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"Money is not the key that opens the gates of the market but the bolt that bars them."


Gesell, Silvio The Natural Economic Order.

Revised English edition, Peter Owen, London 1958, page 228.



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Edition 06: 23 July 2003


1. Justification of the project

A clean healthy environment is unthinkable without adequate hygiene education, good sanitation and clean drinking water. Improving the health and quality of life of those living in poor communities depends on improving their basic community infrastructure. Better technology now allows users living far away from their traditional water sources to have clean drinking water, sanitation, hygiene education, and on-going local development at low cost.

Yet much of the world's population is still without safe sanitation and drinking water. Local economies have long since been "drained" of the formal money needed to exchange goods and services in the present market economy.

In the Yeri district in Mvolo County, South Sudan there are no community level hygiene education programmes. Traditional principles of hygiene such as washing hands before meals and after going to the toilet and personal cleanliness are however generally applied. Sometimes water is boiled but it is usually used without treatment. The project aims at incorporating this work under the Health Clubs to be set up.

School hygiene education lessons focus on cleanliness, environment and sanitation, but specific on-going hygiene courses for children are not held in the primary schools. The project aims at incorporating the work already done within formal on-going hygiene education courses in the schools, where they exist..

There are practically no sanitation structures at all. Some people have hand-dug pit latrines.

Many users use collect water from open sources and from just three unprotected wells  in the entire project area. Insects animals and other contaminants are present everywhere.

Onchocerciarsis (river- blindness) is endemic in much of Mvolo County with disastrous personal and social consequences for the whole area. This project includes a separate emergency tranche for the eradication of onchocerciasis, not only in the Yeri project area, but in the whole of Mvolo County. With the present state of knowledge this involves an on-going 15 year programme involving some 3.600.000 medical interventions. The disease will also be fought by lowering the risk of exposure of the people to black-fly bites by making drinking water available in towns and villages situated nearest the Naam river, and, if possible by attacking the black-fly itself.

In most villages water is fetched from rivers and streams. Women and children often have to carry water over several kilometres from contaminated sources to their houses. Water quality is considered poor. Few steps are taken to purify water. Water is kept in pots, tins and tanks. Rainwater harvesting techniques are rare and tend to be limited to people with large storage facilities and dams.

Besides onchocerciasis, open surface water, insufficiently protected latrines, and poor water quality spreads water-related diseases such as cholera, typhoid, dysentery, all types of worms, amoeba, and bilharzia which are also all endemic.

The cost of the fighting often deadly water-related diseases takes up a large slice of the family incomes. Much time is wasted fetching dirty water which is then usually drunk with all its pathogens without treatment and without being boiled.

A goal of the project is to help to reduce water-borne disease so medical and financial resources can be re-directed to other health objectives like vaccination programmes and preventive medicines.

In practical terms, this means giving the people throughout the Yeri project area a clean drinking water supply for household use.

The project includes Gypsum composites  production units whose first job will be to make water storage tanks and borehole and well linings for the project. Following that, they will also make tanks, san-plats and dry toilet pots for sanitation facilities. Toilets and waste disposal units will be built for each family in the project area as they may wish to install them, and, where necessary in local schools and clinics. In principle, formal currency investment will not be needed for this work as most of it can be done using the local LETS currency systems to be set up as part of the project. Once the needs of the project have been met, the Gypsum composites  units can start making other products, and "export" to other projects in the region and beyond.

From the beginning Community Health Clubs will be set up to support on-going hygiene education to optimise the benefit from the new water and sanitation services. The clubs will also be the main forum for identifying community needs and for planning project implementation. Hygiene education courses will also be implemented in the schools in the project area, but a formal course for schools will be prepared only when a reasonably representative number of schools is present in the area. At present there are just three (primary) schools in the entire area.

A system to collect and recycle organic compost, urine, grey water and non-organic solid waste will be set up where necessary during the 4th phase of the project. The local currency (LETS) systems will be used for this work.

Students wishing to study in the evenings must usually do so with the limited and pollution given by shea-nut oil lamps. There are no evening classes in the schools because there is no lighting. PV lighting for study purposes will therefore be provided where a collective study room is already available or built at tank commission level using the local LETS currencies. The project also includes solar powered refrigeration units for clinics which are not grid connected. PV lighting for study is foreseen in the schools and in three locations in Yeri where adult education classes are at present necessarily held in the afternoon.

Users (especially women) may obtain interest-free micro-credit loans if they need PV lighting systems to increase their productivity in the evening. Families later able to pay for their own PV Home Systems will do so individually under a micro-credit scheme operated by the Mvoloi Cooperative Local Development Bank (to be instituted) or under self-terminating interest-free credit groups at tank commission level.

Cooking is done in the project area by women and it takes at least 60 minutes per meal. A support for the pot is erected, usually on stones, and firewood is placed under the pot and the fire is lighted. This is an extremely inefficient use of energy. The average use of biomass, nearly always wood, is 4kg per family per day. This amounts to 9000-10000 tons of firewood per year in the project area, with the consequential pollution of the living areas and villages environments and a cost to the local community of Euro 500.000 per year. Upper respiratory infections is the second most common health problem in the project area. Smoky, polluted, living environments will be eliminated by the use of energy efficient stoves made by the locale The Gypsum composites production units.

The stoves will be made for pot sizes commonly used in the community. Each family may buy as many stoves as it needs. The stoves will burn most kinds of fuel though the preferred fuel will be mini-briquettes hand pressed by individual homeowners or made by local tradesmen. Some crops will, where necessary, be sustainably grown for use as fuel. They will then be mixed with straw, twigs, leaves, dung and other available materials without reducing the amount of fertilisers normally used for agriculture.

Solar cookers will also be made under the LETS systems from Gypsum composites  where daytime cooking is not in conflict with local customs

There are no systems available for waste collection in the project area. Organic waste other than urine and faeces is mostly household or food waste, which amounts to about 2kg per family per day, or 5000 tons per year. At best, this is dumped at a site which becomes smelly and attracts vermin. There are at present no arrangements at all for non-organic waste products. The people are very poor, and there is not a lot of non-organic waste. Non-organic waste is not perceived as a major problem by the local population. However, the question of disposal of non-organic waste is addressed under the project within the framework of the general network for collection and re-cycling of waste products foreseen.

Under the project most organic waste, including urine and faeces, will be treated at household and local level and transformed into high value-added products for recycling for food production. A network of recycling centres will be set up for to receive organic and non-organic waste materials for recycling. The centres will also provide a rubbish collection service where required. Collection of environmentally harmful rubbish will be paid for by the users. The collectors may pay for useful materials under the local LETS systems. The idea is to keep as much residual and recyclable value as possible within the local economy. The local systems can also earn some formal currency by exporting waste for industrial recycling that cannot be recycled locally.

Standard sanitation and waste removal services, where required, will also be supplied for the three schools and the three clinics presently in the project area. Specialised waste removal from clinics will be discussed separately.

2. Cooperation of the local people

The users themselves are responsible for the creation of the project structures and their execution, running and maintenance. They pay for and own the structures.

The users will create the structures during a series of organisational workshops following the method developed by the Brazilian sociologist Clodomir Santos de Morais. A bibliography of the work of de Morais is set out in Schedule 2. The project will try to put at the disposal of the often very large groups involved in the workshops, but ONLY ON REQUEST, the consultants, materials and equipment necessary for the services and structures in question. The groups organise themselves (often with great difficulty), set up their administrative structures, procure the necessary authorisations and permits, proceed with the construction of factories, and to the production and sale of their products and services as they consider fit.

Key to the formation of the structures foreseen in the project is the order in which the workshops are held. It is not possible to hold workshops to set up the tank commissions (the key project structures) for instance until a suitable platform has been created to enable women to organise themselves, express themselves at meetings and actively participate in the project structures. This is done during the organisation workshop setting up the health clubs. It is not possible to set up structures for the manufacture of articles for sanitation purposes if the local money LETS systems have not been established. The LETS systems make their production, distribution, sale and installation without the need for formal money possible, so that even the poorest families can afford to purchase a sanitation system.

The order of sequence indicated in section 4.2 of the main project document is the following:

2.00 Emergency programme for onchocerciasis eradication
This has already been described separately and in detail under point above

2.01 Health clubs
2.02 Social structures
2.03 LETS systems
2.04 Micro-credit systems
2.05 Gypsum composites units
2.06 Recycling systems
2.07 Bio-mass production
2.08 Radio station
2.09 Drinking water
2.10 Lighting etc

The workshops represent a general mobilisation of the population, with an active participation of at least 4000-5000 people out of total of 75.000, representing about 12% of the active population. The remaining 88% will be indirectly mobilised through the use of structures such as the local money systems and the interest-free micro-credit systems to be set up.


The Health clubs have two tasks:

The first is hygiene education itself tending to the improvement of health standards pending the installation of the drinking water and sanitation structures foreseen under the project. In this work, the health clubs will support on-going initiatives of community health workers of the Ministry of Health.

The second is the formation of a socially acceptable platform enabling the population, and in particular women, to work together, which is basic to the success of the project. The health clubs constitute a forum for women, helping them to identify the requirements of the community and to fully participate in the planning and execution of successive phases.

Hygiene education will become an integral part of the school curriculum at all levels in the schools in the project area as soon as a network of schools is developed. The purpose of the courses is to reinforce the work done by the Health Clubs. The cooperation of trained personnel of the Ministry of Health is foreseen. This personnel will participate in the Health Club workshops during which the courses will actually be prepared and the Health Clubs organised. Teachers from the schools will also participate in the workshop and in the preparation of the material for the courses. At the moment there are just three (primary) schools in the area and they will be individually approached without need for a workshop.

Schools will be supplied with appropriate quality clean drinking water and proper sanitation systems under the project. In so far as is possible basic school facilities will be built, and local teachers paid, under the local money system.

Unfortunately most children in the project are do not currently have access to any schooling system. The little schooling there is mostly funded by parents. This will put extra responsibility on the Health Clubs which will in such cases be called upon to cover hygiene education for the children not covered under the arrangements made with the few existing schools.



All activities will be carried out by the users themselves. The structures are worked out during the organisational workshops foreseen. The following is what might expect to result from the workshops.

The basic administrative structure foreseen by the project is the Tank Commission.

The tasks of the Tank Commission are numerous and include, by way of example,:
- Analysis of the local situation (200 people - 34  families)
- Definition of the local issues and problems
- Liaison with the Health Clubs already established
- Liaison with the local currency LETS systems about to be formed
- Organisation of monthly users' meetings
- Identification of the best projects for Micro-credit development loans
- Setting priorities for Micro-credit loans
- Deciding the priorities for siting the wells and washing places, with special input from women's groups
- Deciding the siting of tanks and water pipeline routes
- Deciding priorities for the siting and installation of sanitation units
- Deciding the pot sizes for stoves and solar cookers
- Liaison with the compost collection and recycling network
- Liaison with the grey water/urine collection and recycling network
- Planning what can be done by the local people themselves at the normal ruling daily rate of pay and what can be done in the local LETS currency.
- Systematically monitoring project progress and on-going administration with the users' commissions (comprising mostly women)
- Organising daily maintenance of the tank areas, rules of use
- Managing any local disputes relating to the project
- Collection of the monthly contributions to the Cooperative Development Fund
- Nomination of participants to various organisational workshops
- Proposals for the support of families with difficulty in making their contributions
- Liaising with the local Onchocerciasis eradication programme.

Refer also to:



The local exchange trading (LETS) systems foreseen will be set up during Moraisian organisational workshops.

The following texts, drawings and graphs form an integral part of this project proposal. They indicate the type of structure which can be expected to come out of the workshops.


In principle, just one local LETS currency system will be set up, as the project revolves around the town of Yeri.

All adults in the project area should be registered as members, but use of the system with exceptions for goods and services necessary for the project itself, will be voluntary. Any member may usually freely choose whether to conduct a given transaction in the local currency system or within the formal currency system.

The Yeri local money system will  have about 20000 registered adult members. Children under the age of 14 will not be registered as they are not, under the international convention on the rights of children, allowed to work. They will become registered members of their local LETS systems upon reaching the age of 14. The members of each group will be coded so that their tank-commission and well areas can be identified and the cost of more local, optional, initiatives such as PV lighting for study purposes debited to the members directly involved rather than to the whole project area. In the same way, the coding can allow for identification of members of clubs, cooperatives and other informal groups as they may be formed.

A "catalogue" of goods and services is prepared periodically in a form which can be understood/read by the group members. In the Yeri area, what is available and who provides it will often be widely known at local level. However, the range of activities is destined to increase rapidly.

The reference value could be the South Sudanese pound. However this currency is not too stable or inflation free. Or it could be based on the basis of the perceived average value of an hour's work. Or on the basis of a kilo of a local staple product. Since all future LETS currencies in Mvolo County and South Sudan can be expected to have the same reference value, they can be transferable from one to another. However, not all goods and services will be transferable between the different systems, as this could lead to a drain of resources from one system to another. LETS systems work best when the financial resources remain balanced within each system. The LETS coordinators and the members will decide which goods and services are "exportable". Gypsum composites products made in group A, for instance, could be exportable to group "B". Cloth made in group "B" may be exportable to group A. Crops and vegetables not grown in one group could be importable from the others. This will become important as other self-financing integrated development projects are set up in other parts of Mvolo County. The following comments therefore refer to future developments under which all parts of Mvolo County enjoy the benefits of self-financing integrated development projects.

Assume that a Gypsum composites  product is sold by a group A member to a group B member. The transaction would be in local currency A. The Gypsum composites  producer would be credited in local currency A. The coordinator of group A would advise his counterpart in group B of the debit for the group B member and separately credit group A with the same amount in group B currency. The group B coordinator would debit the group B buyer in local currency B, and, separately, debit group B with the same amount in group A currency. Goods and services supplied by group B to group A would be registered the other way round. The group A and B coordinators then simply eliminate the respective debits and credits by pairing value units one for one.

The processes broadly follow traditional balance of payments transactions but the objective is to maintain a balance in imports and exports. A large debit balance between one LETS group and another would show resources are being transferred from one group to another. The coordinators would then have to take steps to correct the imbalance. They could, for example, temporarily extend the range of goods and services the debtor group can export to the creditor group, such as by arranging a special market.

It is a key to the success of the system that the imports and exports of each group remain balanced, their sum tending to zero.

There will be an elected local LETS coordinator in each tank commission area. The LETS coordinator will need to be literate and will be responsible to the general LETS systems coordinator. The local coordinators will help those members unable to write/sign their cheques (or deal with other methods of payment), arrange distribution of chequebooks (or other payment forms)to the LETS users, collect the used cheques (or equivalent) deposited in the LETS POST box near the local water tank and take them to the general LETS systems coordinator for registration. The local coordinators will also display the monthly or weekly reports on the LETS NOTICE BOARD near or above the LETS POST box, advise illiterate members of their LETS balances, call a fortnightly or monthly meeting where the users can discuss the operation of their LETS system, make special requests (such as, for example, increasing the debt limit for sick members or for those making special purchases), and discuss ways to use the goods and services of those with high debts so as to help balance their trading accounts. The local coordinators will also discuss with the members selected proposals for allowing export and import of goods and services into the local LETS system and report back to the general LETS coordinator.

The first general LETS systems coordinator will be chosen by the Project Coordinator. He and the locally elected LETS coordinators will make up the LETS COMMISSION. The LETS COMMISSION will meet at least once a month to discuss particular problems and to decide on actions needed to balance the export/import accounts amongst the various local LETS currencies.

The fortnightly/monthly reports for members in each tank commission area will be published on the local LETS NOTICE board and discussed at a general meeting of the local members. The report will show, for each member, the previous balance, the current balance, the total number of plus transactions and minus transactions conducted, and list each plus and minus transaction since the previous report.

The cheque (or other transaction form used)will have two parts. Each part will have the member's name and LETS number pre-printed on it. The SELLER'S cheque is used in each transaction. The BUYERS name and system code are filled in on the cheque, with the assistance of the local coordinator where necessary, as well as a description (with LETS code) of the goods or services sold. Finally the cheque is signed by BOTH parties and deposited in the LETS post box. The amount credited to the seller must be exactly the same as that debited to the buyer.

Payments for LETS services provided by members to their communities will be debited to a special LETS code for the community. When the community debt reaches one LETS currency unit (or other agreed amount) for each member, each member will be debited with that amount. The community LETS code will then be credited by the same total amount. This system allows collective communal property to be involved in the LETS transactions. For example, the sale of wood from communal land can be registered as a credit to the LETS group involved, and then transferred from there to individual group members.


The following drawings and graphs form an integral part of this project proposal. They give an idea of what the results of the Moraisian organisational workshop setting the structures up might produce.


The micro-credit system will be set up by the Moraisian organisation workshop conducted for the purpose.

The proposed micro-credit system will be different from those formed up till now. The loan capital repayments and longer term reserves within the project itself will be used to finance the micro-credit system. This is possible because the money is already available for multiple re-cycling, interest-free. When, at the close of the ten years' loan repayment period, the original project capital is repaid, the users will continue their monthly contributions to build up capital for system extensions and to replace the system hardware after 20-30 years. This money, which will build up to a considerable sum, also becomes available for interest-free micro-credits within the project area until it is needed.

Final repayments of blocks of micro-credits will be coordinated so that money for long term capital investment purposes (system replacement and extensions) will be available when it is needed. This way, money for the micro-credits granted is generated by the users themselves within the framework of the project and those micro-credits belong to the users. They are interest-free to ensure they continue to re-circulate within the local economy.

The Mvolo Cooperative Local Development Bank will charge a set fee in local LETS currency for each transaction to cover its costs and make a socially acceptable profit. Its fee will be set before the system starts working. The fee is expressed in the local LETS currencies to stop leakage of formal money from the local economy. In any case associated such as collection of payments and distribution of information will all be paid for in the local LETS currencies.

The Mvolo Local Cooperative Development Bank would thus become a regular member of the local LETS systems. It could, for instance, use the LETS credits it derives from its banking services to buy local products and services and distribute them outside the system in exchange for formal currency.

The purpose of the planned interest-free Micro-Credit system is to ensure that individuals or cooperatives wanting to expand their production who have no access to formal currency to pay for their capital investment can get interest-free micro-credit loans to boost the local economy. The Micro-credit system is therefore applied only to micro-project investment which needs to be made outside the local currency exchange (LETS) system.

The pay-back time for the interest free loans will vary from case to case. Some investments will generate more goods and services that can be sold outside the local LETS currency area than others. The formal currency so earned can then be used to repay the loans. The sale of some production in the formal economy will be a condition of the granting of the Micro-Credit loan. The speed at which the formal loan currency can be recovered will determine the payback period, which could therefore be anything between a few months and a few years. The loan repayments must be realistically possible. The system is cooperative and interest free and designed to enhance the general welfare within the beneficiary communities. As with the Grameen bank systems, any person or cooperative group wanting a Micro-Loan will be expected to produce four friends who agree to be jointly and severally liable for the periodic loan repayments, and to make sure they are made on time. Since the Micro-credits are essentially self-financed by the communities through their communal funds, the funding priorities must be left to the communities themselves. This is especially so where potential conflicts of interest arise because there is not enough funding immediately available to meet all requests for assistance. Meetings to discuss members' proposals and further developments with on-going projects will become a feature of the social life of the communities. Since it is expected that many of the beneficiaries under the scheme will be women and women's groups, women will need to have full representation during such meetings. One of the basic goals of the formation of the Community Health Clubs foreseen is to use them as a launching pad to create women's groups. These groups will give women the chance to discuss their needs, develop their priorities, and make submissions during the Micro-Credit meetings. The Health Clubs should also be able to ensure that women participate en bloc at the Micro-Credit meetings.

Rules for the organisation of the Micro-Credit meetings will be set up during the workshop with the full participation of the beneficiary communities. These rules must lay down the general principles behind the system. These would, for example, include:

1) All loans are to enable the beneficiary to extend his/her income by producing more goods and services
2) The goods and services must benefit the general interests of the community and encourage exchanges under the local LETS systems.
3) Some of the goods and services must be saleable outside the LETS systems to earn formal currency to repay the micro-loan.
4) The Micro-Credit loan must promote the rapid circulation of formal money within the beneficiary communities. For example, using formal currency to build a clinic or hospital would not qualify for micro-credits because the capital invested cannot be re-circulated. On the other hand, buying equipment for testing water quality (foreseen in the project) would qualify, as the formal currency cost can be recovered by charging in formal currency for water analyses conducted for users outside the project area.
5) Special priority will be given in the first instance to micro-loans to start the collection and transport of compost, urine, and grey water, and establish the recycling centres that will collect, store, and export non-organic waste products from the project area.


The organisation workshops foreseen will decide where the Gypsum composites production units will be constructed.

Consideration should be given to the distance of the sites from the gypsum or anhydrite deposits which will feed them. These sites will be included on the maps in Schedule 3 as soon as the sites are known.

The costs of locating gypsums/anhydrite deposits are covered as a separate item in the budget.

For more information on the Gypsum composites technology as such refer to Schedule 6.



A system for the collection of recycling of waste waters, urine, excreta, other organic solids, non-organic solids will be set up during a Moraisian organisation workshop held for the purpose. The following is an indication of the type of structure which would be expected to emerge during the workshops. Since there is currently relatively little inorganic waste present in the project area, its recycling is not considered a top priority by the inhabitants. However a simple, basic, structure for it will be set up and expanded as required in the future.

The operations will take place under the local money LETS systems. A separate interest-free credit fund is provided in the budget for purchase of equipment which is not available locally and/or which has to be paid for in formal currency.

In principle, the equipment used should not require the consumption of imported energy (electricity, diesel, petrol etc) which causes an on-going financial leakage from the project area. Transport distances should be kept as short as possible.

The following drawings and graphs form an integral part of this project proposal.


The sanitation and rubbish collection package includes the following elements:

- 1) Dry composting toilet tanks made from Gypsum composites 
- 2) Toilet tanks for urine made from Gypsum composites 
- 3) Grey water tanks made from Gypsum composites 
- 4) Locally made compost bins for organic waste other than urine, faeces and grey water.
- 5) A system to collect and where necessary store the compost from 1) and 4), urine from 2) and grey water (from 3) of users who have no land or garden on which to recycle their own waste.
- 6) A system to collect and recycle non-organic solid waste through recycling centres.

The main principles behind the system are:

- (a) Recycling should always be done at the lowest possible level, starting with the individual user.
- (b) Recycling at a second level should also be done as late as possible during the composting cycle to reduce the volume of material handled.
- (c) The whole system should be operated within the local (LETS) currencies.
- (d) Capital investment for recycling equipment, transport and storage under 5) and 6) will be a priority for Micro-credit loans.
- (e) "Dirty" work will be better paid than "clean" work in the LETS systems, because the rate of pay will reflect the willingness of workers to do the work. Those doing unpleasant work will have an above-average income within the LETS systems so that there should be no difficulty finding people to do the work.
- (f) Waste should, as far as possible, be recycled within the project area so communities are self-sufficient and there is no leakage of formal money from the system. In particular, materials like metals, paper, plastics can often be treated at local level for use in local industries creating jobs and local value added during both treatment and production. The principle also promotes the export of re-cycled products for formal currency which will be used to repay the interest free micro-credits loans.
- (g) Lucrative job possibilities are created within the system.
- (h) Export and sale of selected non-organic solid waste through the recycling centres for formal currency so micro-credits for re-cycling operation can be repaid.
- (i) Selected non-organic solid waste products will treated locally and recycled as raw material for local artisan industries.
- (j) Interest free micro-loans for compost collectors under 5) above may need to be for a longer term than other micro-credits as most of the compost will be recycled within the local currency system. Some of the compost collection charges may have to be in formal currency or the equipment may need to be used part-time outside the LETS systems to help earn formal currency to repay the micro-credit loans.
- (k) Recycling of special industrial and medical wastes to be addressed separately.

Taking the above-mentioned 6 elements in turn:



Two Gypsum composites tanks will be needed to collect and compost faeces.

The first properly aerated composting toilet tank is used until it is more or less full. It is then sealed and allowed to compost for 9-12 months while the second toilet tank is being used. The compost in the first tank reduces to about one wheelbarrow full of soil per adult person per year, and after the 9-12 months composting period it can be safely and profitably used as soil conditioner. Were an improved evaporation system to be used, the faeces in the single tank used would be evaporated by relatively warm air circulation in the system. This process forms dry coagulated lumps that look like dry dogs' food. These residues are light and greatly reduced in volume. They can be emptied at any time over 2-3 year periods and used as soil conditioner. Users who do not want to dispose of the resultant soil conditioner themselves will hire local operators to do the work under the local LETS currency systems.

Only one toilet seat/sanplat is required for double dry-tank installations. It is simply re-installed over the empty tank when the tanks are changed.

The second tank in the two-tank system can be bought at a later phase of the project because it will not be needed for at least a year. This helps spread purchases within the LETS systems over a wider time span.

The small quantities of water in containers used by toilet users for toilet cleaning and for personal hygiene will be added to the dry toilet tanks.


The urine tanks will have to be emptied regularly unless evaporation systems are used. Wet systems are preferred because they create more value added in terms of increased garden production. Urine, with a little lime sawdust or equivalent added regularly, can be used systematically for watering plants as long as it is diluted with 10 parts of water or grey water to one part of urine, substantially increasing the productivity of the garden.

The small quantities of water in containers used by urinal users for urinal cleaning and for personal hygiene will be added to the urine tanks.

Users unable to re-cycle the urine from their tanks and who do not use evaporation systems will have to arrange for the urine tanks to be emptied periodically under the local LETS systems for re-cycling within the project area.


These Gypsum composites  tanks will usually be near the users houses to collect waste water from normal household use. Ten parts of grey water mixed with one part of urine can also be recycled for use on gardens. It can also be recycled as it is for use on gardens.

Where appropriate, simple filter systems will be used to eliminate grease, oils, and similar from the grey water. The filtered out solids will be stored in the compost bin.

Users unable to re-cycle the grey water from their tanks will need to arrange for the tanks to be emptied periodically under the local LETS currency systems for re-cycling within the project area.


Other organic household waste is mostly made up from kitchen refuse that has to be outside the users' houses without giving rise to unpleasant smells or attracting insects. It can usually be mixed with soil and composted in an appropriate locally made bin or tank. The compost can then be disposed of in the garden if there is one, or it can collected periodically under the LETS systems and re-cycled elsewhere in the project area.

Animals such as chickens and goats are capable of productively recycling normal kitchen refuse.


The need for collection and the amount of composting prior to collection will depend on the living space available to users. It will therefore vary from project to project and from zone to zone.

The workers who collect, store, and re-cycle the compost will get priority micro-credits to buy the equipment they need. They will be well paid within the local currency systems to do the work which is likely to be considered less attractive than other jobs.


A limited number of recycling centres will initially be established on a zone basis. Users will be required to take their non-organic solid waste to their zone centre. They can also ask the recycling centre to collect their waste and pay for the service in local (LETS) currency.

The recycling centres will sort the waste and store it until there is enough to sell commercially. Some centres may specialise by buying some kinds of waste collected by other centres so as to increase the commercial volume for export. They may also treat the waste they specialise in and prepare it for use by local industry, keeping the added value within the local system.

Re-cycling centre owners will get priority for micro-credit loans to buy the equipment they need to collect, store, and treat the waste. Their number will be increased in accordance with local demand.

Useful references for composting systems and integrated recycling are:
Winblad Uno et al, "Ecological Sanitation", SIDA (Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency), Stockholm, 1998. ISBN 91 586 76 12 0.
Del Porto D and Steinfeld C, "The composting toilet system book", CEPP (Centre for Ecological Pollution Prevention), Massachusetts, 1999 ISBN 0-9666783-0-3
Sawyer Ron (editor), "Closing the Loop - Ecological sanitation for food security", UNDP-SIDA, Mexico 2000, ISBN 91-586-8935-4
Foo Jacky, "Integrated bio-systems: a global perspective", InFoRM (National Workshop on Integrated Food Production and Resource Management, Brisbane, 2000.



Cooking is the most energy-intensive activity in the project area. Nearly all the fuel used for the comes from bio-mass, usually wood. Inefficient use of wood for cooking has serious consequences, including health dangers, air-pollution, and de-forestation, especially in the towns and larger villages.

A plentiful supply of wood is available in the project area and in Mvolo County and wood is not usually paid for. Its collection and transport, however, usually have a very high social cost. Wood must be fetched by, sometimes at a considerable distance from Yeri and the bigger towns and villages, and the people cannot afford to pay for mechanised transportation.

Local production of highly efficient stoves under local LETS systems can eliminate or at least substantially reduce the need to fetch wood. The benefits of this development are dramatic, including:

- halting the depletion of forests
- helping to stop erosion
-reducing the CO2 emissions
- reducing smog formation in towns and larger villages
- releasing women and girls from an unsustainable social burden

The proposed highly efficient Gypsum composites  stoves will reduce the bio-mass needed for cooking by up to 60%. The stoves will run with any kind of fuel. Importantly, the reduced bio mass needed to fuel them can be 100% locally produced, creating jobs to grow it, to make mini-briquettes for cooking and to distribute the briquettes. The production of bio-mass for cooking must not affect the production of local fertiliser for agriculture.

Gypsum composites  stoves have been preferred to solar cookers (though these can always be offered as an option) because the use of solar energy for cooking does not always coincide with users' eating habits. The stoves also allow people to retain their customary cooking methods and preferred pot and pan sizes, and are better adapted to preparing traditional staple foods. They incorporate heat level control, and will allow circulation of smoke so that the heat in the smoke is utilised.

The stoves will be locally sized to suit the two or three most commonly used pots and pans. Each family will buy as many stoves as it needs and can afford using the local LETS currencies.


The high efficiency stoves burn any sort of fuel. The project provides for locally manufactured mini-briquettes to be used. The recipes for the mini-briquettes are expected to vary from one local LETS system to another and maybe from one part of a LETS system to another depending on the materials actually available and local cooking customs. The burning speed will be controlled by adding water and/or vegetable oils and/or animal fats and/or dung and/or salt. Several kinds of mini-briquettes might be available to suit the different cooking jobs.

The mini-briquettes will be made from local waste materials like straw, leaves, sticks, paper, and wood chips. Where necessary, suitable fast-growing crops will also be planted to produce enough local bio-mass to make the mini-briquettes needed in the project area. Using the LETS currency systems, the growers will either sell the crops directly to mini-briquette manufacturers or to tradesmen equipped to treat the bio-mass to make it suitable to use in briquettes.


Where their use is not in conflict with local eating habits, solar cookers will be built under the LETS systems for daytime cooking.

The solar cooker recipients will be made from Gypsum composites . South African technology in the public domain will be used.


The structures necessary for clean and sufficient drinking water supply are the ones calling for the heaviest input in terms of formal capital. The structures will be set up during the course of a Moraisain organisational workshop which will follow the formation of most of the other structures foreseen. The following indications will be subject to modifications, some of them substantial. They will, however, give an idea of the dimensions of the project.

2.8.1 Siting of the boreholes/wells

The following drawings and graphs form an integral part of this project proposal.


Refer to maps in Schedule 3)

2.8.2 Basic project specifications

2.8.2 LETS AREA: Yeri Yeri Central : Police

Inhabitants : 600 households, 3600 population.
Water supply required @ 25l per day = 90000 litres/day
Available water supply : none

There are at present no schools or marketplaces.

Dig at least two wells.

From each well in or around the police station, pump a total of 45m3 water per day.

Each well will be fitted with 7 Solar Spring solar pumps
Each pump dedicated to a water tank supplying about 250 users.
Triple unit reserve hand-pump-system next to the well.

Each well system equipped with:
The well itself
Photovoltaic panels for overall +/- 2100Wp ( being 28 x 75Wp panels) and supports with multipoint hand-tracking system.
Seven solar pumps with accompanying electronics
Seven tanks on tank supports placed in seven locations in the police station area
A triple hand-pump system as backup
A Hand-pump platform
Washing place
Fence or similar around PV panels
Paths for users
Sink pits for water drainage

2.8.2. LETS AREA : Yeri Yeri Central : Clinic

Inhabitants : 600 households, 3600 population.
Water supply required @ 25l per day = 90000 litres/day
Available water supply : none

There is a clinic which used to have 24 beds and an out-patients section which is still in use.

Dig at least two wells.

From each well in or around the police station, pump a total of 50m3 water per day.

Each well will be fitted with 8 Solar Spring solar pumps
Each pump dedicated to a water tank supplying about 250 users.
The clinic equipped with two independent pump and tank systems.
Triple unit reserve hand-pump-system next to the well.

Each well system equipped with:
The well itself
Photovoltaic panels for overall +/- 2400Wp ( being 32 x 75Wp panels) and supports with multipoint hand-tracking system.
Eight solar pumps with accompanying electronics
Seven tanks on tank supports placed in seven locations in the area around the clinic and one tank on a tank support in the compound of the clinic.
A triple hand-pump system as backup
A Hand-pump platform
Washing place
Fence or similar around PV panels
Paths for users
Sink pits for water drainage

2.8.2 LETS AREA: Yeri Yeri Central Pentecostal Church

Inhabitants : 600 households, 3600 population.
Water supply required @ 25l per day = 90000 litres/day
Available water supply : none

There are at present no schools or marketplaces.

Dig at least two wells.

From each well in or around the Pentecostal church, pump a total of 45m3 water per day.

Each well will be fitted with 7 Solar Spring solar pumps
Each pump dedicated to a water tank supplying about 250 users.
Triple unit reserve hand-pump-system next to the well.

Each well system equipped with:
The well itself
Photovoltaic panels for overall +/- 2100Wp ( being 28 x 75Wp panels) and supports with multipoint hand-tracking system.
Seven solar pumps with accompanying electronics
Seven tanks on tank supports placed in seven locations in the areas near the Pentecostal Church
A triple hand-pump system as backup
A Hand-pump platform
Washing place
Fence or similar around PV panels
Paths for users
Sink pits for water drainage

2.8.2 Yeri AREA Yeri Ring Yeri ECS

Inhabitants : 375 households, 2250 population.
Water supply required @ 25l per day = 56250 litres/day
Available water supply : none

There are at present no schools or marketplaces.

Dig two wells.

From each well in or around the ECS, pump a total of 30m3 water per day.

Each well will be fitted with 6 Solar Spring solar pumps
Each pump dedicated to a water tank supplying about 250 users.
Triple unit reserve hand-pump-system next to the well.

Each well system equipped with:
The well itself
Photovoltaic panels for overall +/- 1800Wp ( being 24 x 75Wp panels) and supports with multipoint hand-tracking system.
Six solar pumps with accompanying electronics
Six tanks on tank supports placed in six locations near the ECS
A triple hand-pump system as backup
A Hand-pump platform
Washing place
Fence or similar around PV panels
Paths for users
Sink pits for water drainage

2.8.2 Yeri AREA Yeri Ring Yeri RCC

Inhabitants : 375 households, 2250 population.
Water supply required @ 25l per day = 56250 litres/day
Available water supply : none

There are at present no schools or marketplaces.

Dig two wells.

From each well in or around the RCC, pump a total of 30m3 water per day.

Each well will be fitted with 6 Solar Spring solar pumps
Each pump dedicated to a water tank supplying about 250 users.
Triple unit reserve hand-pump-system next to the well.

Each well system equipped with:
The well itself
Photovoltaic panels for overall +/- 1800Wp ( being 24 x 75Wp panels) and supports with multipoint hand-tracking system.
Six solar pumps with accompanying electronics
Six tanks on tank supports placed in six locations near the RCC
A triple hand-pump system as backup
A Hand-pump platform
Washing place
Fence or similar around PV panels
Paths for users
Sink pits for water drainage

2.8.2 Yeri AREA Yeri Ring Yeri School

Inhabitants : 375 households, 2250 population.
Water supply required @ 25l per day = 56250 litres/day
Available water supply : none

There is a primary school with 387 pupils.

Dig two wells.

From each well in or around the School, pump a total of 70m3 water per day.

One well will be fitted with 6 Solar Spring solar pumps and the other with 7.
Each pump dedicated to a water tank supplying about 250 users.
Triple unit reserve hand-pump-system next to the well.

One well system equipped with:
The well itself
Photovoltaic panels for overall +/- 1800Wp ( being 24 x 75Wp panels) and supports with multipoint hand-tracking system.
Six solar pumps with accompanying electronics
Six tanks on tank supports placed in six locations near the School
A triple hand-pump system as backup
A Hand-pump platform
Washing place
Fence or similar around PV panels
Paths for users
Sink pits for water drainage

One second well system equipped with:
The well itself
Photovoltaic panels for overall +/- 2100Wp ( being 28 x 75Wp panels) and supports with multipoint hand-tracking system.
Seven solar pumps with accompanying electronics
Six tanks on tank supports placed in six locations near the School; and one tank on tank support in the school compound
A triple hand-pump system as backup
A Hand-pump platform
Washing place
Fence or similar around PV panels
Paths for users
Sink pits for water drainage

2.8.2 Yeri AREA Yeri Ring Yeri Market

Inhabitants : 375 households, 2250 population.
Water supply required @ 25l per day = 56250 litres/day
Available water supply : none

There is a market with a market held six days per week with about 100 vendors and 250 clients.

Dig two wells.

From each well in or around the market, pump a total of 90m3 water per day.

One well will be fitted with 7 Solar Spring solar pumps
Each pump dedicated to a water tank supplying about 250 users.
Double pump system for the market
Triple unit reserve hand-pump-system next to the well.

Each well system equipped with:
The well itself
Photovoltaic panels for overall +/- 2100Wp ( being 28 x 75Wp panels) and supports with multipoint hand-tracking system.
Seven solar pumps with accompanying electronics
Seven tanks on tank supports placed in seven locations in or near the market, of which at least one in the market square itself
A triple hand-pump system as backup
A Hand-pump platform
Washing place
Fence or similar around PV panels
Paths for users
Sink pits for water drainage

2.8.2 Yeri AREA Yeri Ring Yeri Military

Inhabitants : 375 households, 2250 population.
Water supply required @ 25l per day = 56250 litres/day
Available water supply : none

Dig two wells.

From each well in or around the Military area, pump a total of 60m3 water per day.

Each well will be fitted with 6 Solar Spring solar pumps.
Each pump dedicated to a water tank supplying about 250 users.
Triple unit reserve hand-pump-system next to the well.

Each well system equipped with:
The well itself
Photovoltaic panels for overall +/- 1800Wp ( being 24 x 75Wp panels) and supports with multipoint hand-tracking system.
Six solar pumps with accompanying electronics
Six tanks on tank supports placed in six locations near the Military compound
A triple hand-pump system as backup
A Hand-pump platform
Washing place
Fence or similar around PV panels
Paths for users
Sink pits for water drainage

2.8.2 Yeri AREA Yeri Ring SDA area

Inhabitants : 375 households, 2250 population.
Water supply required @ 25l per day = 56250 litres/day
Available water supply : none

Dig two wells.

From each well in or around the SDA area, pump a total of 60m3 water per day.

One well will be fitted with 6 Solar Spring solar pumps.
Each pump dedicated to a water tank supplying about 250 users.
Triple unit reserve hand-pump-system next to the well.

One well system equipped with:
The well itself
Photovoltaic panels for overall +/- 1800Wp ( being 24 x 75Wp panels) and supports with multipoint hand-tracking system.
Six solar pumps with accompanying electronics
Six tanks on tank supports placed in six locations near the SDA area
A triple hand-pump system as backup
A Hand-pump platform
Washing place
Fence or similar around PV panels
Paths for users
Sink pits for water drainage

2.8.2 Yeri AREA Yeri Suburbs Winikelu with Dokudovolo

Inhabitants : 135 households, 800 population.
Water supply required @ 25l per day = 200009 litres/day
Available water supply : none

Dig one well to pump a total of 20m3 water per day.

The well will be fitted with 3 Solar Spring solar pumps.
Each of two pumps in Winikelu dedicated to a water tank supplying about 360 users.
One solar pump dedicated to a water tank in Dokudovolo
Triple unit reserve hand-pump-system next to the well.

One well system equipped with:
The well itself
Photovoltaic panels for overall +/- 900Wp ( being 12 x 75Wp panels) and supports with multipoint hand-tracking system.
Three solar pumps with accompanying electronics
Three tanks on tank supports, two of which placed in Winikelu and one in Dodudovolo
A triple hand-pump system as backup
A Hand-pump platform
Washing place
Fence or similar around PV panels
Paths for users
Sink pits for water drainage

2.8.2 Yeri AREA Yeri Suburbs Donyiya with Dogirengi

Inhabitants : 205 households, 1220 population.
Water supply required @ 25l per day = 30000 litres/day
Available water supply : none

Dig one well to pump a total of 30m3 water per day.

The well will be fitted with 4 Solar Spring solar pumps.
Each of three pumps in Donyiya dedicated to a water tank supplying about 350 users.
One solar pump dedicated to a water tank in Dogirengi
Triple unit reserve hand-pump-system next to the well.

One well system equipped with:
The well itself
Photovoltaic panels for overall +/- 1200Wp ( being 16 x 75Wp panels) and supports with multipoint hand-tracking system.
Four solar pumps with accompanying electronics
Four tanks on tank supports, three of which placed in Donyiya and one in Dongrengi
A triple hand-pump system as backup
A Hand-pump platform
Washing place
Fence or similar around PV panels
Paths for users
Sink pits for water drainage

2.8.2 Yeri AREA Yeri Suburbs Dogburo with Wiramono

Inhabitants : 300 households, 1800 population.
Water supply required @ 25l per day = 45000 litres/day
Available water supply : none

Dig one well to pump a total of 45m3 water per day.

The well will be fitted with 6 Solar Spring solar pumps.
Each of five pumps in Dogburu dedicated to a water tank supplying about 325 users.
One solar pump dedicated to a water tank in Wiramono
Triple unit reserve hand-pump-system next to the well.

One well system equipped with:
The well itself
Photovoltaic panels for overall +/- 1800Wp ( being 24 x 75Wp panels) and supports with multipoint hand-tracking system.
Six solar pumps with accompanying electronics
Six tanks on tank supports, five of which placed in Dogburu and one in Wiramono
A triple hand-pump system as backup
A Hand-pump platform
Washing place
Fence or similar around PV panels
Paths for users
Sink pits for water drainage

2.8.2 Yeri AREA Yeri Suburbs Kujuaboro

Inhabitants : 730 households, 4360 population.
Water supply required @ 25l per day = 109000 litres/day
Available water supply : none

Dig two wells to pump a total of 109m3 water per day.

Each well will be fitted with 7 Solar Spring solar pumps.
Each of fourteen pumps in Kujuaboro dedicated to a water tank supplying about 310 users.
Triple unit reserve hand-pump-system next to each well.

Each well system equipped with:
The well itself
Photovoltaic panels for overall +/- 2100Wp ( being 28 x 75Wp panels) and supports with multipoint hand-tracking system.
Seven solar pumps with accompanying electronics
Seven tanks on tank supports
A triple hand-pump system as backup
A Hand-pump platform
Washing place
Fence or similar around PV panels
Paths for users
Sink pits for water drainage

2.8.2 Yeri AREA Yeri Suburbs Benyi

Inhabitants : 220 households, 1300 population.
Water supply required @ 25l per day = 32000 litres/day
Available water supply : none

Dig one well to pump a total of 32 m3 water per day.

The well will be fitted with 4 Solar Spring solar pumps.
Each of three pumps in Benyi dedicated to a water tank supplying about 325 users.
Triple unit reserve hand-pump-system next to the well.

One well system equipped with:
The well itself
Photovoltaic panels for overall +/- 1200Wp ( being 16 x 75Wp panels) and supports with multipoint hand-tracking system.
Four solar pumps with accompanying electronics
Four tanks on tank supports, placed in Benyi
A triple hand-pump system as backup
A Hand-pump platform
Washing place
Fence or similar around PV panels
Paths for users
Sink pits for water drainage

2.8.2 Yeri AREA Yeri Suburbs Disipilesi

Inhabitants : 560 households, 3350 population.
Water supply required @ 25l per day = 84000 litres/day
Available water supply : none

Dig two wells to pump a total of 84m3 water per day.

Each well will be fitted with 5 Solar Spring solar pumps.
Each of 10 pumps in Disipilesi dedicated to a water tank supplying about 335 users.
Triple unit reserve hand-pump-system next to the well.

Each well system equipped with:
The well itself
Photovoltaic panels for overall +/- 1500Wp ( being 20 x 75Wp panels) and supports with multipoint hand-tracking system.
Five solar pumps with accompanying electronics
Five tanks on tank supports
A triple hand-pump system as backup
A Hand-pump platform
Washing place
Fence or similar around PV panels
Paths for users
Sink pits for water drainage

2.8.2 Yeri AREA Yeri District Kuyu

Inhabitants : 65 households, 400 population.
Water supply required @ 25l per day =10000 litres/day
Available water supply : none

Dig one well to pump a total of 10m3 water per day.

The well will be fitted with 2 Solar Spring solar pumps.
Each of three pumps in Kuyu dedicated to a water tank supplying about 200 users.
Single unit reserve hand-pump-system next to the well.

One well system equipped with:
The well itself
Photovoltaic panels for overall +/-600Wp ( being 8 x 75Wp panels) and supports with multipoint hand-tracking system.
Two solar pumps with accompanying electronics
Two tanks on tank supports
A single hand-pump system as backup
A Hand-pump platform
Washing place
Fence or similar around PV panels
Paths for users
Sink pits for water drainage

2.8.2 Yeri AREA Yeri District Mbaya

Inhabitants : 500 households, 2950 population.
Water supply required @ 25l per day = 74000 litres/day
Available water supply : none

Dig two wells to pump a total of 74m3 water per day.

Each well will be fitted with 5 Solar Spring solar pumps.
Each of ten pumps in Mbaya dedicated to a water tank supplying about 295 users.
Triple unit reserve hand-pump-system next to each well.

One well system equipped with:
The well itself
Photovoltaic panels for overall +/- 1500Wp ( being 20 x 75Wp panels) and supports with multipoint hand-tracking system.
Five solar pumps with accompanying electronics
Five tanks on tank supports
A triple hand-pump system as backup
A Hand-pump platform
Washing place
Fence or similar around PV panels
Paths for users
Sink pits for water drainage

2.8.2 Yeri AREA Yeri District Koru

Inhabitants : 160 households, 970 population.
Water supply required @ 25l per day = 25000 litres/day
Available water supply : none

Dig one well in Koru to pump a total of 25m3 water per day.

The well will be fitted with 3 Solar Spring solar pumps.
Each of three pumps in Koru dedicated to a water tank supplying about 325 users.
Triple unit reserve hand-pump-system next to the well.

One well system equipped with:
The well itself
Photovoltaic panels for overall +/- 900Wp ( being 12 x 75Wp panels) and supports with multipoint hand-tracking system.
Three solar pumps with accompanying electronics
Three tanks on tank supports
A triple hand-pump system as backup
A Hand-pump platform
Washing place
Fence or similar around PV panels
Paths for users
Sink pits for water drainage

2.8.2 Yeri AREA Yeri District Gulu

Inhabitants : 140 households, 820 population.
Water supply required @ 25l per day = 20500 litres/day
Available water supply : There is one borehole
There is one primary school and a health centre

Dig one well in Gulu to pump a total of 30m3 water per day.

The well will be fitted with 5 Solar Spring solar pumps.
Each of two pumps in Gulu dedicated to a water tank supplying about 410 users.
Two independent pump systems dedicated to water tanks supplying the health centre
One pump system dedicated to a tank in the school compound
Triple unit reserve hand-pump-system next to the well.

The well system equipped with:
The well itself
Photovoltaic panels for overall +/- 1500Wp ( being 20 x 75Wp panels) and supports with multipoint hand-tracking system.
Five solar pumps with accompanying electronics
Five tanks on tank supports
A triple hand-pump system as backup
A Hand-pump platform
Washing place
Fence or similar around PV panels
Paths for users
Sink pits for water drainage

2.8.2 Yeri AREA Yeri District Mbara

Inhabitants : 240 households, 1450 population.
Water supply required @ 25l per day = 36250 litres/day
Available water supply : there is one borehole
There is one primary school and a public health centre

Dig one well in Mbara to pump a total of 45m3 water per day.

The well will be fitted with 7 Solar Spring solar pumps.
Each of four pumps in Mbara dedicated to a water tank supplying about 360 users.
Two independent pump systems each with a dedicated tank in the Health Centre compound
One pump system dedicated to the primary school.
Triple unit reserve hand-pump-system next to the well.

One well system equipped with:
The well itself
Photovoltaic panels for overall +/- 2100Wp ( being 28 x 75Wp panels) and supports with multipoint hand-tracking system.
Seven solar pumps with accompanying electronics
Seven tanks on tank supports
A triple hand-pump system as backup
A Hand-pump platform
Washing place
Fence or similar around PV panels
Paths for users
Sink pits for water drainage

2.8.2 Yeri AREA Yeri District Miyewe

Inhabitants : 180 households, 1080 population.
Water supply required @ 25l per day = 27000 litres/day
Available water supply : none

Dig one well in Miyewe to pump a total of 27m3 water per day.

The well will be fitted with 3 Solar Spring solar pumps.
Each of three pumps in Miyewe dedicated to a water tank supplying about 360 users.
Triple unit reserve hand-pump-system next to the well.

One well system equipped with:
The well itself
Photovoltaic panels for overall +/- 900Wp ( being 12 x 75Wp panels) and supports with multipoint hand-tracking system.
Three solar pumps with accompanying electronics
Three tanks on tank supports
A triple hand-pump system as backup
A Hand-pump platform
Washing place
Fence or similar around PV panels
Paths for users
Sink pits for water drainage

2.8.2 Yeri AREA Yeri District Yeye

Inhabitants : 140 households, 840 population.
Water supply required @ 25l per day = 21000 litres/day
Available water supply : none

Dig one well in Yeye to pump a total of 21m3 water per day.

The well will be fitted with 3 Solar Spring solar pumps.
Each of three pumps in Yeye dedicated to a water tank supplying about 280 users.
Triple unit reserve hand-pump-system next to the well.

One well system equipped with:
The well itself
Photovoltaic panels for overall +/- 900Wp ( being 12 x 75Wp panels) and supports with multipoint hand-tracking system.
Three solar pumps with accompanying electronics
Three tanks on tank supports
A triple hand-pump system as backup
A Hand-pump platform
Washing place
Fence or similar around PV panels
Paths for users
Sink pits for water drainage

2.8.2 Yeri AREA Yeri District Kpakpawiya

Inhabitants : 200 households, 1200 population.
Water supply required @ 25l per day = 30000 litres/day
Available water supply : none

Dig one well in Kpakpawiya to pump a total of 30m3 water per day.

The well will be fitted with 4 Solar Spring solar pumps.
Each of three pumps in Kapakwiya dedicated to a water tank supplying about 300 users.
Triple unit reserve hand-pump-system next to the well.

One well system equipped with:
The well itself
Photovoltaic panels for overall +/- 1200Wp ( being 16 x 75Wp panels) and supports with multipoint hand-tracking system.
Four solar pumps with accompanying electronics
Four tanks on tank supports
A triple hand-pump system as backup
A Hand-pump platform
Washing place
Fence or similar around PV panels
Paths for users
Sink pits for water drainage

2.8.2 Yeri AREA Yeri District Ti'boro

Inhabitants : 150 households, 880 population.
Water supply required @ 25l per day = 22000 litres/day
Available water supply : none

Dig one well in Ti'boro to pump a total of 22m3 water per day.

The well will be fitted with 3 Solar Spring solar pumps.
Each of three pumps in Ti'boro dedicated to a water tank supplying about 290 users.
Triple unit reserve hand-pump-system next to the well.

One well system equipped with:
The well itself
Photovoltaic panels for overall +/- 900Wp ( being 12 x 75Wp panels) and supports with multipoint hand-tracking system.
Three solar pumps with accompanying electronics
Three tanks on tank supports
A triple hand-pump system as backup
A Hand-pump platform
Washing place
Fence or similar around PV panels
Paths for users
Sink pits for water drainage

2.8.3. Summary of water supply






   Solar Pumps

Hand Pumps

Watts installed


Central Police








Central clinic








Central PCC








Ring ECS








Ring RCC








Ring school








Ring market








Ring military








Ring SDA








Suburbs Winikelu








Suburbs Donyiya








Suburbs Dogburu








Suburbs Kujuaboro








Suburbs Benyi








Suburbs Disipliesi























































































































































Inhabitants : 47600
Wells : 36
Boreholes : 0
Litres/day : 1.284.000
Solar pumps : 200
Hand pumps : 106
Installed photovoltaic power: 60.4 KW
Water tanks with capacity 15m3 200
About 1500km water pipes.

2.8.4 Principles for siting water supply structures

New wells will have to be dug and lined, or boreholes drilled and lined where necessary. The wells should be sited as close as possible to the users. The water then has to be pumped through pipelines from the wells to above-ground tanks situated near the users' houses, so that no-one need go more than 150m from home to fetch water. The project provides for hand-dug wells. This is because the water table is only 25-30 meters deep and the work can be done locally under the local money system set up. However, an adequate reserve has been provided in the budget to drill boreholes should this be necessary. This is not preferred as it would lead to financial leakage from the project area.

The solar pumps are capable of carrying water under pressure over several kilometres. Multiple small high-efficiency pumps in place of larger (but much less efficient) ones are proposed to guarantee a safe constant water supply. If one pump needs maintenance, or if one water pipeline is accidentally damaged, the other pumps continue working.

Water quality must be checked and water sourced from deeper aquifers if necessary.

2.8.5 Well linings

The wells will normally be 2m outside diameter and 1.8m internal diameter.

Boreholes will have a large diameter up to 10", so that several pumps can go down the same borehole, consistent with the borehole capacity.

Boreholes and wells must be well protected against soil instability, using linings locally made in a Gypsum composites factory. Gypsum composites  production units are an integral part of the project. The boreholes and wells must be sealed so that surface water cannot flow back down the well. Hand-pumps and platforms must be built so that the users' feet remain dry and never come in contact with water. Access to the hand-pumps/wells must always be dry. For instance, shingle or similar materials can be used so that users' feet always remain dry.

The layout of a typical water installation is shown in:


2.8.6 Equipment at water points near the users' houses

The solar pumps pump water from the wells to the various water points (tanks) near to the users' houses. The chosen pumps can easily transport the water for several kilometres from the wells to the water tanks through polyethylene pipelines.

The above-ground tanks will each have a capacity large enough for three days' water for the community to which they are dedicated. Back-up hand-pump systems will also be available at the well sites in case of need.

The water in the tanks at schools and clinics may be purified using ultraviolet solar purification units should suitable technology be available at the moment of installation. Water purification can be extended to other community supply tanks at a later stage of the project. The water tanks will be fitted with double stainless steel ball valve sets. The ground surface at the water points will be laid with shingle and kept dry so that the users' feet always remain dry. A sink-pit with stones and shingle will be used to drain any spill water. The tanks will be made locally from Gypsum composites

2.8.7 Budget items relating to the water supply structures

The final budget figure for the drinking water supply structures will be prepared during the organisational workshop.

The indicative budget includes the following items, expressed in Euro. Together they generally represent about 39% of the project's formal currency capital goods investments.


Amount in Euro

Organisation workshop


Setting up the basic structures


Vehicles and materials


Drilling and lining of boreholes/wells (LETS)


Local labour for boreholes/wells (LETS)


Washing places (LETS)


Hand-pump platforms (LETS)


Solar pumps (200)


Panel supports (200)(LETS)


PV panels (60.4 kwp)


Hand-pumps (106) partly from Gypsum composites


Cable and pipes for pumps/wells


Feed pipe to water tanks (km100)


Labour to lay feed pipes (LETS)


Water tanks 200 (mostly LETS)


Tank bases 200 (mostly LETS)


Preparation maintenance operators


Initial stock of spare parts


Permits and formalities


Preparation of specifications




Total (about 39.2% of the total project cost)


Funds eventually not used will be added to project reserves and circulated in the form of interest-free micro-credits to increase local productivity. For example, certain materials and equipment may be locally available.

The workshop may take the following aspects into consideration: Establishing base camp and stores
$ 32.000 Forming the supervisory team for wells and drilling

Personnel : team made up of 6 people
-Team leader brigade
-2 x drivers/mechanics
-3 x part-time workers Assemble well work groups

Personnel : 4 teams each with 7 men:
-Group leader
-Lining worker
-5 labourers Materials to be written off over the period of the interest-free loan Truck 7 ton
4.1.02 (Toyota???) double cabin 4x4
4.1.03 Drilling equipment.
4.1.04 generator
4.1.05 welding group
4.1.06 Compressor
4.1.07 air pressure pumps
4.1.08 hydraulic hammers
4.1.09 heads for hammers
4.1.10 lengths 20m pipe dia.25mm
4.1.11 lengths 20m pipe diam.19mm
4.1.12 Vibration head diam.
4.1.13 Motor for 4.12
4.1.14 winches
4.1.15 Containers 50 litre
4.1.16 Forms
4.1.17 Tools
4.1.18 Cutting group
4.1.19 Form for platforms

Reserve 7.4.1 vehicles and equipment Euro 150.000 Cost materials

4.2.1 Gypsum composites/anhydrite
4.2.2 Steel (????)
4.2.3 Sand and shingle
4.2.4 Wood and various

Reserve materials 7.4.2 Euro 60.000 WELL/BOREHOLE CONSTRUCTION (15 MONTHS) Works
-Forages 8" internal diameter
-Hand dug wells indicatively diam.ext. 2m diam.int.1.8m.
-Well platform 0.5m high as per drawings Personnel and fuel
5.2.01 Head of brigade
5.2.02 4 x group leaders
5.2.03 4 x lining workers
5.2.04 20x labourers
5.2.05 2 x drivers/mechanics
5.2.06 3xpart-time labourers
5.2.07 Diesel for truck 100km/day
5.2.08 Diesel for compressor
5.2.09 Petrol for (Toyota???) 150km/day
5.2.10 Fuel for drilling equipment
5.2.11 Unforeseen Drilling

Drilling operations where needed will be let out to operators as near as possible to the project area. This may be in Uganda or Kenya given the lack of operators in South Sudan.

Forecast group 7.5 Euro 126.000 BUILDING OF ABOUT 36 PLATFORMS FOR HAND-PUMPS

6.1 The platforms can be sited next to the wells since the chosen hand-pumps work with bends in the feed pipe (See drawing in Schedule 5)

6.2 Material necessary :
-2.25m3 Gypsum composites 
-Piece of polyethylene other pipe for drainage to sink pit.
-Stones for sink pit.
-Access to the hand-pumps and the platform areas shall be laid out with shingle paths so that the users feet do not get wet.

6.3 Both the platforms themselves and the labour will fall under the local money LETS systems BUILDING OF ABOUT 36 WASHING PLACES (EXCLUDING THE RIVER-BLINDNESS ERADICATION CAMPAIGN)

7.1 The washing places will be placed near the wells. No decision has been taken as to whether the water for the washing places is to come from the hand-pumps or whether solar pumps with tanks be installed for the purpose. The washing places must meet hygiene criteria with:

7.2 Hygienic drainage of water to a sink pit or to gardens
7.3 Surfaces hygienic and easy to keep clean
7.4 No contact between users feet and water on the ground or water on or around the washing place.

The washing places will be built and installed under the local money LETS systems AREAS AROUND THE WELLS and BOREHOLES

8.1 The area around the wells and boreholes must be well protected against unauthorised access by persons and access by animals.

8.2 The wells and boreholes themselves must be completely sealed off against insects and anything that could cause contamination of the water.
8.3 Access to the PV panels should not be permitted. Fences and/or other protection must be used. In connection with the risk of theft, the panels should always be under the supervision of members of the well commissions.
8.4 Individual PV panels will be fitted with a "chip" enabling recovery in case of theft. The glass of the panels will be engraved in the centre with the name of the project to further discourage theft. LAYING OF PIPELINES TO THE TANK INSTALLATIONS

9.1 From each well and borehole about 6-9 hygienic pipelines will be laid to the tanks situated near the homes of the users. In some cases these pipelines may be several kilometres long. The various separate pipelines will run through a common shallow trench for as far as possible, and then branch off each pipeline in a separate shallow trench over the last few hundred meters to its dedicated tank installation. A few extra lengths of pipeline can be laid in the common sections of trench for use should installations later be changed or in case of damage to a pipeline in use. Obstacles such as roads and rivers are to be avoided. In case of risk that a trench be crossed by vehicles, appropriate protection for the pipelines shall be used.

9.2 The trenches can be dug by the users themselves against payment of the normal standard LETS local money daily rate for such work.

9.3 Costs
9.3.1 Pipelines
9.3.2 Double rapid couplings
9.3.3 Protection materials

Total costs 7.9 of pipelines Euro 65.000 INSTALLATION OF TANKS(ABOUT 200 x 15.000 LITRES)

Cheaper and better alternatives to concrete tanks will be used. These will be spherical tanks made from (hygienic) Gypsum composites , made locally in a factory to be set up within the project itself. The tanks will be placed on solid supports. Each tank will be fitted with two sets of stainless steel two ball valves. The combination of spherical tanks and supports will offer resistance to all foreseeable weather conditions.

10.1 Costs of tanks
10.1 200 x 15.000 liter tanks reserve Euro 50.000
10.2 200 x tank supports reserve Euro 20.000
10.3 402 x 1" stainless steel ball valves Euro 14.000
10.4 A few drainage pipes
10.5 Shingle for sink pits and paths

Total costs 7.10 tank installations Euro 84.000 INSTALLATION OF SOLAR- AND HAND-PUMPS

11.1 Costs

About 106 hand-pumps to be built partially under LETS systems


About 4000m polyethylene 1 1/4" 16 bar feed-pipe for hand-pumps


About 13000m safety rope for pumps


Double rapid couplings


Electric cable


Reserve accessories


Stock of spare parts for hand pumps


About 200 solar pumps


About 100000m polyethylene high pressure pipe diam. 26mm ext/19mm


Spare parts for solar pumps


External transport


Inland transport


Supervision installation


Total cost 11.1 Installation solar-and hand pumps Euro 470.000 INSTALLATION OF PV PANELS

7.12.1 About 200 panel arrays of 48V 4 x 75Wp in series
12.1.1 About 60.400Wp Euro 360.000
12.1.2 Panel supports Euro 50.000

It is the intention that the panel supports be made from Gypsum composites in one of the local Gypsum composites factories to be set up under the project.

12.2 External transport panels Euro 15.000
12.3 Local transport panels Euro 12.500


13.1 The water is clean when it reaches the tank installations. The reason for the tank installations is that the following must be taken into account:
-a) Users need water to be available 24 hours per day.
-b) A water reserve must slowly be built up in case of bad weather (three days).
-c) The capacity of the tanks must be in line with the capacity of the pumps.
-d) If water is kept in the Yeri area in a tank for several days, however well protected against infection it is, steps should be taken to ensure it stays clean. UV purification systems are therefore foreseen for schools and clinics within the framework of phase 3 of the project. If sufficient finance is available, similar protection can be used in the other tank installations in phase 4.

Water purification technology is still under development. This section is subject to the availability of mature technology at the time of the installation.

Reserve during phase 4 Euro 12.500. The reserve is low because at the moment there are only three schools in the project area and just three clinics, none of which is currently operational.. TRAINING OF MAINTENANCE OPERATORS

Training will be carried out during the Water Supply workshop COMMISSIONING OF WORKS

15.1 Every well group with associated +/- 6-9 tank installations will be handed over to the well and tanks commissions after payment of the users contributions for the first month. The system remains the property of the project until the loans have been repaid. On completion of loan repayment:
- property in the wells, hand-pumps, washing areas, and PV enclosures passes to the well commissions.
- property in the dedicated PV arrays, PV pumps, pipelines and tank installations pass to the tank commissions. HEALTH ASPECTS CONCERNING USE OF WATER

The organisational workshops will establish a network for the systematic control of water quality. The following are some possible indications:

16.1 Organising systematic water sampling to keep a close check on water quality in the wells and in the tank installations.
16.2 Hygiene education. Cooperation through the established Health Clubs with locally operating health workers and the Regional Department of Health to spread information and training of the users in the correct use of clean household utensils, washing of hands before eating.
16.3 Equipment for water testing will be supplied to one of the local clinics and paid for users from outside the project area. Water testing for installation within the project area will be carried out free of charge.
16.4 Organisation of regular water sampling
16.5 Water testing programme
16.6 Hygiene education courses in schools
16.7 Rules concerning special industrial and medical waste products



The project provides for PV powered lighting for study purposes in each of the 200 tank localities included in the project. Few of the areas will have a suitable study room so suitable rooms will have to be built to qualify for the PV lighting. Study rooms will be built under the LETS local currency system, and each of the LETS members in that tank area would be debited for his/her share of the building cost. As an incentive to build study rooms, the costs of the PV lighting have been included in the general project costs. Over time, all 200 tank area groups may see fit to provide study areas for their students. The tank commissions will be responsible for PV lighting in their area. Some may wish to install a PV powered television set for educational use as well. However, there are practical problems in managing TV sets, and these will need further discussion when the project is being finalised. One of the main issues in the Yeri area is that while the need for lighting for study is expressed as being urgent, there are few schools for the people to go to. On the other hand there are currently four groups of evening classes in operation. One meets in the SDA church building, another in the ECS building, and two groups hold lessons in the Payam Administrator's office. The need for evening classes and adult education is great, given that 97.5 % of the people are illiterate.

PV lighting and/or PV refrigeration facilities for clinics within the project area would also be the responsibility of the tank commissions where the clinics are located. The situation concerning schools or clinics outside the project area serving in part users living within the project area presents practical problems which will need to be discussed case by case when the project is finalised.

PV lighting or power sources needed by individuals for production purposes will be financed on a case by case basis using micro-credit loans.

Financing PV lighting or power sources for (home) systems not used for production can be negotiated between individual users and the Mvolo Cooperative Local Development Bank when those users have enough income to meet the extra cost. The terms of the hire-purchase loan and lease agreements for Solar Home Systems will be agreed with the local bank before the project starts.  Cooperative investment groups for the installation of solar home systems may also be set up at tank commission level. 

2.9.1 Cost of equipment
2.9.2 Cost of installation. Pro-memorium. Installation will be done under the LETS system.

Total cost Euro 200.000

The project coordinator may instruct the groups who have installed the water pumping installations to carry out the PV lighting installations and maintenance in the clinics under the local money LETS system.


There are only three health centres within the project area, and these are not at the moment operational. It is expected that these clinics, and others, become operational during the course of this project. Each operational clinic must have at least one refrigerator for vaccines.

A budget of Euro 5.000 has been allowed for lighting and another Euro 5.000 for refrigeration in each existing clinic. A reserve of Euro 40.000 has been set aside to take account of new initiatives.

Total budget 4.2 PV lighting and refrigeration in clinics: Euro 70.000

Cases where clinics outside the project area serve users inside the project area are mentioned pro-memorium and will need to be discussed on a case by case basis. The reserve of Euro 40.000 can, at the discretion of the project coordinator be used for this purpose.

The project coordinator may instruct the groups who have installed the water pumping installations to carry out the PV lighting installations and maintenance in the clinics under the local money LETS system.


There are at present just 3 primary schools listed in the the project area and the need for basic schooling and adult education is desperate. Information on what can be done under this project to help alleviate the lack of education in the project area is described in point 2.11 below.

It is assumed that evening classes will be organised at the three schools and at the three centres in Yeri (SDA Church building, the ECS building, and the Payam Administrator's office) where adult education classes are already being held from 16.00 to 17.00 hours in the afternoon. The project therefore provides for PV lighting systems for the schools and the adult education centres.

An amount of Euro 40.000 has been reserved for this purpose.


Up to 200 tanks could be involved. In case of contamination of water in a tank, especially where this occurs systematically, supplementary steps will be needed to ensure the purification of the water. Various technologies are currently under development, from filtration systems susceptible to local manufacture to more complex and relatively expensive systems operating with ultra-violet rays which have to be imported into the project area.

In cases of contamination, means must be found to keep the water safe. A reserve for Euro 38.500 has been set aside in the budget. The purpose of the project is to await the results of technological developments as long as possible before acting. How this money will be spent will also depend on the outcome of the tests conducted with the installations in schools and clinics. The fund may be used for field testing of technologies as they become available. In the meantime funds not spent will be made available for interest-free micro loans.


This is listed pro-memorium for further discussion as there are some practical problems with the use of TV sets in the Yeri area.

In principle the tank commissions can approve the installation of a PV operated TV system (FOR STUDY PURPOSES) provided:
a) A study room has been built and correctly protected against weather, dust, and theft
b) Sufficient didactic material is available in the local language, Modo, to justify the installation of a TV set.
c) Warranty is given that the TV set not be "confiscated" for purposes of "comfort" for group vision of commercial TV programmes.

The funds necessary for the installation in good faith of TV equipment, for didactic purposes only, will be transferred from the project reserves.

The project coordinator may instruct the groups who have installed the water pumping installations to carry out the PV lighting installations and maintenance in the clinics under the local money LETS system.



Some two thirds of Mvolo County, where the Yeri project area is situated, is covered by virgin forest. This represents economic potential provided it is carefully and sustainably administered for the exclusive benefit of the local inhabitants. This could include sustainable use of timber, by developing timber processing activities working through to the preparation of finished products.

Measures needed to combat erosion in the project area are expected to be taken within the local currency (LETS)systems. They can take the form of protection of forests by way of reduction of wood requirements for cooking purposes. They can also take the form of concerted management within the framework of a separate organisational workshop to be held during phase 4. This workshop would be funded from reserves.

Nurseries for the cultivation of plants will be set up under the interest-free micro-credits systems and within the local money systems. Some of the plants grown, especially those of local origin, could be made available for anti-erosion campaigns which can be conducted entirely under the local money systems.


Annual rainfall in the project area varies from 480-560 millimetres. This falls during the rainy season from May to October.

Houses are usually not more than 3 meters by 2 meters in area. Assuming an area of 6m2, and rainfall of 500mm. families can in theory capture about 3000 litres of water per year.

This project does not attempt to describe the many possibilities offered by efficient rain-water harvesting. Rainwater harvesting systems will be developed as a natural extension of economic activity in the area.

Rain-water can be harvested both for irrigation and for drinking water. Some form of purification system is needed when it is used for drinking water as the water may come into contact with dirty surfaces and may need to be stored for quite long periods. Purification needs systematic technology application and careful management. The effects can be disastrous if these things are overlooked. That is why clean water from closed wells and boreholes has been preferred to harvested rain-water in this project.

The solar powered drinking water systems foreseen in this model project offer a limited capacity suitable for human consumption, small animals and small scale drip irrigation applied to high value cash crops. The project does not include water for irrigation and general agriculture for which the use of solar energy, taking into account the cost of PV panels and/or wind generators into account, is still relatively uneconomic.

Rain-water harvesting offers the possibility of providing a water supply suitable for small scale agricultural initiatives. The use of Gypsum composites  water tanks and reservoirs made under the (LETS) system means that users do not actually need to have any "money" to start and gradually expand their own rain-water harvesting systems. The tanks can be gravity fed off roofs and/or slopes and/or road surfaces. This water would also be used for personal hygiene such as showers, and for the washing of clothes.

Sloping of surfaces

Surfaces such roofs, roads, squares need to be gently sloped so that water can run along gutters or other channelling material to one or more water collection points. The channelling materials used should be locally made (from Gypsum composites or from clay) to avoid financial leakage from the project area. In any case PVC must not be used. The collection surface(s) should be kept as clean as possible. Contamination of the surface by animals and waste products should where possible be avoided. Green or "living" roofs are ideal for rainwater harvesting. The number of water collection points will depend on the surface being drained and the maximum intensity of the rainfall. Purely indicatively one collection point should serve about 40m2 or 300 sq. feet.


The harvested water is intended for general household use and not for drinking. Should it be required for drinking purposes it must be boiled. Chlorination and other types of water treatment should be avoided except where the water in the rainwater tank is the only source of water available and it is known to be, or there is a reasonable risk that it be, bacterially infected. Even then treatment should only be carried out by a specialist.

The harvested water should however be filtered to keep organic materials, solids and particles in suspension out. This can be done is two phases:
a) At the collection point, with a fine metal grate together, eventually, with a suitable sponge-like material at the top of the down-water pipe.
b) Above the water tank, where the water can pass through a Gypsum composites or other container (but not PVC!) filled with (locally available) shingle, sand, and charcoal.

The size of the filters will depend from case to case according to the maximum amount of flow reasonably foreseeable.

Down-water pipes

Their size will depend on the maximum amount of flow reasonable foreseeable, but will typically have an internal diameter from 3" to 6". Their length will depend on where the water tank is situated. They should be as short as possible. Where they are exposed to the suns rays, the pipes must be resistant to them. Where possible the pipes should be made from locally available materials and supplied within the local LETS money systems. Do NOT use PVC material.

Water tanks

Where possible, the water tanks should be sealed and placed just under the roof, from where they can be gravity fed through pipes to outlet points in or around the house. Recipients can also be placed on a stand between roof level and floor level, so that gravity feeding is still possible. Where neither of these is feasible, ground level recipients can be used. This usually involves the use of lids, ladles, buckets and similar which may not be hygienic and the risk of infection and access by animals and insects is increased. Ground level tanks also occupy extra space.

The water tanks will normally be spherical in shape and made locally under the LETS systems from Gypsum composites. Where they are esthetical in appearance and design, their position is irrelevant.


This project cannot substitute obligations of the state of South Sudan for the supply of proper scholastic structures in the project areas, except for safe drinking water, sanitation facilities, and, eventually PV lighting requirements.

Formal currency investments in school structures are not susceptible to the rapid interest-free re-cycling which is the heart of self-financing development projects.

In this case, however, local school systems are mostly to the charge of the parents and there is an acute lack of:

a) Building infrastructure
b) School furniture
c) Didactic material
d) Teachers

It may in some cases be possible to improve circumstances under the project by taking advantage of the possibilities offered by:

a) The local tank commissions
b) The local money LETS systems
c) The local Gypsum composites factories

  In practice any goods and services which are locally available can be paid for under the local money systems. These goods and services can include:

a) Gypsum composites elements, including load bearing structures, for school buildings
b) Gypsum composites school furniture
c) Services of teachers willing to work under the local money systems with salaries paid in the local LETS points
d) Reproduction of didactic material through PV television systems and/or through documentary reproduction by local consultants set up under the micro-credit systems.

Groups of parents and or groups of tank commissions can take initiatives under the local money systems and distribute their costs (expressed in LETS points) amongst the groups directly involved. In this sense the groups involved can be registered under the LETS systems in the same way as clubs or other social groupings.

The same principles apply to urgently needed adult education initiatives.


This project cannot substitute obligations of the state of South Sudan for the supply of proper means of communication. Provided the government accepts to abolish taxes of the operation of high-frequency radio posts, the project sets up a complete radio communications system enabling people in the project to communicate with each other and with the outside world.

Initiatives under the micro-credits system normally include setting up local information centres offering users full benefits of modern forms of contact with the outside world, including the use of the internet for information purposes. For this type of development to take place, service providers must have a coverage of the project area. This is presently not the case. Data from PV operated computers in the project area will therefore need to be transmitted by means of physical courier for further transmission and safe back-up storage in Uganda or Kenya.


Schedule 1: The project in detail
Schedule 2: Information on Clodomir Santos de Morais and the Organisational Workshops:
Schedule 3: Project maps
Schedule 4: Solar submersible horizontal axis piston pumps
Schedule 5: Spring rebound inertia hand pumps
Schedule 6: Gypsum composites technology:
a) NOTES ON GYPSUM COMPOSITES: General description of the Gypsum composites technology,
b)PREPARATION OF GYPSUM COMPOSITES PRODUCTS: More information and an example of a more advanced application.
Schedule 7: Health Clubs courses An original colour copy can be obtained from Juliet Waterkeyn of the ONG Zimbabwe A.H.E.A.D. whose e-mail address is zimahead@harare.iafrica.com
Schedule 8: Information on LETS local money systems
Schedule 9: A list of 25 progressive steps for development
Schedule 10: Material for presentations using transparents or Powerpoint
Schedule 11: NGO SIDF : Statutes and information
Curriculum of Yowan Ngoli




The authors express their thanks to the following persons who made very useful suggestions incorporated in the original model project:

In alphabetical order:

Mr L.F.Manning, New Zealand, who also painstakingly re-edited the early drafts of the Model
Mr Taake Manning, Netherlands
Mr Eric Meuleman, of EOS Advises, Netherlands
Mrs Juliet Waterkeyn, of Zimbabwe AHEAD, Zimbabwe




The main Yeri project document.

Maps of the project area.

Executive summary

List of draft projects in English and in French.

Main project programme.

Model homepage.

Bakens Verzet homepage.