Schoener 50,
1771 ED
The Netherlands.
(nameatendofline) : bakensverzet
"Money is not
the key that opens the gates of the market but the bolt that bars them"
Gesell, Silvio The
Natural Economic Order
Revised English
edition, Peter Owen,
“Poverty is created scarcity”
Wahu Kaara, point 8 of the Global Call to Action Against Poverty, 58th
annual NGO Conference, United Nations,
Funding parties and donors
usually request that applicants for the financing of projects complete a “table
of indicators” with a view to obtaining a quick overview of certain main
project features.
Table of indicators for
drinking water supply and sanitation |
/ Cost indications / Technical Information / Financial Contribution |
of community |
of drinking water installation |
name and country |
Rural |
Yes |
X |
No |
Hand pumps |
Yes |
x |
No |
New Horizons for Kiogoro |
Small town |
Yes |
No |
x |
Small self-standing systems |
Yes |
x |
No |
Urban |
Yes |
No |
x |
Urban distribution networks |
Yes |
No |
x |
Population |
Cost indications |
Information |
Contributions |
A1 |
B1 |
C1 |
D1 |
E1 |
Number of beneficiaries with access to clean drinking water : 80.000, being the entire population in the project area. |
Formal money content for the improvement of access to clean dinking
water in the project area: Euro 2.518.490, being about
31.48 % of the total project costs of Euro 8.000.000. The contribution of
(financing parties) amounts to about Euro 2.286.790, being about 38,11% of
the total formal money contribution of Euro 6.000.000 requested. Since the
project is truly integrated following new concepts, these amounts are
indicative. The preparation of some water sources, the channelling of
feed-pipes, and the production of water tanks and supplementary structures for rain-water harvesting in
each of the 8,000 extended family homes are carried out by the inhabitants
under the framework of the local financial structures set up during
capacitation workshops which themselves are an integral part of the project. |
Number of persons served per unit of distributions (hand-pumps, water
points,…) 198 hand pumps being 66
triple back-up groups placed near 66 boreholes: 80.000; Photovoltaic systems for distributed
drinking water: 80.000; 297
People served by bore-holes
and drinking water sources for personal use
80.000; people served by 66 washing
places : 80.000; people served by rain-water
harvesting structures : 80.000 |
Contribution by way of co-financing
by the NGO responsible : Phase 1 : The drafting of the project and leading negotiations for the formation
of the applicant partnership |
Co-financing contribution by
partners : Not yet availablee |
A2 |
B2 |
C2 |
D2 |
E2 |
Number of beneficiaries
with access to sanitation facilities:
80.000, being the entire population in the project area. Sanitation structures are also installed in
schools, public places, and where necessary in clinics in the project area. |
Formal money content for the improvement of access to sanitation is
Euro 57.000, being 0,7 % of the project total
of Euro 8.000.000. If the cost of the three gypsum composites manufacturing units is
included, then the total cost for access to sanitation is Euro 281.250 or
about 3,5% of total project costs. Since the project is truly integrated according to new development
concepts this amount is indicative. Local production of tanks and
eco-sanitation systems for each of the 8.000 extended families and their
installation and maintenance are executed by the inhabitants themselves under
the framework of the local financial structures set up during capacitation
workshops which themselves are an integrated part of the project. |
Average daily distributed drinking water consumption per head of
population is |
Cash contribution by the beneficiaries : Euro 2.000.000 being 25% of
the total project cost of Euro 8.000.000. Most of the works are executed by
the beneficiaries themselves within the framework of the social, financial,
and productive local structures set up as an integrated part of the project.
The project gives permanent work to about 6.000 people, who contribute about 5.333.000 hours of work fully documented and registered work for the
execution of the project. This work is formally converted into Euro at the rate of Euro 3 per eight-hour working day. The work
is effectively paid by the populations within the framework of the local
money systems set up. |
Contribution in kind made by
beneficiaries : not applicable |
A3 |
B3 |
C3 |
D3 |
E3 |
Number of beneficiaries with access to hygiene education: 80.000, being all of the inhabitants in
the project area.. In practice, the direct participation of 18.000 women in
the 297 Health Clubs set up, and that of all school-going pupils through the
institution of on-going hygiene education courses in the schools. While men are welcome to participate in the activities of the health
clubs, relatively little interest is expected during the first few
years. |
The amount of formal money invested for hygiene education in the
project area is Euro 284.000, being 4,7 % of the total external seed
funding of Euro 6.000.000. Since the
project is effectively truly integrated, this is an indicative figure. The costs of operating the permanent hygiene education structures set
up are borne by the inhabitants themselves within the framework of the local
financial structures set up during capacitation workshops which are
themselves an integral part of the project activities. |
Total hourly capacity of clean
drinking water expressed in cubic metres per hour supplied through the decentralised
solar water distribution structures is expected to be about 89m3/hour (being
2140m3/day/24 hours). A similar quantity of water is available through the
back-up hand pump structures installed. An average of 50m3/hour of rain
water will also be harvested for personal uses. Harvested rain-water is not,
however considered potable. |
Cofinancing by other donors : not applicable. |
Bank loans or other debts : none |
A4 |
B4 |
C4 |
D4 |
E4 |
Average family annual income of the project beneficiaries is said to
be Euro 935 per year per extended family of 10 members. The project area is considered to be one of the poorest in |
Other formal money costs are about Euro 3.300.000, being about 41 % of
the total project costs of Euro 8.000.000. The figure is indicative. It
includes the costs for the formation and management of social, financial, and
productive structures set up; 297 photovoltaic lighting structures for study purposes; structures
for the re-cycling of waste; high-efficiency cookers and mini-briquettes for
the cookers. |
Total annual operation and maintenance costs for the project
structures : Most operation and maintenance activities take place under the local
financial structures set up. The formal money content of these costs is expected to be about Euro 110.000; this is expected to amount to
about 23.5% of the annual formal money contributions (about Euro
466.000) paid by the beneficiaries
into their Cooperative Local Development Fund in the first three years of
operation, and 18% of annual formal money contributions (about Euro 610.000) during the next
following period of seven years. |
Formal money co-finance by (donor) is about Euro 6.000.000 being about 75% of the total project
cost of Euro 8.000.000 |
A5 |
B5 |
C5 |
D5 |
E5 |
Willingness of beneficiaries to pay for their water supply Expressed in (€/m³) : The monthly contributions made by users to dot
refer just to drinking water supply but to the entire range of services at the
disposal of the inhabitants. This contribution amounts to Euro 0,60 per habitant per month, or Euro
6 for each extended family of 10
persons during the first three years, and Euro 7,50 per month for each
extended family of ten persons for the next following period of seven years .
This contribution is subject to compensation through savings made on
present-day outgo in various sectors. For what the indication may be worth,
the entire monthly contribution applied to just the solar powered distributed
drinking water part of the services provided would yield a cost of Euro 0,14 per m3 of drinking water.
Self-financed replacement of capital goods after 20 years is included in this
figure. |
Total cost of the project : Euro 8.000.000 including monetisation of
5.333.000 hours of work carried out under the local money systems set up.
This work has been converted into Euro at a nominal rate of Euro 3 per
eight-hour working day, for a total of Euro 2.000.000. This is true
co-financing by the local populations, who effectively pay for the local
money transactions within the framework of the local money systems set up as
integral part of the project. |
Number of complete eco-sanitary
systems built and installed as part of the project : 8.000 systems. 1000 are expected to be installed during the first two years’
executive period of the project; the rest during the following four years. |
(specify) |
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