NGO Another Way (Stichting Bakens Verzet), 1018 AM Amsterdam, Netherlands.


Edition 01: 31 October, 2009


01. E-course : Diploma in Integrated Development (Dip. Int. Dev.)



Quarter 1.





Value : 06 points out of 18.

Work foreseen: 186 hours out of 504.


The points are awarded only after passing the consolidated exam for Section B : Solutions to the problems.



Third block : Solutions to the problems.


Value : 01 point our of 18.

Work foreseen: 36 hours out of 504.


[16.00 Hours] Section 1 : Anthropological analysis of the three levels of project structures. (Value 0.5 point)

[16.00 Hours] Section 2 : Division of responsibilities amongst the three levels of structures. (Value 0,5 point)

[04.00 Hours] Exam block 3.


The point is awarded only after passing the consolidated exam for Section B : Solutions to the problems.



[16.00 Hours Section 1 : Anthropological analysis of the three levels of structures. (Value 0.5 point)


[14.00 Hours] Anthropological analysis.


01. First level : hunter-gatherers. 

02. Second level : groups of clans with chief. 

03. Third level : states. 

04. General plan of an individual project. 

05. Management lines for individual projects. 

06. Regional plans. 

07. National plans. 


[02.00 Hours] Report on Section 1 of Block 3.



[14.00 Hours] Anthropological analysis.


05. Management lines for individual projects.  (At least 2 hours).


Look at the following slide:


8. Management lines for integrated development projects.


In section  04. General plan of an individual project in this Section 1 of Block 3  the nature of the parallel creation of  «anthropological »  structures at three levels was underlined.


In the slide above you can see the three management levels in the upper part, and in the lower part a list of some of the structures foreseen . All of the structures operate in parallel horizontally amongst the tank commissions on the one hand  and the well commissions on the other. At the same time they operate vertically at each of the three levels.


Take education, as an example. In principle, 200 primary schools can in principle be built in each project area under the local money system set up there. The primary schools operate  independently at tank commission level. They can have horizontal contacts with other primary schools in the area. They also have vertical contacts with the secondary schools who serve them at well commission level.  The same applies to the 35-45 secondary schools which might be built in a given project area. The secondary schools should maintain horizontal contact with each other, and vertical contact both with the primary schools they serve and with the higher education institutions at project level.


The chart some typical examples of vertical «specialisation » gives an idea of how the social, financial, productive and service structures foreseen are split up amongst the three management levels. Until the explosion of neo-liberalism in the 1990s, structures in industrialised countries were organised in a similar way. Under neo-liberalism the myth of economic efficiency became directly linked the size of structures. It brought loss of social and ethical cohesion with it the social bill for which is now being presented. On this subject read: Rosset P.M. «Policy Brief no.4 : The Multiple Functions and Benefits from Small Farm Agriculture, Institute for Food and Development Policy, Oakland, 1999. On page 6 of Rosset’s article the U.S. Agricultural  Census, vol. 1, part 51, pp. 89-96, 1992 is cited. The census citation indicates clearly (group by group over 12 groups) that smaller the farm or market garden the higher the value of production per hectare.


1. Opinion.


You have to present in integrated development project to a public which does not yet know the principles on which integrated development is based. On one page explain how your project is «universal » and applicable to the entire population in the project area. Describe the three management levels foreseen. Describe the range of structures foreseen and how they run at the three different levels. You do not need to explain how the structures will be set up.  This will be covered in  Block 4 : The structures to be created. 


2. Opinion.


Dare to dream. On one page make a schematic drawing of the sports structures and services you would like to see set up in your project area.


3. Opinion.


On a second page  after a very short introduction, describe the structures and  services in question. End with a convincing conclusion.


4. Opinion.


Look at slide the project orchestra.


On one page, attempt to draw a cartoon. You are the conductor of a symphony orchestra. The whole orchestra is your project’s central committee, the sections of the orchestra represent the well commissions, and the individual musicians within the sections of the orchestra represent the tank commissions.


5. Opinion.


On one page describe how you, the conductor of the orchestra, would direct the first Symphony of Integrated Development.  


 Third block, section 1: Section 1 : Anthropological analysis.

 Third block : Solutions to the problems.

Main index of the course for the Diploma in Integrated Development  (Dip. Int. Dev.)

 List of key words.

 List of references.

  Course chart.

 Technical aspects.

 Courses available.

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