NGO Another Way (Stichting Bakens Verzet), 1018 AM Amsterdam, Netherlands.


01. E-course : Diploma in Integrated Development  (Dip. Int. Dev.)


Edition 01: 19 November, 2009

Tekstvak:          Quarter 2.










Value: 06 points out of 18 .

Expected work load: 186 hours out of 504.


The points are finally awarded only on passing the consolidated exam for Section B : Solutions to the Problems.



Fourth block: The structures to be created.


Value : 03 points out of 18

Expected work load: 96 hours out of 504


The points are finally awarded only on passing the consolidated exam for Section B : Solutions to the Problems.



Fourth block: The structures to be created.


Section 4: Productive structures. [12 hours].


10.00 hours : Productive structures

02.00 hours : Preparation report.



Section 4: Productive structures. [12 hours].


10.00 hours : Productive structures


1. Units for the production articles from gypsum-based composites. [2 hours]

2. Units for the production  of mini-briquettes. [2 hours]

3. Bio-mass production. [2 hours]

4. Installation and maintenance cooperatives. [2 hours]

5. Other productive structures.  [2 hours]


02.00 hours : Preparation report.



Section 4: Productive structures. [12 hours].


10.00 hours :


2. Units for the production  of mini-briquettes. [ At least 2 hours]


Mini-briquettes : the problem.


The local production of mini-briquettes for cooking purposes, local bio-mass and waste products can be recycled and the destruction of local forests and environments avoided.  It is an truly ecological structure producing huge economic savings for the benefit of the populations.


Mini-briquette production will take place at well commission level. This means +/-  35 - 45 production units will be set up in each project area.


It is expected that with the introduction of improved cooking stoves  made by the local gypsum composites production facilities, each will need about 3,5 kg of fuel per day. Suppose that each well commission serves 6 -7 tank commissions, or 300-350 families.


Each cooperative production unit will provide work for 4-6 persons, excluding delivery of materials at the  production units and delivery of  the mini-briquettes to the families. The (cooperative) initiative can therefore provide occupations for 200-300 people  in each project area.


A daily production of 750-1000 kg mini-briquettes, or 3000-4000 briquettes weighing 250gr each is required at each well commission level. This means 500 briquettes an hour, which over  an 8 hour working day, means a total of 125kg per hour for each production unit.


With 6 x 10 minute working cycles per hour, the manual presses used should have an average hourly capacity of 80-100 briquettes .


Two lines of  presses in parallel would each produce 40-50 briquettes for 10-12,5 kg  for each cycle of  10 minutes.  With 6 cycles an hour, that would be 60-75 kg per hour per line, or  120-150kg per hour for the two lines together.


The phases of the cycle (for each of the two lines of presses) include:


Stocking of materials.

Mixing materials.

Loading presses.

Pressing the mini-briquettes.

Unloading the presses.

Stocking the mini-briquettes.


The total period between the collection of the basic materials and the distribution of the mini-briquettes to the homes should not exceed  7 days.


Materials available for use include:


Agricultural waste supplied by 12-20 farmers serving each production unit (at well commission level).

Agricultural products cultivated by the same farmers.

Used oils and fats.

Other non-organic waste products.

Organic binding means

Non-organic binding means.

Water– salt according to the requirements of the mix.

Local clay.


The mini-briquettes are produced and distributed entirely under the lcoal money systems set up.


Several types of briquettes can be produced according to the cooking system used by the families.


Read  Simple techniques for basic bio-fuels, by Janczak J., written for the F.A.O. for the United Nations Conference  on new and renewable energy sources held in Nairobi, August 1981, F.A.O. Document Archives.

Mini-briquettes can be used with any type of stove, and in particular for the high-efficiency stoves to be made by the gypsum composite production units

Since oil-producing plants will be used for bio-mass production, the mini-briquette production units will also press and filter seeds and fruits to make pure plant oil for small-scale electricity generation and for use with adapted Diesel motors.




Usually just one Moraisian workshop will be held in a given project area.

Indicative participation.

The Moraisian trainers.
The project coordinator.
Consultant to project coordinator.
Consultant gypsum composites.
At least one representative of the ONG.
Representative of the Health Ministry.
Representative of the Rural Development ministry.
At least 5 observers (possible coordinators for future projects).
50 persons indicated by the tank commissions interested in the production of mini-briquettes.
200 persons indicated by the tank commissions, interested in producing bio-masse for the mini-briquettes.

Duration of the workshop: about four weeks.

The Workshop will be expected to produce the following structures:


a) A coordination structure.
- definition of the social form.
- statutes.
- rules.
- professional and administrative structures.
- financial aspects including payments.
- relations with the local money LETS systems.

b) Analysis of requirements.
- detailed analysis of the present systems.
- demand in the project area.
- demand outside the project area.

c) Analysis of the bio-masse resources available.

d) Definition of the recipes (mixtures) socially acceptable.

e) Creation of the physical structures for briquette production.

f) Logistics.
- Assembly and stocking of materials.
- distribution of mini-briquettes.

g) Organisation of the cultivation of bio-mass.

h) Commercial.
- Availability of micro-credits for growers.
- Availability of micro-credits for briquette makers.
- Prices for briquette distribution according to the various mixtures.


Analysis of costs and benefits.


(See also : 1. Units for the production of articles based on gypsum composites)  of this section of the course..


Elimination of the search for wood for cooking. Supposing  60% of families(being 60% of 10.000, or  6.000)  x  4 hours’ search for wood a week (being 40% of a 10 hours working day) x  daily revenue Euro 3, that is,  Euro 1,20 per week x 6.000 women= Euro 7200 a week, or Euro 374.400 per project per year.   


Reduction  of the costs of purchasing  firewood or equivalent for cooking purposes : 40% of families (being 40% of 10.000 families or 4.000 families). In larger centres, a 5 person family consumes wood (or equivalent) for a value of about 500 FCFA   ( +/- € 0,75)  per day. Assuming a reduction by  65% through the use of high-efficiency stoves, CFA 325 (being  Euro 0,50) per family per day. 4000 families x Euro 0,50 x  365 = Euro 730.000.


Automatic reforestation 6.5kg (savings in wood for cooking) per day x 10.000 families x 365 = 23725 tons per year @ at standing value for pulp timber Euro 7.5 per ton = Euro 178.000 per year


Carbon reduction certificates under the Kyoto agreement. There is a market for some 20.000 to 30.000 high efficiency stoves in each project area. Supposing wood savings at 6.5kg of wood or equivalent per day, with 10.000 families, 65 tons of wood is saved each day. This converts into  CO2 as 18705 tons of CO2 savings per year. Supposing a market value of just Euro 13,50 a ton, the amount of credit available (the amount at the moment of writing) would be +/- Euro 252.500 annually.


The creation of units for the production of articles from gypsum composites offers an example of  how the social and financial structures already in place are used for the construction of new structures.




The costs for the mini-briquette production units ( budget items 60801-60806) are, for each project area,  just € 88,300, plus the €80.,000 in item 70221 to cover the cost of purchase of manual  presses. This is  € 4.808 for each well commission area..


1. Research.


The local manual production of mini-briquette for stoves in developing  countries has important economic and ecological advantages and produces hundreds of occupations in each individual project area. Make a one- page report on the production of mini-briquettes in your project area. Where applicable, in your country.


2 .Opinion.


To avoid stocking large quantities of materials (ingredients) a flux of bio-mass for the briquettes has to be guaranteed throughout the year. Systematic recycling of some waste products (for example used oils) is also involved. On one page explain how tou would organise this in your chosen area.


3. Opinion.


On one page make a schematic drawing for the delivery of the briquettes at well commission level. Assuming each family uses an average quantity of mini-briquettes each day, how would you organise their distribution ? How would you organise the payments for the small deliveries in question under  3. Local money systems - introduction and  4. Local money systems : in depth analysis  of  Section 3: The financial structures of this block 4 ?


4. Opinion.


You are a woman. You are served by one of the tank commissions in your well commission area. The well commission has appealed to persons interested in participating in the workshop for mini-briquette production cooperatives. You have made a plan together with a representative for each of the other tank commissions reporting to the well commission. On a maximum of two pages (but one page is enough) you present your proposal to the well commission. You describe the requirements for the production and distribution of the mini-briquettes, how your group is particularly representative of the area, where you would want to set up your production unit, why you have chosen that site, youre analysis of the production process, and the financial aspects.


 Fourth block :  Section 4: Productive structures.

 Fourth  block : The structures to be created.

Main index  for the Diploma in Integrated  Development  (Dip. Int. Dev.)

 List of key words.

 List of references.

 Course chart.

 Technical aspects.

 Courses available.

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"Money is not the key that opens the gates of the market but the bolt that bars them."

Gesell, Silvio, The Natural Economic Order, revised English edition, Peter Owen, London 1958, page 228.


“Poverty is created scarcity”

Wahu Kaara, point 8 of the Global Call to Action Against Poverty, 58th annual NGO Conference, United Nations, New York 7th September 2005.



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