NGO Another Way (Stichting Bakens Verzet), 1018 AM Amsterdam, Netherlands.


01. E-course : Diploma in Integrated Development (Dip. Int. Dev)


Edition 01: 28 November, 2009.

Edition 02 : 20 November, 2011.


Quarter 2.






Study points : 06 points out of 18.

Minimum study time : 186 hours out of 504


The points are awarded only on passing the consolidated exam for  Section B :  Solutions to the Problems.



Fifth block : How the third block structures solve specific problems.


Study points : 02 points out of 18

Minimum study time : 54 hours out of 504


The points are awarded only on passing the consolidated exam for  Section B :  Solutions to the Problems.



Fifth block : How the third block structures solve specific problems.



Section 2: Capacity building. [5 hours]


02.00 Hours analysis of Model material.

02.00 Hours in-depth analysis.

01.00 Report



Section 2: Capacity building. [5 hours]


In-depth analysis. (At least  02.00 Hours.)


Commonhood is the self-organizing and rule-guided practice of a community to preserve, make, manage or use a resource through collaboration…… Common trusts do not own property. Trusts involve the participation of users and producers/providers in the preservation, production or use of a resource. They hold and manage this resource as a common property for existing and future generations. ” (Quilligan, J.B., The failed Metaphysics Behind Private Property : Sharing our Commonhood,  (Access for members only), Kosmos, Spring/summer 2011, p. 58 , Kosmos Associates, Lenox, 2011.)


“In such a system, each major resource would be represented by a commons trust. The trust would place a cap on the resource according to its sustainable limits, leaving some portion of the resource available for use.” (Quilligan, J.B., idem, p. 59).


“Learning how to organize, especially how to organize autonomously as a means of becoming enabled to face up to the challenges of life, means coming into possession of the main strategic instruments for participation.” (Sobrado M.,  Local OW’s  to National Employment-generation, A Future for the Excluded,  ed. Carmen. R. And Sobrado M.,  Zed Books, London, 2000 p. 214). .


!. Opinion.


On one page, link Sobrado’s observation to a trade apprentice in the middle ages and to a secondary school student today in your project area.


2. Opinion.


Explain on one page why  the ability to self-organise is so important to  participation.


All structures created during the course of execution of integrated development projects  require the full participation of the inhabitants. This means the inhabitants have to learn to organise themselves.


In Moraisian workshops in section 1. Justification of the order of sequence of the creation of structures

 part of the fourth block: The structures to be created   of course an analysis was made of the concept «it is the subject of the course that is the teacher”.


3. Opinion.


Explain on one page how you think this goal can be reached during the Moraisian workshops planned for integrated development projects.


4. Research.


On one page, make a list of the structures provided under the Model which are to be created during Moraisian workshops. Next to each workshop indicate the number of participants planned.  Add the  participants in all of the workshops up  What are your conclusions ?


Here is part of a report on a Moraisian  held in a refugee camp in Mozambique. There were 750 participants speaking 19  different languages. Just 3% of them spoke some Portuguese. 90% of them were illiterate.


«Each group elected its representatives, with the general assembly appointing the committee in charge of overseeing the entire enterprise. The leadership learned  how to manage the rationing and measurement of food, and each branch did receive its share according to membership. Food distribution was now firmly in the hands of the refugees themselves. But problems with the grinding of the maize, combined with the lack of sufficient cooking-pots, delayed the cooking activities sufficiently to jeopardise the whole experiment : as late as five o’clock, after the end of the capacitation courses and after the instructors and soldiers had left, hundreds were still waiting for their meal. Food distribution was not only slow and frustrating, but some managed to grab double or triple rations, while the poorest women, who had contributed large piles of firewood, received nothing at all. Proceedings deteriorated further, and, amid loud shouting, ended in a general free-for-all. The women refused to contribute any more firewood, and with men carrying axes slung over their shoulders trying to re-establish order, things had started to look ominous, An old man eventually managed to calm down the infuriated women and persuade them to talk it over.


«The crowd had now started gathering around the OW [Organisational Workshop] directors. « We are very disappointed in you », we said. «If you are, as you demonstrate, unable to organize yourselves, you do not deserve any help. Tomorrow we will see what measures you have taken to take control of the situation and see whether you decide to stop carrying on in this way. » Peace was restored and the crowd dispersed quietly. Next morning the enterprise discussed the events of the previous day. A lecture on «bad habit »  arising from individualized  patterns of work could not have come at a more opportune moment » .  (Labra Isabel, Labra Ivan, Doing Enterprises in Wartime and Post-war Mozambique,  A Future for the Excluded,  ed. Carmen. R. And Sobrado M.,  Zed Books, London, 2008 pp. 97-98 )


5. Opinion.


Make a one page of the reaction of the course leaders :. « We are very disappointed in you », we said. «If you are, as you demonstrate, unable to organize yourselves, you do not deserve any help. Tomorrow we will see what measures you have taken to take control of the situation and see whether you decide to stop carrying on in this way. »  


 Fifth block :  Section 2: Capacity building. 

 Fifth block :  How fourth block structures solve specific problems.

Main index for the Diploma in Integrated Development (Dip.Int. Dev)

 List of key words.

 List of references.

  Course chart.

 Technical aspects.