Another Way (Stichting Bakens Verzet), 1018 AM
01. E-course :
Diploma in Integrated Development (Dip. Int.Dev.)
01: 12 December, 2009
Study points
: 05 points out of 18
Minimum study
time : 125 hours out of 504
The study
points are awarded upon passing the consolidated exam for
Section C : The Model.
[Study points 03
out of 18]
[Minimum study time: 85 hours
out of 504]
The study
points are awarded upon passing the consolidated exam for
Section C : The Model.
Section 2 : Management of the
structures.[12 hours ]
01. The Permanent Cooperative of the Management of the
Project Structures. (02 hours)
02. Tank commission level. (02 hours)
03. Well commission level. (02 hours )
04. Central committee level.(02 hours)
05. The project management. (02 hours)
Section 2 report : (2 hours).
Section 2 : Management of the
structures.[12 hours ]
05. The project management. (02
Articles 16-18 of the statutes
of the Cooperative for the on-going management of the project structures of
the Model read :
Article 16 : The General Management of the
Association is responsible for the supervision of the day to day running of the
project structures. It is the organ responsible for the execution of the
decisions of the Central Committee. It
drafts the rules and the budget of the Association and submits them to the
Central Committee for approval.
It submits proposals for new policy and
proposals for reaching the goals of the Association and proposals for the
exclusion of members to the Central Committee.
It submits the annual programme of activities
of the Association to the Central Committee for approval.
It records the status of inventories,
accounts, and budget documents submitted to the Central Committee.
It opens and operates all bank accounts
including current accounts in the name
of the Association on behalf of the Central
It answers to the Central Committee and
informs the Audit Commission of its activities, payments and receipts.
Elected in principle each year by the Central
Committee, the General Management comprises
-A general manager who is responsible for the
good day to day running of the Association. He is responsible for taking all
measures necessary for the life and operation of the Association according to
the statutes of the Association and to the instructions received from the
Central Committee. He is chosen once a year and his nomination is renewable
-A general secretary who is responsible for
the archives of the Association. He is responsible for correspondence and
administrative affairs.
-A treasurer is responsible for the material
and financial patrimony of the Association. He collects the funds of the
Association and is responsible for their management.. He co-signs payments
authorisations together with the General Manager. He submits a financial
reports each year and a financial budget at the close of his period of office
to the Audit Commission, to the central Committee, and to other members of the
personnel indicated by the General Manager, by the Audit Commission, or by the
Central Committee .
Article 17 : The members of the General
Management are paid under the local money system set up by the project. They
are paid in the name of the Central Committee, which is in turn reimbursed by
way of equal distribution of the costs amongst the Well Commissions.
Formal Money costs of the General Management
are at the charge of the Central Committee. They are covered by a part of the
monthly contributions paid by the members into the Cooperative Local
Development Fund.
Article 18 : The General Management receives
at its own request, in principle but not necessarily without charge assistance
in the form of technical advice from the
Project Coordinator and his team during the first two executive years of
project execution. From the third year of project management up to and
including the tenth year, in principle but not necessarily free of charge,
assistance and technical advice from the Project Coordinator.”
Where the Central Committee
of a project appoints a General Management, the general management team should
be «light » and efficient.
1. Opinion.
You are responsible for the formation of a general management team for
the structures of an integrated development project. Taking the content of this
course into account, prepare a one-page organigram of the general management structure that you
would submit to the Central Committee.
Article 44 of the statutes of the Cooperative for
the on-going management of the project structures of the Model reads:
«Article 44 : All withdrawals of funds from
bank accounts require the signatures of the treasurer and the General Manager.
Withdrawals equal to or higher than
[Euro 5.000] require the extra signature of the Chairperson of the
Central Committee. Withdrawals equal to or higher than [Euro 15.000] are subject to a specific
authorisation by the Central Committee.”
2. Opinion.
This drawing showing the bank structures
refers to project execution.. On
one page, make a bank structures chart for project management.
3. Opinion.
This drawing
showing the financial structures
refers to project execution. On
one page, make a financial structures chart for project management.
Structures for the on-going management
of integrated development project can be either «unitary » or
to the drawing showing the lines for the
management of individual projects in section 1 of the
anthopological analysis of the three project
levels of the third block solutions
to the problems. A single three-tiered vertical
management system can be chosen for all of the structures together.
Alternatively, a three-tiered vertical management system for each of the
structures may be preferred. Or a sort of combination of the two. For example,
a local money system structure may be operated in parallel to the management
structures for the social structures.
for example, at the diagram in drawing showing the local money structures,
where a director «replaces » the central committee.
4. Opinion.
Give a one-page opinion on the advantages and disadvantages of unitary
and specialised structures. What is your conclusion ?
at the part of the course which deals with
relationships amongst projects at regional
level in the seventh block on
and regional planning.
You are in charge of local money
transactions at tank commission level. You have given a description of how the
export and import of goods and services
within the local money system of your project area takes place. You have
been nominated director of the local money structures at project level.
You have a meeting with two adjacent project areas to set up an export-import
system amongst the three project areas.
5. Opinion.
On one page write a simple form of agreement. You do not need to worry
about quantities or goods and services or local money amounts. The purpose of
the exercise is to develop a template
where the quantities and amounts can be filled in from time to time.
◄ Eighth block : Section 2: Management of the structures.
◄ Eighth block : Economic aspects.
◄ Main
index for the Diploma in Integrated Development
(Dip. Int. Dev.)
"Money is not the key that opens the gates of the market but the
bolt that bars them."
Gesell, Silvio, The Natural Economic Order, revised English edition,
Peter Owen,
“Poverty is created scarcity”
Wahu Kaara, point 8 of the Global Call to Action Against Poverty, 58th
annual NGO Conference, United Nations,
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Attribution-Non-commercial-Share Alike 3.0 Licence.