Another Way (Stichting Bakens Verzet), 1018 AM
01. E-course :
Diploma in Integrated Development (Dip. Int.Dev.)
03: 10 November, 2010
Study points
: 05 points out of 18
Minimum study
time : 125 hours out of 504
The study
points are awarded upon passing the consolidated exam for
Section C : The Model.
[Study points 03 out of
[Minimum study time: 85 hours
out of 504]
The study
points are awarded upon passing the consolidated exam for
Section C : The Model.
Sect. 3 : Costs and benefits
[17 hours ]
01. Introduction. (02 hours)
02. The investments made.(02 hours)
03. Detailed results. (02 hours)
04. Efficiency and effectiveness. (02 hours)
05. Management costs.(02 hours)
06. Costs and benefits analysis :
introduction. (02 hours)
07. Costs and benefits analysis : details. (02
08. Kyoto Treaty : analysis possibilities finance. (Additional)
Section 3 report: (03 hours).
Sect. 3 : Costs and benefits
[17 hours ]
02. The investments made.
(At least 2 hours)
The total investments made in a typical integrated
development project under the Model amount to € 5.000.000 as indicated in section
07.10 The budegt of the Model.
There are three types of investment :
a) Investments in structures in the form of
inventory goods, including he costs for their installation.
b) Investments in structures, such as the social structures
(tank commissions, well commissions etc) and financial structures (local money and micro-credits structures)
with or without inventory goods.
c) Investments covering administrative costs.
Working from 07.10
The budget:
1. Research.
Make a list
of point a) investments structure by
structure and calculate their total value all together.
Make a list
of point b) investments structure by structure and calculate their total value
all together.
Make a list
of point c) investments and calculate their total all together.
The amount
of the three groups together should come to € 5.000.000.
Add the amounts for groups a) and b),that is, the total of (a + b).
the percentage relationship between each of the
individual structures in lists a)
and b) with the total (a+b).
The sum of
the percentages must be 100%..
The value of
investments in list c) have to be
proportionally distributed amongst the investments for the individual
structures in lists a) and b).
The sum of
the attributions made must be 100% of
the total value of c).
2. Opinion.
Make a short
one-page commentary of the results of your work under exercise 1..
Take another look at the content of part 01. Introduction of this
section 3.
The results of your work are
quite different from the results which will be described later on in part 07.
Costs and benefits analysis : details of this section 3. You can take a preview of part 07.
Costs and benefits analysis : details. One of the reasons for this is that for
some social structures it is extremely difficult, if not impossible, to define
the benefits in specific monetary terms in the sense of traditional costs and
benefits analyses. Another reason is the simplification requirement of the costs and benefits analysis
due to the «elimination » of some of the low-value investments.
The result of this «simplification » is
that in the costs and benefits
analysis the list of common costs is
given as:
Details of
the common costs |
Human resources items 101010-1030202 |
216.930 |
Travelling items 20101-20201 |
40.000 |
Organisational material items 30101-3040304 |
169.200 |
Office costs items 400101-40404 |
169.200 |
Other service costs items 50101-50902 |
30.950 |
Social structures items 60302-60304 |
299.500 |
Local money system items 60401-60409 |
244.000 |
Micro-credit system items 60501-60506 |
113.000 |
Gypsum production units items 60601-60606 |
127.500 |
Recycling structures items 60701-60706 |
240.000 |
Other structures items 61101-62401 |
92.900 |
Moulds for gypsum products items 70201-70202 |
124.000 |
Purchase equipments other structures items
70210-70223 |
509.500 |
Consultant/transport items 70301-70306 |
364.695 |
Unforeseen section 9 of the budget |
118.125 |
Administrative costs section 11 of the budget |
53.050 |
Total common costs |
2.912.550 |
In the costs and benefits analysis
the amount of € 2.912.350 is attributed
as follows:
Water supply : 84,34%
Hygiene education : 8,70%
Improved stoves and smoke elimination: 4,23%
Eco-sanitation structures and mills : 2,73%
The result is that the water supply sector is
«overloaded» with common costs to the benefit of other sectors.
◄ Eighth block : Section 3 : Costs and benefits analysis.
◄ Eighth block : Economic aspects.
◄ Main
index for the Diploma in Integrated Development
(Dip. Int. Dev.)
"Money is not the key that opens the gates of the market but the
bolt that bars them."
Gesell, Silvio, The Natural Economic Order, revised English edition,
Peter Owen,
“Poverty is created scarcity”
Wahu Kaara, point 8 of the Global Call to Action Against Poverty, 58th
annual NGO Conference, United Nations,
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Attribution-Non-commercial-Share Alike 3.0 Licence.