NGO Another Way (Stichting Bakens Verzet), 1018 AM Amsterdam, Netherlands.


                                                                                    01. E-course : Diploma in Integrated Development (Dip. Int.Dev.)


Edition 01: 03 December, 2009



Tekstvak:         Quarter 3.










Study points : 05 points out of 18

Minimum study time : 125 hours out of 504


The study points are awarded upon passing the consolidated exam  for  Section C : The Model.



Sixth block : The Model.


Study points : 01 point out of 18

Minimum study time : 16 hours out of 504


The study points are awarded upon passing the consolidated exam  for  Section C : The Model.


Sixth block: The Model.


Section 1 :  Method.

Section 2:   Content.


Block 6 : Exam .

Sect. 2 : Contents.(06 hours)


Contents part 2 : information to be adapted. (At least 2 hours)


Specific information relating to the files of the Model will be analysed in Section D : The student’s project.


In part 1 : information to be supplied of this Section 2 : Contents  information necessary to get a project documentation started was discussed. This information was on the specific conditions in the project area in question.


The other sections of the project index  (the Model) also need to be carefully reviewed. In some cases the texts supplied there may be acceptable as they are. In other cases changes will need to be made to adapt them to local circumstances. In most cases, this is a question of changing the typical  numbers, quantities, and «values » provided in the Model texts.


The changes are usually systematic.  They are repeated throughout the sequence of documents forming the Model  At he same time, the corrections need to be made carefully – it is so easy to «jump » intervention points, even when modern computer technologies are used !


Here are a few indications.


In section 1 of the project index  (the Model) the following files must in any case be adapted :


01.02 The project summary


The following files need to be updated gradually as information for them becomes available, both during the preparation of the project documentation and during project execution and, later on, on-going management of the structures.


01.11 Declarations on the participation of the local populations.

01.12 Declarations of support by civil society in the country where the project is to take place.

01.13 Declarations of support by political structures.

01.14 Press articles on the project.


In section 4 of the project index  (the Model) the following file must in any case be adapted :


4.10 Partners and co-donors of the NGO responsible for the project.


Numeric changes need to be made to other section 4 files according to the number of well- and tank-commissions involved in the project.


In section 5 of the project index  (the Model), numeric changes need to be made in files 05.01 – 05.09 and the names and contact information of the Cooperatives responsible for execution and on-going management of structures supplied.


In section 5.10 of the project index  (the Model) files 05.11  Initial Environmental Study and 05.17 Environmental Impact Report  need to be completed. The first one will usually be prepared at the start of phase 2 of the project ; the second during phase 4.  Files 05.12-05.16  need to be changed according to numeric indications.


In section 5.20 of the project index  (the Model) the numeric indications in files 05.21 – 05.22 need to be changed.


In section 5.30 of the project index  (the Model) the numeric indications in files 05.31 – 05.37 need to be changed.


In section 5.40 of the project index  (the Model) the numeric indications in files 05.41 – 05.49 need to be changed. File  05.41 The creation of the drinking water supply structures requires a lot of work,  as the results of the research already carried out under  02.04 List of villages in the project area (See Contents part 1 : information to be supplied.)


In section 5.60 of the project index  (the Model) the numeric indications in files 05.61 – 05.69 need to be changed.


In section 06.00 of the project index  (the Model) the numeric indications in files 06.01 – 06.50 need to be changed, and, above all, the number of participants.


Section 7.00 of the project index  (the Model) contains the financial files. Files 07.01 – 07.70 need to be CAREFULLY adjusted to the amounts and quantities in question. Above all, because of quantity variations, file 07.13 The Excel spreadsheets for the preparation of the budget (technical documents). This involved the preparation of a complete series of new graphs. In most cases, there will be variations in the budget sheet itself as well. New activities will usually be added. Others may be taken out.


In section 08.00 of the project index  (the Model) a few numerical  indications in  files 08.10 – 08.70 will usually need to be changed.


1. Research.


The application of the Model enables interested parties to avoid costs relating to feasibility studies, project documentation, environmental report and the preparation of applications for financial coverage. Conduct a short research product in your country to analyse the relationship between the individual cost of each of  these activities and the total value of the projects in question. Present the results of your research on 3 pages. Begin your report with a short introduction. Then present in turn your research results for feasibility studies, preparation of the full project documentation, applications for finance, and environmental reports. In your conclusion, apply the  results of your analysis to the amount foreseen (typically 5.000.000) for an integrated development project in your project area.


The first phase of integrated development projects has no budget coverage. This is the phase where feasibility studies, project documentations, applications for finance and sometimes initial environmental reports are prepared. In your research report above, you made a financial evaluation of these activities when  conducted under traditional projects. Their value is high in relations to the budget of your integrated development project. It amounts to a dowry of high value that the local promoters of integrated development projects contribute free of charge to their project.


2. Opinion.


Suppose a donor has difficulties understanding this concept when applied to the integrated development project for your zone.  On one or two pages (maximum 1000 words) try to convince the donor of the value of your dowry.


 Sixth block :  Section 2: Contents. 

 Sixth block :  The Model.

Main index  for the Diploma in Integrated  Development  (Dip. Int. Dev.)

 List of key words.

 List of references.

  Course chart.

 Technical aspects.

 Courses available.

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"Money is not the key that opens the gates of the market but the bolt that bars them."

Gesell, Silvio, The Natural Economic Order, revised English edition, Peter Owen, London 1958, page 228.


“Poverty is created scarcity”

Wahu Kaara, point 8 of the Global Call to Action Against Poverty, 58th annual NGO Conference, United Nations, New York 7th September 2005.



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