NGO Another Way (Stichting Bakens Verzet), 1018 AM Amsterdam, Netherlands.


Edition 01: 30 October, 2009

Edition 02 : 21 March, 2011


01. E-course : Diploma in Integrated Development (Dip. Int. Dev)


Quarter 1.






Study value : 04 points out of 18.

Indicative study time: 112 hours out of 504.


Study points are awarded only after the consolidated exam for Section A : Development Problems has been passed.



Second block : The problems to be solved.


Study points : 02 points out of 18

Expected work required: 55 hours out of 504


The two study points will be finally awarded on successful completion of the consolidated exam for Section A : Development problems.



Section 1. Analysis of the Millennium Goals. [22 hours]


[18.00 Hours] Analysis of the Millennium Goals.

[04.00 Hours] Preparation report Section 1 of Block 2.


Section 2: Relate the Millennium Goals to the services for a good quality of life in Section 2 of block 1. [23 hours]


[18.00 Hours] Analysis of the services made available by integrated development projects.

[05.00 Hours]  Preparation report Section 2 of Block 2.


Second block : Exam. [ 4 hours each attempt]


Consolidated exam for Section A : Development problems (for passage to Section B of the course :  [ 6 hours each attempt].



Section 2: Relate the Millennium Goals to the services for a good quality of life in Section 2 of Block 1. [23 hours]


Analysis of the services made available under integrated development projects.[18.00 hours]


01. Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger.

02. Achieve universal primary education.

03. Promote gender equality and empower women.

04. Reduce child mortality.

05. Improve maternal health.

06. Combat HIV/aids, malaria and other diseases.

07. Target 09 : Ensure environmental sustainability.

08. Targets 10 and 11 : Water, sanitation  and slums.

09. Develop a global partnership for development.


[05.00 Hours]  Preparation report Section 2 of Block 2.



Analysis of the services made available under integrated development projects.[18.00 hours]


08. Targets 10 and 11 : Water, sanitation  and slums.  (At least 2 hours)


Refer to slides :


Millennium goal  7 : Ensure environmental sustainabilty.

Target 10 :  Reduce by half  the proportion of people without sustainable access to safe drinking water (and adequate sanitation).

Target 11 :  Achieve significant improvement in lives of  at least 100 million slum dwellers by 2020.


On millennium goal 7 (Targets 10 and 11) read :


The following sections of your analysis in section 1 of block 1 of the course :


04. Drinking water.

05. Typical drawing of a well area.

06. Water point.

08. Health and sanitation.

09. Complete waste recycling system.

10. Eco-san dry composting toilet.


And your in-depth studies in section 2 of block 1 of the course :


04. Drinking water.

05. Typical drawing of a well area.

06. Water point.

08. Health and sanitation.

09. Complete waste recycling system.

10. Eco-san dry composting toilet.


Refer also to :


The various files specific to water and sanitation facilities of the Model.

You  analysis of the  Plan for the implementation of the Millennium Goals :  water, sanitation, and slums.


Section 5 of Block 4 of the course in on the service structures provided by integrated development projects, in particular  01. Water supply structures: organisation ;   02. Water supply structures: technique;  03. Sanitation structures : organisation ; and  04. Sanitation structures : technique.


The indicators foreseen for target 10 Reduce by half  the proportion of people without sustainable access to safe drinking water (and adequate sanitation)

of Millennium 7 are :


Indicator 30 : Proportion of the population with sustainable access to an improved water source (WHO/UNICEF)

Indicator 31 : Proportion de the population with accessed to improved sanitation. (WHO/UNICEF)


The indicator foreseen for target 11 Achieve significant improvement in lives of  at least 100 million slum dwellers by 2020  is


Indicator 32 : Proportion of families with access to security of occupation of their dwellings (UN Habitat)


Integrated development projects under the Model provide for :


Sufficient clean drinking for all, without exclusion (Details : Block 4, section 5,  01. Drinking water structures: organisation ;  02. Drinking water structures : technique.)

Local water points (usually about  200) at tank commission level, near users’ houses. (Details : Block 4, section 5,  01. Drinking water structures: organisation ;  02. Drinking water structures : technique.)

Back-up water supply (usually 35 systems) at well commission level : (Details : Block 4, section 5,  01. Drinking water structures: organisation ;  02. Drinking water structures : technique.)

Rainwater harvesting facilities at household level (10.000 households) (Details : Block 4, section 5,  01. Drinking water structures: organisation ;  02. Drinking water structures : technique.)

Recycling of grey water at household level  (10.000 households)  (Block 4, section 5, 03. Recycling structures  : organisation. ;  04. Recycling structures : technique.

Complete eco-san ecological sanitation systems at each household (10.000 households). (Block 4, section 5,  03. Sanitation systems: organisation. ;  04. Sanitation systems : technique.)

Eco-sanitation systems in schools, clinics and public places. (Block 4, section 5,  03. Sanitation systems: organisation. ;  04. Sanitation systems : technique.)

Waste-recycling system 100%  at lowest possible level (Block 4, section 5, 05. Waste recycling structures : organisation ; 06. waste recycling structures: technique.

All of the Model concepts apply equally to slums. (Details, block 6, section 1, Method part 3 : order of sequence of the actions.)

A strong priority in favour of pilot projects in rural areas, to begin with. (Details, block 6, section 1, Method part 3 : order of sequence of the actions.)

Stop migration from rural areas to the towns. (Details, block 6, section 1, Method part 3 : order of sequence of the actions.)

Introduce projects to poor urban areas in a second phase only,  to encourage the return of slum-dwellers to the rural areas of origin where they will enjoy a better quality of life. (Details, block 6, section 1, Method part 3 : order of sequence of the actions.)


1. Research.


On one page summarise the water and sanitation services made available to the inhabitants of each integrated development  project area.


2. Opinion.


Analyse the water and sanitation services made available to the inhabitants of each project area. Can you suggest some improvements to them ?



Section 07.07 of the Model provides a costs and benefits analysis which, in connection with the reduction of loss of environmental resources includes :


« 01. Drinking water points about 100m away from homes.  Average benefit : 1 hour water-fetching time per day (being 10% of a 10 hour working day x  revenue Euro 3 a day, or Euro 0,30 a day for 10.000 women = Euro 3000 à day x 365, or Euro 1.095.000 per year.  


« 02. Washing places. Benefit 4 hours per week (or 40% of one day’s work) x revenue Euro 3 = Euro 1,20  x  52 weeks x  10.000 women= Euro 624.000 per year.


« 03. Reduction of medical costs for people with water-borne diseases :  50% of the population (25.000) at least one a year x  average treatment costs Euro 20 = 25000  x Euro 20 = Euro  500.000 per year.


« 04. Increase in productivity due to reduction of water-borne diseases : 50% of the adult population (50% of 30.000 adults)  x ten days per year x income Euro 3 a day= 15000 people  x 10 days x Euro 3 per day = Euro 450.000.


« 05. Reduction in the cost of treatment for diseases relating to lack of nourishment, inadequate hygiene, smoke in and around homes etc. : 25% of the population at least once a year x  average cost for doctors and medicines  Euro  20 = 25000 people  x Euro 20 per treatment = Euro  250.000.


3. Research.


On one page comment on each of the five items listed above. Give details of other items you think should be added to the list.


In notes on the  Plan for the Implementation of the Millennium Goals, on water, sanitation and slums international contributions were discussed.


4. Opinion.


On one page make an analysis of the international contribution you think are needed to execute the interventions provided under integrated development projects according to the Model.


The concepts applying to integrated development projects under the Model apply equally well to poor urban areas as they do to rural areas.


On the other hand, one of the basic purposes of development is to stop migration of people from rural areas to slums in larger towns, and, eventually, to reverse the trend by encouraging slum dwellers to return to their areas of origin. Once the execution of this first phase has been completed, work can be started on doing up the urban slums. However, the order of sequence for the execution of national or regional plans is a political choice.


5. Opinion.


On one page comment on the priorities to be given to rural areas and to poor slum areas within the framework of the execution of  Regional and National plans according to the Model.


 Second block :  Problems to be solved.

Index : Diploma in Integrated Development  (Dip. Int. Dev)

 List of key words.

 List of references.

  Course chart.

 Courses available.

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