications structure
- vertical, at project level (project coordination team , Health ministry specialists, teachers' commissions)
- horizontal, amongst the teachers' commissions and the families, (future) radio programme


e) Formalities - Payment (in LETS) of the Health ministry specialists - Payment (in LETS) for the teachers involved


Next file :


05.14 Creation of the tank commissions.


Back to:


05.10 Initial environmental study.



Complete project index.



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