NGO Another Way (Stichting Bakens Verzet), 1018 AM Amsterdam, Netherlands.


Edition 01: 10 November, 2009


01. E-course : Diploma in Integrated Development  (Dip. Int. Dev.)


   Quarter 2.





Value: 06 points out of 18 .

Expected work load: 186 hours out of 504.


The points are finally awarded only on passing the consolidated exam for Section B : Solutions to the Problems.



Fourth block: The structures to be created.


Value : 03 points out of 18

Expected work load: 96 hours out of 504


The points are finally awarded only on passing the consolidated exam for Section B : Solutions to the Problems.



Fourth block: The structures to be created.


Section 1. Justification of the order of sequence for the creation of the structures. [16 hours]


14.00 hours:  Justification of the order of sequence for the creation of the structures.

02.00 hours : Preparation report.



Section 1. Justification of the order of sequence for the creation of the structures. [16 hours]


14.00 hours:  Justification of the order of sequence for the creation of the structures.


1. Nesting and subsidiarity.

2. Moraisian workshops.

3. The first phase of execution.

4. The second phase of execution.

5. The third phase of execution.

6. Chart showing the execution structures.

7. Activity plan.



02.00 hours : Preparation report.



14.00 hours:  Justification of the order of sequence for the creation of the structures.


2. Moraisian workshops. (At least 2 hours).


The following activities (amongst others) are set up in the course of Moraisian workshops :

01.The hygiene education system.

02. The tank commissions.

03. The local money systems.

04..The Cooperative Development Fund and the management of interest-free micro-credits.

05. The units for the production of items made from gypsum composites.

06. The installation and maintenance of the drinking water supply system.

07. The installation and maintenance of the sanitation structures.

08. The introduction of high-efficiency cooking stoves and solar stoves.

09. The structures for the production of  fuel (bio-mass) for the stoves.

10. The system for the collection and recycling of waste.

11. The systems for rainwater harvesting and drainage.

12. Structures for the installation and maintenance of solar home systems.

13. Structure for the installation, operations and maintenance of the radio station.

14. Cooperative structures for the storage and export of local products and (balanced) importation of products from outside the project area.

15. Cooperative network of agricultural consultants.


Annexes  09.11 INFORMATION ON ORGANISATION WORKSHOPS et  09.12 BIBLIOGRAPHY ON ORGANISATIONAL WORKSHOPS accompanying the Model contain information on the work of the Brazilian sociologist Clodomir Santos de Morais.


Your general reference is : A Future for the Excluded, ed. Carmen.R. et Sobrado M, Zed Books, London, 2000.


Capacitation workshops of the type introduced by Santos de Morais are used for the basic formation of integrated development structures. The workshops are adapted to the creation of  cooperative interest-free local economic systems and to the organisation of all the services needed for a good quality of life for all. It is about mobilising all 50.000 inhabitants in each individual project  area.


Workshops held to set structures up have no «political »  justification. They are neither capitalist, socialist, neo-liberal, right-wing or left-wing.  It is a matter of enabling large groups of people to organise themselves sot that they can manage social, financial, productive, and service structures for the benefit of everyone in the group.


Santos de Morais started his work in Latin America in the period 1960-1980, especially during the agrarian reform in Honduras in 1973-1976. His organisational theory refers to social mobilisation through the «capacitation » of large groups of people, putting them in a position to undertake a line of action brining a better quality of life for all. A workshop usually lasts 30 to 40 days. Just as it is difficult to learn to ride a bicycle without having a bicycle, it is difficult, if not impossible, to learn to participate in social, financial, productive and service structures without participating in a real cooperative undertaking needing real organisational and management structures. This is done through direct contact with real practical situations within the framework of the reality of a complex organisation where the participants can learn to solve the problems which arise. Participants must be aware, from the inside, how the organisation works. This way, problems arising during the formation of the structures themselves become pedagogical learning tools. In this sense,  «the more problems there are, the better it is » [Source J.C.Branco Correia «The OW and Civil Society in Brazil, A Future for the Excluded, p.197].  


During the workshops the participants receive theoretical support enabling them to face up to the practical problems they have toe solve, so that they are aware of the reasons for their actions. As the procedure proceeds, participants gradually become pour aware of the practical situation they are a part of.. The procedure is moderated by a «director » who provides necessary information, according to local requirements, to help participants develop their organisational «capacitation » . Qualities sought in participants include openness to cooperation, understanding of their own position within the organisation, the discipline needed to work with others, and systematic action towards the achievement of the cooperative’s tasks as a whole.


“Organizational consciousness (and entrepreneurial literacy) can indeed not be achieved merely by 'making people aware', nor by simulation exercises, nor even less by dint of verbal ("human resources") 'training' or 'capacitation building' modules, all based on American/European 'small group' social psychology. What we are dealing with is large groups, massive groups of people. What is revolutionary in de Morais' (not Freire's nb) 'capacitation' (re: capacitacao in Portuguese) is that it is not the trainer, the intervener or the communicator who transfers the organization skill, but that it is "the object that teaches" (objective activity or 'capacitation').” (Personal Note dated 3 April 2001 from Prof. Raff Carmen of the University of Manchester.)

A full description of the project workshops is included for each of the main structures  to be created  under parts  2, The social structures, 3.  The financial  structures,  4: The productive structures, and 5  The service structures  of this block 4 of the course.

Take yet another look at your work on Section 1 of Block 1 of the course on Sect. 1 : Analysis of the causes of poverty. 


1. Opinion.


 Santos de Morais’ work is not widely known. Yet the principles involved have been successfully applied in three continents. On one page give at least reasons why. You might want to consider, without necessarily limiting yourself in any way, to factors such as the inherent conflict between the development of autonomous capacity and the representatives of a clientelist  culture, the possibility of  confusion between the organisation of the potential of normal populations and class interests, (neo-liberalism, Marxism-Leninism) ; lack of research by «elitist »  academic  institutions..


2. Opinion.


Make a one page analysis of the  concept that it is  «the object of the teaching that teaches».


3. Opinion.


J.C. Branco Correira (see  citation above) writes «the more problems there are [during the course of a workshop] the better » .What does he man ? Give your opinion on one  page.


The workshops described by Santos de Morais require that all participants have a holistic vision of the cooperative structures created during the workshops. The social, financial, productive and  service structures to be created by integrated development projects are strictly cooperative.


4. Opinion.


On one page describe the relationship between the holistic vision of Santos de Morais and the holistic vision of integrated development at the basis of the model. Where applicable, describe why you do not see any relationship.


5. Opinion.


You know the populations in your chosen project area well. On one page describe how you think they would react to the possibility of participating in capacitation workshops. Bear in mind that the first workshops setting up the  social structures will be organised before the local money systems are created. This means that participation in those first workshops will not be paid for by the project. One the local money systems are in place,   workshops participants can be paid, where necessary, under the local money systems. Of course, all « external »  project costs connected with the first series of workshops are covered under the project budgets.


 Fourth block :  Section 1. Justification of the order of sequence for the creation of the structures.

 Fourth  block : The structures to be created.

Main index  for the Diploma in Integrated  Development  (Dip. Int. Dev.)

 List of key words.

 List of references.

  Course chart.

 Technical aspects.

 Courses available.

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