NGO Another Way (Stichting Bakens Verzet), 1018 AM Amsterdam, Netherlands.


01. E-course : Diploma in Integrated Development  (Dip. Int. Dev.)


Edition 01: 10 November, 2009


Quarter 2.






Value: 06 points out of 18 .

Expected work load: 186 hours out of 504.


The points are finally awarded only on passing the consolidated exam for Section B : Solutions to the Problems.



Fourth block: The structures to be created.


Value : 03 points out of 18

Expected work load: 96 hours out of 504


The points are finally awarded only on passing the consolidated exam for Section B : Solutions to the Problems.



Fourth block: The structures to be created.


Section 5: Services structures. [24 hours]


20.00 hours : Service structures.

04.00 hours : Preparation report.


Fourth block : Exam. [ 4 hours per attempt]



20.00 hours : Service structures.


01. Drinking water structures : organisation.

02. Drinking water structures : technique.

03. Sanitation structures  : organisation.

04. Sanitation structures  : technique.

05. Waste recycling structures : organisation.

06. Waste recycling structures : technique.

07. Photovoltaic lighting structures.

08. Structures for the elimination of smoke in and around homes.

09. Education structures.

10. Health structures.


04.00 hours : Preparation report.



04.00 hours : Preparation report.


Prepare your report on the basis of the work you have done during your study for Section 5 of Block 4. In practice, you have already prepared the documentation for your report. You are obviously free to adapt your texts to create a harmonious and interesting document.


Comments setting up a direct relation between your project area and the study material will be privileged.


Your report is based on 120 points, being 10 points for each of the sections  02-11, and 20 points for your conclusion. The resulting figure is divided by 6, to produce a final mark out of 10. A final mark of at least  7 out of 10 is required. If your result is less than 7 out of 10 or in case of a very weak result in any specific aspect, your tutor will inform you of the weaknesses so that you review the subjects in question.


The study points earned for your work on Block 4 will not be awarded until you pass the consolidated exam for Section B  You can sit the Section B exam after passing the Block 5 exam.


Be brief. You are required to respect the maximum number of words. Anything written in excess of that number will be considered as not written.


The title of your report is “The Service Structures of Integrated Development Projects”.


Here is the plan of your report :


Section 01 :  Short, coherent, introduction:  (Maximum 500 words. No points.)

Section 02 :  01. Drinking water structures : organisation. (Maximum 500 words. 10 points.)

Section 03 :  02. Drinking water structures : technique. (Maximum 500 words. 10 points.)

Section 04 :  03. Sanitation structures  : organisation. (Maximum 500 words. 10 points.)

Section 05 :  04. Sanitation structures  : technique. (Maximum 500 words. 10 points.)

Section 06 :  05. Waste recycling structures : organisation. (Maximum 500 words. 10 points.)

Section 07 :  06. Waste recycling structures : technique. (Maximum 500 words. 10 points.)

Section 08 :  07. Photovoltaic lighting structures. (Maximum 500 words. 10 points.)

Section 09 :  08. Structures for the elimination of smoke in and around homes. (Maximum 500 words. 10 points.)

Section 10 :  09. Education structures. (Maximum 500 words. 10 points.)

Section 11 :  10. Health structures. (Maximum 500 words. 10 points.)

Section 07 :  Your conclusion. (Maximum 1500 words. 20 points.)


 Fourth block :  Section 5: Services structures.

 Fourth  block : The structures to be created.

Main index  for the Diploma in Integrated  Development  (Dip. Int. Dev.)

 List of key words.

 List of references.

  Course chart.

 Technical aspects.

 Courses available.

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"Money is not the key that opens the gates of the market but the bolt that bars them."

Gesell, Silvio, The Natural Economic Order, revised English edition, Peter Owen, London 1958, page 228.


“Poverty is created scarcity”

Wahu Kaara, point 8 of the Global Call to Action Against Poverty, 58th annual NGO Conference, United Nations, New York 7th September 2005.



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