Another Way (Stichting Bakens Verzet), 1018 AM
01: 11 November, 2009
01. E-course : Diploma in
Integrated Development (Dip. Int. Dev.)
Value: 06
points out of 18 .
Expected work
load: 186 hours out of 504.
The points
are finally awarded only on passing the consolidated exam for Section B :
Solutions to the Problems.
block: The structures to be created.
Value : 03 points out of 18
Expected work load: 96 hours
out of 504
The points
are finally awarded only on passing the consolidated exam for Section B :
Solutions to the Problems.
Fourth block:
The structures to be created.
Section 1. Justification of
the order of sequence for the creation of the structures. [16 hours]
14.00 hours: Justification of the order of sequence for the
creation of the structures.
02.00 hours : Preparation
Section 1. Justification of
the order of sequence for the creation of the structures. [16 hours]
14.00 hours: Justification of the order of sequence for the
creation of the structures.
3. The first phase of
4. The second phase of
5. The third phase of
6. Chart showing the execution
02.00 hours : Preparation
14.00 hours: Justification of the order of sequence for the
creation of the structures.
5. The third phase of
execution. (At least 2 hours).
The structures created during the second phase carry
out the operations they are designed to do :
- the execution of hygiene
education courses by the 05.12 (200) hygiene education
the execution of 05.12 hygiene education
courses in schools.
- the functioning of the 05.21 interest-free
cooperative local money structure.
- the functioning of the 05.22 interest-free
cooperative micro-credit structures.
- completion of the construction of the 05.31 two units for the production of articles from gypsum composites.
- commencement of 05.31 production of articles
from gypsum composites.
- completion of the construction of the (35-45) waste recycling centres.
- commencement operation of 05.43 (35-45) structures for the recycling of
urine, excreta solid wastes.
- commencement activities of 05.32 (35-45) centres for the production of
mini-briquettes for stoves.
- commencement of the 05.33 production of bio-mass
for stoves.
- drilling of boreholes and equipment for 05.41 (35-45)
structures for drinking water supply.
- construction of 05.41 (35-45) platforms for
back-up hand-pump systems.
- construction of 05.41 (35-45) washing areas.
- laying of 05.41 200 km. Feed pipes to
reach the water tanks.
- installation of 05.41 (200) tanks.
- installation of equipment for the 05.41 purification of water at schools and clinics.
- installation of 05.41 67kw of photovoltaic
panels PV and (200) solar pumps.
- installation of 05.41 (105) hand-pump systems.
- commencement of production, distribution and installation of 05.42 10.000 sanitation structures.
- operation of the 06.29 local radio station .
- installation and operation of 05.44 (200)
photovoltaic lighting structures for study purposes; and of the (5) lighting
and refrigeration systems in clinics.
Look at the following graphs :
As the structures, and especially the social and
financial structures are formed and operative they are transferred by the 07. the cooperative for project execution to the
06. permanent cooperative for
the on-going management of the structures. The decision on the moment of passage of each
structures is the responsibility of the 07. Cooperative for project execution the
Board of which acts on the basis of recommendations made by the project
This passage can take place at different moments for
each level of a given structure. In 06. the permanent cooperative for
the management of structures in the third block : Section 2 : Division of responsibilities
amongst three project levels, the issue
of a kind of «organised confusion » was
raised. For example : one tank commission may be operating independently
and applying the local money system in an advanced way; another tank commission
may still not be operative. One tank commission has organised the laying of the
feed pipe for its drinking water system and taken delivery of its solar pump
system ; another may not even have started digging the trenches for the
feed pipe to its tank. One well commission may have installed its system
for the registration of local money transactions thereby enabling the tanks
commissions in its area to work under the local money system while another has
not even started. A comparison can be made with a teacher offering
individualised lessons to the children in his/her class, where each pupil
develops at his own speed.
The cooperative for project
executions does not pass individual
structures to the permanent cooperative for the
management of structures until the structure in question is operative.
The first is responsible for the start up of each structure, the second for its
on-going management. This feature makes integrated development projects
different from traditional development aid initiatives.
1. Opinion.
On one page,
convince the Councillors of your Council of the advantages of this
Speed of execution
of your project will tend to increase exponentially as the project
proceeds. Ever more operative structures increasing the production potential of
the populations are made available.
2. Opinion.
Imagine you
are an elderly woman who sees these changes taking place. Describe her reaction
to them on one page.
It is expected that women have a greater personal interest in progress
made with the project. With each added structure progress accelerates. Men like
quick action.
3. Opinion.
On one page, explain when you think men
will « jump on board the bandwagon ». Why would they do
The period of two years allowed for the execution of a
development project seems very short for the creation and start-up of all of
the structures foreseen. In section 1. Nesting and subsidiarity of this block
of the course, you were asked to convince a funding party that your project is
down to earth and based on reality and not on dreams.
4. Opinion.
As soon as
the men in a project area «jump on board » new, powerful, forces are freed for the benefit of the
project.. On one page explain what you think would happen at that point.
5. Opinion.
Each project creates permanent
structures making powerful on-going development in the project area possible.
On one page explain what do you think
the long term limits to this development are? What do you think of the concept
of infinite development?
◄ Fourth block : Section 1. Justification of the order of sequence for the
creation of the structures.
◄ Fourth block : The structures to be created.
◄ Main index for the
Diploma in Integrated Development (Dip. Int. Dev.)
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