NGO Another Way (Stichting Bakens Verzet), 1018 AM Amsterdam, Netherlands.


Edition 02: 21 August, 2010


01. E-course : Diploma in Integrated Development (Dip. Int. Dev.)



Quarter 1.





Value : 06 points out of 18.

Work foreseen: 186 hours out of 504.


The points are awarded only after passing the consolidated exam for Section B : Solutions to the problems.



Third block : Solutions to the problems.


Value : 01 point our of 18.

Work foreseen: 36 hours out of 504.


[16.00 Hours] Section 1 : Anthropological analysis of the three levels of project structures. (Value 0.5 point)

[16.00 Hours] Section 2 : Division of responsibilities amongst the three levels of structures. (Value 0,5 point)

[04.00 Hours] Exam block 3.


The point is awarded only after passing the consolidated exam for Section B : Solutions to the problems.



[16.00 Hours] Section 2 : Division of des responsibilities amongst the three levels of structures. (Value 0,5 point)


Division of responsibilities. [14.00 Hours]


01. The chain of  responsibilities. 

02. Illustration of the division of  responsibilities. 

03. Tank commissions. 

04. Well commissions. 

05. Central committee. 

06. Permanent cooperative for the management of the project structures. 

07. Cooperative for project execution. 


[02.00 Hours] Report on Section 2 of Block 3.



Third  block : Exam. [ 4 hours per attempt]



Division of responsibilities. [14.00 Hours]


02. Illustration of the division of  responsibilities.   (At least 2 hours).


Risk of ideological assumption of the superiority of one system of values over others is always present in projects in developing countries. Ideological assumptions can be cultural and/or religious and/or racial in character.  Lars von Trier’s film “Manderlay” (Denmark, Sweden, Netherlands, France, Germany, Great Britain, 2005) is about the management of a cotton farm presumably in the state Alabama in the United States about the time of the Great Depression. It portrays the misunderstandings that can arise from ideological assumptions nearly all of us make, including the members of the audience watching the film. “Manderlay”  is about the readiness of the black “slaves” on the farm to enter the world around them, and that of the world around them to accept their new status. Idealistic enforcement of formal legal rights, however important, comes second to the subjective readiness of those involved to accept their new responsibilities and work actively to have their new position in society recognised. Time plays an important role in this process. The election of a black president in the United States took place some 150 years after the American Civil War which formally gave black people their freedom in the Southern States of the U.S.


Look at the following slide again :


Project structures at each level.


Integrated development projects provide for the establishment of many structures, amongst them :


Social structures.

Social security structures.

Local money structures.

Cooperative development funds.

Interest-free micro-credit funds.

Health structures.

Education structures.

Cooperative purchasing funds.

Waste recycling structures.


There are four levels:


1) Individual households.

2) Tank commissions.

3) Well commissions.

4) The central committee.


Usually, there are activity groups which can (reasonably) be carried out at each of the levels. Some activities cannot be spread in this way.


Review the discussion on subsidiarity in section 01. The chain of responsibilities of this block 3.


Take, for example, the concept of non-profit cooperative insurance. The individual may decide not to participate in the systems of insurance set up. However, the basis for cooperative insurance is the distribution of risk over as many participants as is necessary to give an adequate coverage of the risk in question. On this subject refer to  the history of  Lloyds London.


1. Research.


On four pages, one page for each of the four levels, make a list of the structures cited, where applicable  adding other structures that you think should be included in your list. Next to each group of structures, use your experience of life and your knowledge of the local situation in your project area to note what you think could be created at the level in question in your chosen area, taking the reached in your analysis of  subisidiarity in  the chain of responsibilities..  


2. Research.


Choose any one of the groups of  structures and draw on one page a diagram showing how the activities are divided over the four levels. If you wish, you may like to make a diagram for each of the groups of activities.