NGO Another Way (Stichting Bakens Verzet), 1018 AM Amsterdam, Netherlands.


Edition 01: 12 November, 2009


01. E-course : Diploma in Integrated Development  (Dip. Int. Dev.)


   Quarter 2.





Value: 06 points out of 18 .

Expected work load: 186 hours out of 504.


The points are finally awarded only on passing the consolidated exam for Section B : Solutions to the Problems.



Fourth block: The structures to be created.


Value : 03 points out of 18

Expected work load: 96 hours out of 504


The points are finally awarded only on passing the consolidated exam for Section B : Solutions to the Problems.



Fourth block: The structures to be created.


Section 1. Justification of the order of sequence for the creation of the structures. [16 hours]


14.00 hours:  Justification of the order of sequence for the creation of the structures.

02.00 hours : Preparation report.



Section 1. Justification of the order of sequence for the creation of the structures. [16 hours]


14.00 hours:  Justification of the order of sequence for the creation of the structures.


1. Nesting and subsidiarity.

2. Moraisian workshops.

3. The first phase of execution.

4. The second phase of execution.

5. The third phase of execution.

6. Chart showing the execution structures.

7. Activity plan.



02.00 hours : Preparation report.



14.00 hours:  Justification of the order of sequence for the creation of the structures.


6. Chart showing the execution structures. (At least two hours).


This section refers to the execution phase of each individual project.


Click here to see a chart showing the institutional links amongst parties to the execution of integrated development projects.  


The focal point (lower part) of the chart is the project coordinator.


1. Research.


Working from the chart, on one page describe the role of the independent project coordinator.


Click here to see a chart showing the typical financial movements involved in the execution of an integrated development project.


2. Research.


Describe on one page how the funds provided by donors reach their destinations.


Click here to see a chart showing the circulation of  funds within the bank structures for the execution of an integrated development project.


3. Research.


Describe on one page how the funds for an integrated development project are controlled at the various project  levels.


Click here to see a chart showing the audit system for the execution of an integrated development project.


4. Research.


On one page describe how control over expenditure for integrated development projects is organised.


5. Research.


Make a one page general summary of the relationship between the structures of an integrated development project and the external funding structures.


 Fourth block :  Section 1. Justification of the order of sequence for the creation of the structures.

 Fourth  block : The structures to be created.

Main index  for the Diploma in Integrated  Development  (Dip. Int. Dev.)

 List of key words.

 List of references.

  Course chart.

 Technical aspects.

 Courses available.

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