Another Way (Stichting Bakens Verzet), 1018 AM
01. E-course :
Diploma in Integrated Development (Dip. Int.Dev.)
01: 11 December, 2009
Study points
: 05 points out of 18
Minimum study
time : 125 hours out of 504
The study
points are awarded upon passing the consolidated exam for
Section C : The Model.
[Study points 03
out of 18]
[Minimum study time: 85 hours
out of 504]
The study points
are awarded upon passing the consolidated exam
for Section C : The Model.
Section 2 : Management of the
structures.[12 hours ]
01. The Permanent Cooperative of the Management of the
Project Structures. (02 hours)
02. Tank commission level. (02 hours)
03. Well commission level. (02 hours )
04. Central committee level.(02 hours)
05. The project management. (02 hours)
Section 2 report : (2 hours).
Section 2 : Management of the
structures. [12 hours ]
03. Well commission level. (At
least 2 hours )
For information on
the formation of the well commissions refer to part 3. Well commissions
in section
2 the social structures of the fourth block the structures to
be created.
Refer to analyses of the well
commissions in the part of division of tasks in section 2 the division
of tasks amongst the three project levels of the third block solutions
to the problems .
review articles 19-26 of the statutes
of the Cooperative Association for the on-going management of the project
structures of the Model.
Articles 19-26 contain rules for well-commission
Article 25 reads :
“Article 25 : : Decisions taken by well commissions are valid at the
majority decision of at least 50% + 1 of 100% of their members.
In the absence on second call of 50%+1 of the well commission members or
in the absence of a majority vote of at least 50%+1 of the members, the well
commission in question is automatically dissolved and the tank commissions it
serves each elect, at the invitation of the ex-Chairperson of the Well
Commission or of the person or persons who replace the Chairperson, a new
representative different from the preceding one to the well commission. ”
1. Opinion.
Supply a one-page opinion on the contents of article 25. What lies behind
it? Why « punish » the ones who go to the meetings as well as
those who don’t ? Why make sure the replacements members are different
from te preceding ones? Suppose that a commission winds itself up for the second
time. . [Remember the well-commission members are chosen by the tank
commissions, and that representation at well commission level is by way of
indirect democracy].
You are chairperson of a
well commission. All the structures (water supply, waste recycling, local money
system, micro-credit system, health checks etc) are in operation.. There a
centre for the distribution of medicines. A bicycle ambulance service in
operation. The school system is in place. Think carefully. Review where
necessary the contents of the course.
2. Research.
Make a one-page inventory, as complete as possible, of the real and
personal property owned by your
Article 26 of the statutes of the Cooperative
Association for the on-going management of the project structures of the
Model reads :
26 : The services of the well commission members are paid under the local money system set up by the project. ”
3. Opinion.
This payment may be different from one member to another, according to
the decisions made by the tank commissions which each selected one member, and,
where applicable, according to the indications given by the candidates when
campaigning for the position of well-commission representative. Give a one-page
explanation of the reason for this rule. Do you agree with it ?
4. Opinion.
You are chairperson of a well commission. All the structures (water
supply, waste recycling, local money system, micro-credit system, health checks
etc) are in operation.. There a a centre for the distribution of medicines. A
bicycle ambulance service is in operation .The school system is in place. Think
carefully. Where necessary, review the contents of the course. On one page, write
an order of the day for a typical meeting of your commission, supposing the
meeting is about everyday administrative problems. Please think
carefully before writing your order of the day. Imagine you are rally there.
Just by way of example : access to the bore-hole area needs to be better
regulated; a new guard has to be nominated ; the local money transaction registration unit
cannot keep up with the volume of transactions; a bike path has to be laid serving
three tank commission areas part of the well commission zone; the local
secondary school (property of the well-commission) needs some repairs etc.
5. Opinion.
On one
page list the decisions made during the
6. Opinion.
All of the
decisions made at the meeting have to be followed up. On one page describe exactly how your commission would organise execution of its decisions. How would
the commission liaise with other project structures, and at which levels ?
◄ Eighth block : Section 2: Management of the structures.
◄ Eighth block : Economic aspects.
◄ Main
index for the Diploma in Integrated Development
(Dip. Int. Dev.)
"Money is not the key that opens the gates of the market but the
bolt that bars them."
Gesell, Silvio, The Natural Economic Order, revised English edition,
Peter Owen,
“Poverty is created scarcity”
Wahu Kaara, point 8 of the Global Call to Action Against Poverty, 58th
annual NGO Conference, United Nations,
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Attribution-Non-commercial-Share Alike 3.0 Licence.