NGO Another Way (Stichting Bakens Verzet), 1018 AM Amsterdam, Netherlands.


                                                                                    01. E-course : Diploma in Integrated Development (Dip. Int. Dev)


Edition 02: 28 July, 2010


Tekstvak:         Quarter 2.








Study points : 06 points out of 18.

Minimum study time : 186 hours out of 504


The points are awarded only on passing the consolidated exam for  Section B :  Solutions to the Problems.



Fifth block : How the third block structures solve specific problems.


Study points : 02 points out of 18

Minimum study time : 54 hours out of 504


The points are awarded only on passing the consolidated exam for  Section B :  Solutions to the Problems.



Fifth block : How the third block structures solve specific problems.


Section 7: Water and sanitation. [5 hours]


02.00 Hours Water.

02.00 Hours Sanitation.

01.00 Report.



Section 7: Water and sanitation. [5 hours]


Sanitation. (At least 2 hours).


All humans have a fundamental right to water and sanitation. (The human right to water and sanitation,  declaration of the United Nations General Assembly, New York, 26th July 2010.)


An analysis of  required sanitation structures was made in parts 08. Health and sanitation, 09. Complete waste recycling system, and 10. Dry composting toilets in section 2 services at the basis of a good quality of life  in block 1 poverty and quality of life.  


The Plan for Implementation for targets aux 10 and 11 : Water, sanitation  and slums and the solutions proposed  to solve them  were covered in  the second block : the problems to be solved.


The organisation of the sanitation structures and some related technical aspects were covered in section 5  service structures  of the fourth block the structures to be created.


Integrated development projects under the  Model cover:


1.  The recycling of  urine and household grey water at the level of the 10.000 homes in each project area.

2.  A complete eco-sanitation system for all (10.000 homes).

3.  Eco-sanitation services at schools, clinics, and public places.

4.  Recycling of 100% of waste rpoducts atr the lowest level possible.


Assume your village has 1000 persons. 4 water tanks have been installed there. There are, therefore, 4 tank commissions there. A village market is held twice a week.. The market is visited both by people from other zones in the Integrated Project area, and by people from neighbouring areas withour an integrated development project. A group of women wish to set a cooperative up fro the management of an ecological toilet structure with 10 toilets and a urinal for men.


1. Opinion.


On two pages, describe how they would the construction of the toilet block and how they would repay their micro-credit loan. Begin with an introduction. Then describe the formalites connected with the location of the structure and the necessary authorisations. Continue with a  description of the necessary financing, both in formal money and local money.  Continue with a description of how the Cooperative would be paid for its services and how it would repay its formal money micro-credita. End with your conclusion. You do not have to make an analysis of the way the structure is managed.


One of the tasks of each tank commission is to nominate a (female) inspector who may, but not necessarily be, a member of the tank commission to carry out regular hygiene inspections (water and sanitaation) in the +/- 40 homes served by the tank commission, and in the schools and public places. This is intended to be a support service, without any punitive connotations. Women are preferred for this taks as they have the confidence of the women who are visited, whom they know very well.


The work of the inspectors will in turn be checked by a well-commission level inspector. These inspections will be formalised.


In most cases the inspections at tank commission level will be informal, especially where inspectors are illiterate.


2. Opinion.


Suppose on the other hand that the inspector is literate.On one page write a control sheet to be completed during each visit, starting with the drinking water container through to the recycling of urine and grey water or their collection.


Look through Model annexe 09.54  Sanitation for primary schools in Africa Reed Bob and Shaw Rod, WEDC Water Engineering and Development Centre, Loughborough University, Loughborough, 2008.


Sanitation structures at schools will be run by local women organised  (probably – but the choice is theirs) as a cooperative operating under the local money system set up.  Review the results of your work for section 04. Sanitation structures  : technique. Remember that the separation (even physcial) of the structures for girls from those of the boys may be required.


3. Opinion.


On one page, try in as much detail as possible, to set out the ideal course of events from the moment a child enters the toilet structure until the moment where the toilet is prepared for the next following visit. [Note : It is obvious that in short periods of intensive use of the toilets, it may not be physically possible to respect all of the steps in the ideal situation. The issue here is to define a sequence of acts guaranteeing 100% hygiene in the structures]. 


 Fifth block :  Section 7: Water and sanitation. 

 Fifth block :  How fourth block structures solve specific problems.

Main index for the Diploma in Integrated Development (Dip.Int.

 List of key words.

 List of references.

  Course chart.

 Technical aspects.

 Courses available.

Bakens Verzet Homepage.


"Money is not the key that opens the gates of the market but the bolt that bars them."

Gesell, Silvio, The Natural Economic Order, revised English edition, Peter Owen, London 1958, page 228.

“Poverty is created scarcity”

Wahu Kaara, point 8 of the Global Call to Action Against Poverty, 58th annual NGO Conference, United Nations, New York 7th September 2005.


Creative Commons License


This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-commercial-Share Alike 3.0 Licence



NGO Another Way (Stichting Bakens Verzet), 1018 AM Amsterdam, Netherlands.


                                                                                    01. E-course : Diploma in Integrated Development (Dip. Int. Dev)


Edition 02: 28 July, 2010


Tekstvak:         Quarter 2.








Study points : 06 points out of 18.

Minimum study time : 186 hours out of 504


The points are awarded only on passing the consolidated exam for  Section B :  Solutions to the Problems.



Fifth block : How the third block structures solve specific problems.


Study points : 02 points out of 18

Minimum study time : 54 hours out of 504


The points are awarded only on passing the consolidated exam for  Section B :  Solutions to the Problems.



Fifth block : How the third block structures solve specific problems.


Section 7: Water and sanitation. [5 hours]


02.00 Hours Water.

02.00 Hours Sanitation.

01.00 Report.



Section 7: Water and sanitation. [5 hours]


Sanitation. (At least 2 hours).


All humans have a fundamental right to water and sanitation. (The human right to water and sanitation,  declaration of the United Nations General Assembly, New York, 26th July 2010.)


An analysis of  required sanitation structures was made in parts 08. Health and sanitation, 09. Complete waste recycling system, and 10. Dry composting toilets in section 2 services at the basis of a good quality of life  in block 1 poverty and quality of life.  


The Plan for Implementation for targets aux 10 and 11 : Water, sanitation  and slums and the solutions proposed  to solve them  were covered in  the second block : the problems to be solved.


The organisation of the sanitation structures and some related technical aspects were covered in section 5  service structures  of the fourth block the structures to be created.


Integrated development projects under the  Model cover:


1.  The recycling of  urine and household grey water at the level of the 10.000 homes in each project area.

2.  A complete eco-sanitation system for all (10.000 homes).

3.  Eco-sanitation services at schools, clinics, and public places.

4.  Recycling of 100% of waste rpoducts atr the lowest level possible.


Assume your village has 1000 persons. 4 water tanks have been installed there. There are, therefore, 4 tank commissions there. A village market is held twice a week.. The market is visited both by people from other zones in the Integrated Project area, and by people from neighbouring areas withour an integrated development project. A group of women wish to set a cooperative up fro the management of an ecological toilet structure with 10 toilets and a urinal for men.


1. Opinion.


On two pages, describe how they would the construction of the toilet block and how they would repay their micro-credit loan. Begin with an introduction. Then describe the formalites connected with the location of the structure and the necessary authorisations. Continue with a  description of the necessary financing, both in formal money and local money.  Continue with a description of how the Cooperative would be paid for its services and how it would repay its formal money micro-credita. End with your conclusion. You do not have to make an analysis of the way the structure is managed.


One of the tasks of each tank commission is to nominate a (female) inspector who may, but not necessarily be, a member of the tank commission to carry out regular hygiene inspections (water and sanitaation) in the +/- 40 homes served by the tank commission, and in the schools and public places. This is intended to be a support service, without any punitive connotations. Women are preferred for this taks as they have the confidence of the women who are visited, whom they know very well.


The work of the inspectors will in turn be checked by a well-commission level inspector. These inspections will be formalised.


In most cases the inspections at tank commission level will be informal, especially where inspectors are illiterate.


2. Opinion.


Suppose on the other hand that the inspector is literate.On one page write a control sheet to be completed during each visit, starting with the drinking water container through to the recycling of urine and grey water or their collection.


Look through Model annexe 09.54  Sanitation for primary schools in Africa Reed Bob and Shaw Rod, WEDC Water Engineering and Development Centre, Loughborough University, Loughborough, 2008.


Sanitation structures at schools will be run by local women organised  (probably – but the choice is theirs) as a cooperative operating under the local money system set up.  Review the results of your work for section 04. Sanitation structures  : technique. Remember that the separation (even physcial) of the structures for girls from those of the boys may be required.


3. Opinion.


On one page, try in as much detail as possible, to set out the ideal course of events from the moment a child enters the toilet structure until the moment where the toilet is prepared for the next following visit. [Note : It is obvious that in short periods of intensive use of the toilets, it may not be physically possible to respect all of the steps in the ideal situation. The issue here is to define a sequence of acts guaranteeing 100% hygiene in the structures]. 


 Fifth block :  Section 7: Water and sanitation. 

 Fifth block :  How fourth block structures solve specific problems.

Main index for the Diploma in Integrated Development (Dip.Int.

 List of key words.

 List of references.

  Course chart.

 Technical aspects.

 Courses available.

Bakens Verzet Homepage.


"Money is not the key that opens the gates of the market but the bolt that bars them."

Gesell, Silvio, The Natural Economic Order, revised English edition, Peter Owen, London 1958, page 228.

“Poverty is created scarcity”

Wahu Kaara, point 8 of the Global Call to Action Against Poverty, 58th annual NGO Conference, United Nations, New York 7th September 2005.


Creative Commons License


This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-commercial-Share Alike 3.0 Licence