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1771 ED Wieringerwerf,
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innovative social, financial, economic, local administrative and productive
structures, numerous renewable energy applications, with an important role for
women in poverty alleviation in rural and poor urban environments.
"Money is not
the key that opens the gates of the market but the bolt that bars them"
Gesell, Silvio The
Natural Economic Order
Revised English
edition, Peter Owen, London 1958, page 228
Edition 1:
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate
(For meeting of the CDM Executive Board on Monday, December 11th, 2006)
CDM Executive Board EB 28
Proposed Agenda - Annotations
Annex 3
Draft guidance on registration of project activities
under a programme of activities as a single CDM project activity
Version 01
In accordance with the comments by the Board at its
twenty seventh meeting, this guidance, in order to better understand the
issues, interdependencies and approaches, limits the programme of activities (P
of A) to one non-renewable crediting period and the application of one approved
methodology (non-A/R, A/R, SSC) with one technology resulting in one baseline
scenario. It does however allow for the addition of project activities
otherwise known as programme activities at any time after registration of the P
of A, provided it can be demonstrated that they fulfill certain conditions,
which are fixed at the time of registration of the P of A. The P of A can also
extend across national boundaries and each programme activity may have a
different (renewable or nonrenewable) crediting period, however not extending
beyond the crediting period of P of A. These characteristics differentiate a P
of A fundamentally from a bundle of CDM project activities.
Acronyms and Terms
(a) P of A - programme of activities registered as a
single CDM project activity
(b) Program activity - a project activity under a programme of activities
Project activities under a programme of activities
1. A programme of activities
(P of A) is a voluntary coordinated action by a coordination or management
entity, which implements a national policy/measure or stated goal, which leads
to GHG emission reductions or increase net greenhouse gas removals by sinks
that are additional to any that would occur in the absence of the P of A, via
an unlimited number of programme activities;
2. The physical boundary of
a P of A may extend to more than one country provided that each participating
non-annex I host Party provides confirmation that the P of A, and thereby all
programme activities, assists it in achieving sustainable development;
3. A P of A shall comply
with all current guidance by the Board concerning the treatment of national
and/or sectoral policies and regulations. P of A addressing mandatory national
and/or sectoral policies and regulations are permissible provided it is
demonstrated that theses policies/regulations are not enforced as envisaged. If
they are enforced, the effect of the P of A is to increase the enforcement
beyond the mandatory level required;
4. A P of A shall be
proposed by any coordinator or managing entity, which can be a government or
government agency, which shall be identified in the modalities of communication
as the entity which communicates with the Board. Project participants of the P
of A shall make arrangements with the coordinator or managing entity, relating
to communications and distribution of CERs;
5. The P of A seeking registration, which is similar to that which is
described under a registered CDM project activity, shall:
a) demonstrate that it is not part of a proposed or registered CDM
project activity, and;
b) identify measures that ensure that all proposed programme activities under
the P of A are not registered separately as single CDM project activities or
contribute to CERs attributed to a proposed or registered CDM project activity;
6. A P of A shall apply one
approved baseline and monitoring methodology, involving one baseline scenario
and one type of technology or measure applicable to all programme activities;
7. The P of A shall
demonstrate that net reductions (removals) in anthropogenic emissions for each
programme activity under the P of A are real and measurable, are an accurate
reflection of what has occurred within the project boundary, and are uniquely
attributable to the P of A. The P of A shall therefore provide, at
registration, information which is to be provided for each programme activity
to ensure that leakage, additionality, establishment of the baseline, baseline
emissions, eligibility and double counting are unambiguously defined for each
programme activity within the P of A ;
8. Each programme activity
shall be uniquely identified, defined and localized in an unambiguous manner
including the exact start and end date of the crediting period, by providing,
at the stage that it is added to the registered P of A, information which is
determined to that end in the registered P of A.1
9. The duration of the P of
A is fixed to one renewable crediting period of up to 21 years. Any programme
activity can be added to the P of A at the time of verification and can either
opt for a renewable or non-renewable crediting period, but its duration shall be
limited to the crediting period of the P of A;
10. The emission reductions
of each programme activities shall be monitored as per the registered
monitoring plan described in the methodology of the registered P of A. For a P
of A with an excess of # (e.g. 20) programme activities, statistical sampling
may be used for verification of the monitored information so long as these
methods are statistically sound (i.e. the samples for the identification of the
operation and the verification of the emissions are to be mutually exclusive)
and can be verified by the DOE to ensure a 99% confidence interval. 1 The Eb
may wish to consider the need for a minimum number of programme activities to
be registered at the time of registration of the P of A which are sufficient to
demonstrate the application of the baseline scenario and technology type, e.g.
two, described in the methodology of the P of A.
Modalities for the project
cycle of a P of A as single CDM project activity Design
11. The design document for
a P of A shall contain the following information in addition to or over and
above that required in the PDD for a non P of A:
a) The objective and design
of the P of A describing explicitly the link between the P of A and all
programme activities that form the P of A. This shall include the
identification of the coordinating and/or managing entity and its link to the
project participants of the respective programme activities, including a record
management system for information and data relating to all programme
b) Description of a
programme activity that can be included in the P of A covering the technology
or measure to be used in applying an approved baseline and monitoring
methodology, the eligibility criteria for its inclusion as a programme activity
under a P of A, and the information (e.g. variables, parameters or
measurements) that is to be provided for each programme activity when added to
the P of A to ensure, inter alia, additionality;
c) Definition of a boundary
for the P of A in terms of a geographical area (e.g., municipality, region
within a country, country or several countries,) within which all the programme
activities that form the P of A will be implemented , taking into consideration
the requirement to use a baseline applicable for all programme activities and
that all applicable national and/or sectoral policies and regulations are
similar within that chosen boundary;
d) Definition of the project
boundary for the programme activity as per the approved baseline and monitoring
methodology applicable to the P of A, such that no programme activity boundary
can extend beyond that of the P of A;
e) A definition of the
baseline scenario applicable to all programme activities including a
justification of why the identified baseline scenario is the same for all
programme activities under the P of A in particular if there are difference in
circumstances and policies/regulations in sub-regions within the project boundary
of P of A;
f) Adequate information for
proving additionality in a two tiered approach, for the P of A and for the
programme activities under the P of A:
a) The coordinating and/or managing entity shall demonstrate the additionality
of the P of A by showing that in the absence of the CDM the P of A an existing
mandatory law/regulation/standard would not have been enforced with the same or
more important impact in terms of GHG emission reductions or removals, or that
the P of A will lead to a greater level of enforcement of the existing
mandatory law/regulation/standard;
b) The coordinating and/or managing entity shall demonstrate the additionality
of the programme activities as described in the approved baseline and
monitoring methodology, by identifying information (e.g. via variables,
parameters or measurements) that will unambiguously demonstrate additionality
for each programme activity added to the P of A, which shall be measured and
reported for each programme activity.
12. The forecast at registration
of the P of A of the baseline emission, project emission and emissions
reduction for a typical programme activity.
13. The monitoring plan
shall included a three tiered approach:
a) Tier I: a management
system for recording information for each programme activity implemented under
the P of A.
b) Tier 2: a sampling
procedure to be used to verify stochastically the emissions reduction at
verification. Two separate representative and statistically significant samples
shall be used: one for assessing the number of operational and performing
programme activities and one for estimating emission reductions for each of the
programme activities.
c) Tier 3: data and
variables to be monitored by each programme activity are to be described in the
registered monitoring plan and be in accordance with in the approved baseline
and monitoring methodology applied.
14. Comments by local
stakeholders have been invited, a summary of the comments received has been
provided, and a report to the designated operational entity on how due account
was taken of any comments received. The consultation should involve, directly
or indirectly, all stakeholders that will be impacted by the P of A.
15. The design document
which is to be provided for each programme activity under a P of A when it is
added to the P of A shall contain the following information:
a) Exact name and location
of the programme activity, its participants and exact start date and end date
of the programme activity;
b) Demonstration of
eligibility of the programme activity to participate in the P of A and its
additionality by providing the information as determined in the registered
design document of the P of A;
c) Contract with the
coordinating and/or managing entity signed by the two parties; Validation
16. Validation of the P of A
shall be made by a DOE as follows:
a) Make the design document
publicly available for 30 days
b) Cover in addition to the
requirements in M&P for the validation of CDM project activities in
particular the following requirements:
?? Validate the management
system of the coordinating and or managing entity for record management for
each programme activity;
?? Validate the eligibility
criteria and information requirements for an programme activity of the proposed
P of A;
?? The documentation
provided to demonstrate that using the baseline scenario for all possible
locations in the project boundary of the P of A is the same for each
programme activity;
17. Validation of a
programme activity:
a) The DOE will not make
public each activity, as the information and conditions for a programme
activity to qualify are described in the design document of the P of A.
b) All programme activities
have to be validated by a DOE prior to requesting their being added to a
registered P of A in the context of requesting registration and/or issuance.
18. Monitoring of the P of A
is undertaken through the monitoring of each registered program activity.
19. Each programme activity
has to monitor its activities in accordance with the registered monitoring plan
for the programme activity under the P of A and keep record of all data till
the last verification has taken place. The record can be kept by the
coordinating/managing entity.
20. The coordinator/manager
entity of the P of A shall submit the monitored information to the DOE
contracted for verification. All the monitoring reports submitted shall be made
publicly available.
21. As a result of verification
of a P of A two actions may occur:
a) Request for issuance of
verified CERs
b) Addition of programme
22. Verification of the P of
a) Verification of all
monitoring reports of all the programme activities which are operational and have
submitted to the coordinator/manager of the P of A a report.
b) On site verification
[may][shall not] occur on a statistically sound sampling method.3
2 The Board may wish to note
that this aspects needs further thinking in terms of how this happens. The
secretariat will work further on this aspect and provide an update at the
meeting of the Baord.
Certification and Issuance
23. The DOE shall only certify
emission reduction for programme activities that submitted a monitoring report
to the EB for a monitoring period through the coordinating/managing entity.
24. No different provisions
apply. CDM registry
25. The request for
distribution shall be forwarded by the coordinating/managing entity in
accordance with the modalities of communication for the P of A. The same
provisions for opening of accounts and forwarding are applicable.
The Board may wish to note
that this aspects needs further thinking. The secretariat will work further on
this aspect and provide an update at the meeting of the Baord.
Typical list of graphs and drawings.
List of abbreviations used.
List of key words.
Documents for funding