website provides simple, down-to-earth practical solutions to poverty- and development-related problems. It sets out
step by step how the solutions are put into effect. By following the steps, users can draft their
own advanced ecological sustainable integrated development projects and apply
for their seed financing. Social, financial, productive and service structures
are set up in a critical order of sequence and carefully integrated with each
other. That way, cooperative, interest-free, inflation-free local economic
environments are formed in project areas. Local initiative and true competition
are then free to flourish there.
information :
Click here for a very simple summary of a typical
integrated development project.
Click here to see an executive summary
which provides a short analysis of a typical integrated development project.
Click here to see
the Model itself, a standard project index.
Click here to see a full-year e-learning course at
post-masters level for the Diploma in Integrated Development ( Dip. Int. Dev.) The course is available on-line
for use by all. Anyone interested can follow the full course free of charge.
The Diploma in Integrated Development ( Dip. Int. Dev.) itself is awarded only
to students following the course with tutor support, against payment for
tutorship on a costs-recovery basis. Diploma graduates qualify to lead
integrated development projects and to train others. Just reading the course
material provides full information on the concepts and methods the Model is
based on.
Click here to see a new section of
the course on how to finance integrated development projects using the CDM
mechanisms (Kyoto Protocol)
Many existing development projects have
already failed or risk failure because they are not fully sustainable over a
longer term. This is often because an appropriate framework of enabling social,
financial, and productive structures under which management and maintenance
costs and long-term replacements of capital goods can be carried out is
The social, financial, productive and service
structures foreseen in the Model for integrated development projects can be
built around structures set up under traditional projects to create cooperative, interest-free, inflation-free
local economic environments in the project areas. This way several thousand
employment opportunities can be created in each project area and large amounts
of on-going formal money costs saved.
On-going financial leakage from project areas, typical of traditional development projects,
is blocked. The small amount of formal money reaching the project areas is,
wherever possible, retained and continually recycled there.
The structures created during the execution of each project have many
policy implications. These are described in the paper Policy implications of an
innovative model for self-financing ecological sustainable development for the
world's poor.
general goals of integrated development projects include:
a) To meet and surpass all of the Millennium
Development Goals in the project area with the exception of vaccinations under
goal 6. Vaccinations and other imported medicines, while valid, in principle
cause financial leakage from the project area. That means less initial capital
is left over for investment in the project structures and/or for on-going
rotation of funds for productive local development there. Finance for
vaccinations and medicines is usually readily available through other aid
b) To create a cooperative, interest-free,
inflation-free, local economic environment in the project area where individual
initiative and genuine competition are free to flourish.
c) To achieve work for all in the project area
within three years. This includes in principle productive work for the
handicapped, and for the blind in particular.
d) To provide affordable health, sanitation and
drinking water systems created, operated, maintained and financed by the local
populations through project structures which operate entirely, except for the
centralised purchase at project level of some spare parts, under the local
money system set up.
e) To provide a three-tiered social security system
for the needy.
f) To ensure the on-going preparation of women for
participation in democratic structures and decision-making at local, district,
and national levels through active (guaranteed) participation in the project structures.
Integrated development projects are innovative :
01. The creation of enabling social, financial,
productive and service structures as a foundation for integrated development in
project areas is profoundly innovative. The development revolution lies in the
organisation of the proposed project structures. Once the structures are in
place, the local populations will have the instruments available to be able to
take their preferred development initiatives.
02. The critical order of sequence for the creation
of project structures is vital, starting with social structures, using the
social structures to set up the financial structures, then using the financial
structures to set up production units for locally produced items needed for the
service structures, then finally the service structures themselves.
powerful general productive mobilisation of the local populations is made
possible through the use of the structures created by the project.
04. The local people themselves plan, execute, run,
manage and pay for all structures. They are assisted during the initial project
execution period by a (very) small team of experts led by a local project
Integrated development project meet and surpass all
of the millennium goals in each project area, with the exception of
vaccinations under Goal 6.
For more information see :
Millennium Development Goals.
How integrated development projects solve them.
Millennium goals. How
integrated development projects achieve them. Powerpoint presentation : 36
For complete information on how integrated
development projects meet the Millennium Development Goals, see the goal by
goal analysis of the services made
available under integrated development projects. This analysis is
part of the Diploma Course.
Integrated development concepts provide for powerful
on-going development in each project area. For more details click on on-going development.
Integrated development projects are anthropologically
justified. Projects under the Model are structured for communities of about
10000 households (50000 users), providing a wide range of goods and services
and a local market to consume them. (Aristotle and the Greek City State). Individual community
members remain close to all project structures and are free to participate in
them. This type of structure arose about 3.500 years ago.
There are about 35-40 intermediate administrative
structures each with 1500-2000 inhabitants, with some specialisation of tasks.
These are called well commissions. This type of structure arose about 7.500
years ago.
There are about 250 local administrative units, each
with about 150-250 people. These are called tank commissions. This type of
structure formed about 13.000 years ago in Mesopotamia and is based on the family
clan or tribe. Many structures in industrialised countries still reflect this
three-tiered structure, which is linked with the development of human social
contacts and abilities and, possibly, with the size of the human brain.
All structures created in each project area operate
on all three anthropological levels. They are created in a critical order of
The first structures to be created are the social
structures, starting with health clubs permitting women to organise and vote en
bloc at meetings; then the tank commissions, then the well commissions, then
the central committee or project parliament. The financial structures follow,
starting with the local money (LETS) system, then the interest-free cost-free
cooperative micro-credit system, then the cooperative purchasing groups. Once
the first two financial structures are in place, productive structures can be
set up to make items needed for the planned services, including distributed
drinking water and sanitation services.
For a short summary, see the Powerpoint presentation
on the basic project structures. For full
details please refer to block
four : the structures to be created of the Diploma course.
Each project
area forms a cooperative interest-free
local economy system with about 50.000 inhabitants. Each local economy
system is designed to be large enough to offer wide possibilities of
specialisation of productive activities, yet small enough for each individual
to be able to comprehend, associate with, and participate in all of the project
structures. The project areas interact with each other to form a patchwork
quilt of local economy systems which together make up a powerful regional, then
national, economy.
Each project in non-pastoralist areas costs about €
5.000.000, of which 25% is provided by the inhabitants themselves by way of
work carried out under local money systems set up in an early phase of project
execution. This leaves a formal money (Euros) initial financial requirement of
about € 3.750.000 per project. Projects
in pastoralist areas cost about € 7.000.000 each of which 20% is provided by
the inhabitants themselves. This leaves a formal money (Euros) initial financial
requirement for pastoralist areas of about € 5.600.000 per project. The
difference between pastoralist and non-pastoralist areas is determined by the
additional drinking water and food supply requirements of herds in pastoralist
For budget
purposes, the participation of the local people (expressed in hours of work
under the local money system) is converted into Euros at an agreed rate for
each eight-hour working day. This rate is usually Euro 3. Where initial seed
capital (respectively € 3.750.000
or € 5.600.000 per project) is
not available by way of grant, project applications can be self-financing,
subject to an interest-free seed loan repayable in 10 years.
Initial capital
investments are covered and repaid where necessary by the populations in two
The first way is
through a menu of 13 applications for CDM finance under the Kyoto Protocol. For
full information on this please refer to Kyoto Protocol : Analysis of possibilities for finance. Indications
are that net CDM income per project could be to the order of € 24.000.000,
enabling standard projects ( initial capital € 3.750.000) to be repaid by the
end of the sixth year of operation on the basis of CDM income for the first
five years, and projects in pastoralist areas (initial capital €
5.600.000) to be repaid by the end of the eighth year of operation on
the basis of CDM income for the first seven years.
The second
(backup) way of financing integrated development projects is through the Local
Cooperative Development Fund set up in each project area. The beneficiary
populations make a monthly payment of (at least Euro 3 per family of five) into
this fund. The very poor, sick and handicapped can be subsidised under a
three-tiered social security system set up for that purpose. The money in the
fund is systematically recycled interest-free to the local users for
micro-credits for productive investments amounting in all to at least €
16.000.000 (or € 1.500 per family) over the first ten year period. The fund is
organised so that the amount in it is sufficient to repay the initial
interest-free capital investment in a single lump sum after the first ten year
operational cycle. In case of payment,
the amount in the Cooperative Local Development Fund drops temporarily back to
zero. The families continue to make their monthly contributions to the Fund, so
the amount in the Fund gradually builds up again during the second ten years
period as it did in the first, and is again recycled interest-free for
micro-credits for productivity
development until it is needed to pay for capital extensions and capital goods
replacements after twenty years. At that
point, the Fund dips back to zero again and slowly builds up again
during the third ten-year period and so on in an inherently permanently
sustainable way.
The goals of
integrated development projects in relation to financial structures include :
a) To set up a
local money system.
b) To set up an
interest-free, cost-free cooperative micro-credit system for productivity
purposes operating under the local money system.
c) To avoid financial
leakage from the project area by keeping all available financial resources
(local LETS money and formal money) revolving continuously interest-free within
the beneficiary community.
d) To stimulate on-going
local cooperative industrial and agricultural development through the
productive use of local currency (LETS) and interest-free micro-credit systems.
The financial
aspects of integrated development projects are particularly innovative because
01. An innovative
local money system is blended with a cooperative interest-free, cost-free,
micro-credit system operating under the local money system. This may be the
single most innovative aspect of integrated development concepts.
02. The local
money system is used to mobilise the local populations. All adult members of
the population are automatically members of the system, but users may always
choose whether to use the local money system or the formal money system for
their transactions. The local money system supplements and therefore does not
replace the formal money one.
03. The innovative
interest-free and cost-free micro-credit system proposed is run by the people
themselves and the funds used are theirs. Fierce social control should ensure
repayment of all loans.
cost-free, micro-finance is provided through the interest-free cooperative micro-credit structures in each project
area. Micro-credit loans typically amount to at least €1,500 for each family in
each period of ten years. This is a conservative evaluation based on an average
two years’ payback period.
For illustrations of the micro-credit system
proposed, please refer to :
of the micro-credits system.
How the original grant of seed-loan is used.
Illustration of the interest-free loan cycle.
For full
details on the economic aspects of integrated development projects, please
refer to Block
8 Economic aspects of the Diploma
Detailed work on
the mechanics of the present monetary system and monetary reform proposals
supporting the financial and economic aspects of integrated development
projects can be accessed at the homepage of
in the section New Horizons for Economics : How our Financial System
actually works and how to correct it.
This work includes a three-dimensional drawing showing the DNA of the
debt-based financial system.
Each project
in non-pastoralist areas costs about € 5.000.000, of which 25% is provided by
the inhabitants themselves by way of work carried out under local money systems
set up in an early phase of project execution. This leaves a formal money
(Euros) initial financial requirement of about
€ 3.750.000 per project. Projects in pastoralist areas cost about € 7.000.000
each of which 20% is provided by the inhabitants themselves. This leaves a
formal money (Euros) initial financial requirement for pastoralist areas of
about € 5.600.000 per project. The difference between pastoralist and
non-pastoralist areas is determined by the additional drinking water and food
supply requirements of herds in pastoralist areas.
For budget purposes, the
participation of the local people (expressed in hours of work under the local
money system) is converted into Euros at an agreed rate for each eight-hour
working day. This rate is usually Euro 3. Where initial seed capital
(respectively € 3.750.000 or € 5.600.000 per project) is not available by
way of grant, project applications can be self-financing, subject to an
interest-free seed loan repayable in 10 years.
Initial capital investments are
covered and repaid where necessary by the populations in two ways.
The first way is through a menu of 13
applications for CDM finance under the Kyoto Protocol. For full information on
this please refer to Kyoto Protocol : Analysis of possibilities for finance. Indications
are that net CDM income per project could be to the order of € 24.000.000,
enabling standard projects ( initial capital € 3.750.000) to be repaid by the
end of the sixth year of operation on the basis of CDM income for the first
five years, and projects in pastoralist areas (initial capital €
5.600.000) to be repaid by the end of the eighth year of operation on
the basis of CDM income for the first seven years.
The second (backup) way of financing integrated
development projects is through the Local Cooperative Development Fund set up
in each project area. The beneficiary populations make a monthly payment of (at
least Euro 3 per family of five) into this fund. The very poor, sick and
handicapped can be subsidised under a three-tiered social security system set
up for that purpose. The money in the fund is systematically recycled
interest-free to the local users for micro-credits for productive investments
amounting in all to at least € 16.000.000 (or € 1.500 per family) over the
first ten year period. The fund is organised so that the amount in it is
sufficient to repay the initial interest-free capital investment in a single
lump sum after the first ten year operational cycle. In case of payment, the amount in the Cooperative Local Development Fund drops temporarily
back to zero. The families continue to make their monthly contributions to the
Fund, so the amount in the Fund gradually builds up again during the second ten
years period as it did in the first, and is again recycled interest-free for
micro-credits for productivity
development until it is needed to pay for capital extensions and capital goods
replacements after twenty years. At that
point, the Fund dips back to zero again and slowly builds up again
during the third ten-year period and so on in an inherently permanently
sustainable way.
Interest-free, cost-free, micro-finance is provided
through the interest-free cooperative micro-credit structures in each project
area. Micro-credit loans typically amount to at least €1,500 for each family in
each period of ten years. This is a conservative evaluation based on an average
two years’ payback period.
For illustrations of the micro-credit
system proposed, please refer to :
Illustration of the micro-credits system.
How the original grant of seed-loan is used.
Illustration of the interest-free loan cycle.
For full details on the
economic aspects of integrated development projects, please refer to Block
8 : Economic
aspects of the Diploma
Detailed work on the mechanics of the present monetary
system and monetary reform proposals supporting the financial and economic aspects
of integrated development projects can be accessed at the homepage of in the section
New Horizons for Economics : How our Financial System actually works and how to
correct it. This work includes a
three-dimensional drawing showing the DNA of the debt-based financial system.
Integrated development projects bring
about a general mobilisation of the local populations in each project area.
Real annual benefits are several times the total cost of the initial capital
investment in the projects.
Total potential annual benefits
amount to more than € 15.000.000 a year plus the benefits of the use of the
local money system and of the fruit,
nuts and bamboo shoots and products
consumed. This is 3-4 times the initial capital investment. Conservatively estimating just 30% of
the potential, the project should therefore be returning its total initial
capital input costs to the populations annually within two years of completion
of all the project structures. This is four years from the start of project
The costs and benefits are described in the simple summary of a typical integrated development
They include :
Agriculture and food security : Savings for food
importation Euro 6.387.500 per year; CDM (Kyoto) application fruit and nut trees
up to a total of Euro 6.590.000 over 50 years (average € 131.800 a year) plus
the fruit and nuts; CDM (Kyoto) application bamboo plantations up to a total of
Euro 1.470.000 over 7 years (average € 210.000 a year) plus bamboo shoots and
value added from bamboo products; CDM (Kyoto) application Moringa (horseradish)
plantations € 646.800 over 3 years (average € 215.600 a year). The expected
total annual benefits in the agriculture and food sector amount to € 6.944.900,
plus the value of fruit, nuts, and bamboo shoots consumed.
Ecology, conservation and energy : Potential sale
value of extra standing timber Euro 178.000 per year; savings in fertilisers Euro
217.000 per year; reforestation of local forest lands parks and reserves under
the Kyoto protocol for a total of up to Euro 10.500.000 over 50 years (average
€ 210.000 a year); small scale local production of bio-fuels for local use Euro
550.000 per year; CO2 reduction through reduced use of bio-mass under the CDM
mechanism up to Euro 7.476.000 over 21 years ( average € 356.000 a year);
substitution of non-renewable with renewable biomass under the CDM mechanism up
to Euro 3.822.000 over 21 years (annual average Euro 182.000). The expected
total annual benefits in the ecology, conservation and energy sector amount to
€ 1.693.000.
Finance : Reduction in the costs for the purchase of wood (or alternative fuels)
for cooking, Euro 730.000 per year; savings in formal money interest and costs
in connection with the operation of the Cooperative Local Development Fund,
Euro 520.000 a year. No attempt is made to monetise the vast benefits deriving
from the widespread use of the local money system set up in each project
area. The expected total annual benefits
in the finance sector therefore amount to € 1.250.000 plus the benefits from
the use of the local money system.
Health : Reduction of costs of medical treatment for
water-borne diseases, Euro 500.000 per year; productivity increase due to
reduction of illness due to water-borne diseases, Euro 450.000 per year; reduction in the costs of treating suffering
from hunger, due to inadequate hygiene and smoke in and around homes, Euro
250.000 per year; reduction of 50% in the costs of treatment for malaria, Euro
100.000 per year; increase of
productivity due to reduction in the number of cases of malaria, Euro 90.000
per year; reduction in the cost of urgent transportation of sick family members
to hospital, Euro 190.000. The expected total annual benefits in the health
sector amount to € 1.490.000.
Water and sanitation : Water points at 100m. from
homes, Euro 1.095.000 per year; benefits from local washing places, Euro
624.000 per year. The expected total annual benefits in the water and
sanitation sector amount to € 1.719.000.
Women’s rights : Elimination of the need to fetch
firewood, Euro 374.400 a year;
introduction of mills, Euro 1.642.500 a year. The expected total annual
benefits in the women’s rights sector amount to € 2.016.900.
For full
information on the costs and benefits of integrated development projects,
please refer to Sect. 3 : Costs and benefits analysis of Block
8 : Economic
aspects of the Diploma Course.
specifically :
Costs and benefits analysis :
Costs and benefits analysis : details.
Several formalities need to be completed before a
project can proceed to an executive phase. They pass from initial partnership
declarations to the formation of a working group whose task it is to set NGOs
up for the execution of the project and for on-going management of the project
structures. The management NGO is transferred to the local population as soon
as the planned project social and financial structures are in operation.
Ownership of the structures set up by the project is transferred to the
management NGO as the structures become operational.
For more details refer to section illustration of
the formal steps necessary to get project execution started.
A cooperative
formed by a consortium usually including the local council, one or more local
NGOs with direct access to the local populations, and one or more national
and/or international development NGOs is responsible for project execution. For
information on this cooperative see : statutes of the NGO responsible for project execution . For still more detail see file : Cooperative for project execution.
and food security in integrated development projects Credit
crises. Solutions offered by integrated development projects.
and conservation in integrated development projects. Education
in integrated development projects.
against corruption in integrated development projects. Financing
integrated development projects using the CDM mechanism.
and women's rights in integrated development projects. Health
aspects and integrated development projects.
Development Goals. How integrated development projects solve them. Millennium
goals. How integrated development projects achieve them. Powerpoint
presentation : 36 slides.
implications of integrated development projects. Poverty,
its causes, what is needed to eliminate it. Powerpoint presentation : 24 slides. >
architecture for integrated development. Powerpoint presentation : 14 slides. Project
structures for integrated development. Powerpoint presentation : 43 slides.
and sanitation in integrated development projects.
Innovative means for the protection of the investments made by funding parties
have been incorporated in the Model. Exposure of investors at any one point of
project execution is limited. This is made possible through the layering, or
sequential order of creation, of the various project structures. Work on next
following structures does not take place until the preceding structures are in
place and in operation.
The new capital content of project
structures tends to increase with progress in project execution. The first (the
social and financial) structures to be set up have relatively low formal money
capital content.
The second (the productive)
structures have an intermediate level of capital content.
The last (the service) structures,
and especially the distributed drinking water structures, have the highest
level of capital content. By the time the service structures are to be
installed, most of the work on them can be done under the local money system,
operational costs and formal money reserves for maintenance and long-term
replacement are already being collected, and local production of items
necessary for the service structures is already under way.
Suggestions are advanced for auditing structures and indications over the
on-going management of structures is set out in the
chain of responsibilities. The effects of inflationary forces on
the project area analysed in section the effects of inflation on the Cooperative Local
Development Fund and gift content. Proposals for loss or damage
to project structures outside the control of the beneficiaries are set out in
the file on project insurance and forfeit in the form of gift in
case of loss of capital structures.
Many existing development
projects have already failed or risk failure because they are not fully
sustainable over a longer term. This is often because an appropriate framework
of enabling social, financial, and productive structures under which management
and maintenance costs and long-term replacements of capital goods can be
carried out is missing.
The social,
financial, productive and service structures foreseen in the Model for
integrated development projects can be built around structures set up under
traditional projects to create
cooperative, interest-free, inflation-free local economic environments
in the project areas. This way several thousand employment opportunities can be
created in each project area and large amounts of on-going formal money costs
saved. On-going financial leakage from
project areas, typical of traditional
development projects, is blocked. The small amount of formal money reaching the
project areas is, wherever possible, retained and continually recycled there.
Integrated development projects fully comply with the
terms of all international declarations relating to women’s rights. A majority
participation of women in the management of all project structures at all levels
is guaranteed. The workload on women is strongly reduced. Their health
conditions are improved, and they receive full access to all education
facilities available in the project area. Use of the local money system and the cooperative
interest-free micro-credit structures set up enable women to increase their
income and, where desired, achieve financial independence.
Goals of integrated development projects
in respect of women’s rights include:
a) To reduce the work load on women.
b) To avoid at least 1 hour per day
for the fetching of water, through the supply of [200] drinking water points
close to homes.
c) To gain 4 hours a week through the
supply of at least [40] washing facilities within easy reach of homes.
d) To save at least 4 hours per week
by avoiding the need to fetch wood for cooking purposes, alternatively to save
at least € 0,50 per day for reduced formal money cost of fuels for cooking.
e) To eliminate up to 2 hours of work
per day through the provision of milling facilities for staple foods.
f) To provide improved health through
the elimination of smoke in and around homes, stagnant water, and similar.
g) To provide full educational
facilities to girls and adult-education facilities for women, including study
h) To ensure women’s participation in
all project structures in preparation for their active participation in local,
regional, and national elections and in political decision-making.
i) To ensure economic autonomy of
women through the operation of the local money system and the interest-free
micro-credit system for productivity purposes.
Integrated development projects are
innovative in relation to women’s rights because :
01. An elective system ensuring a
leading role for women in all structures at all levels is applied.
02. Women are the major beneficiaries
of the wide menu of time-saving and capacity building-structures set up during
project execution.
03. The autonomy
of women in the project area is improved through the interest-free, cost-free
micro-credit loans for productivity purposes made available to them.
04. Women’s rights
as defined in human rights treaties are fully respected.
For more details, see the file on women’s rights . Still more information on the relationship between
integrated development projects and the rights of women can be found in Section 1: Gender of the course for the
Diploma in Integrated Development.
Goals of integrated development
projects in relation to ecology and sustainability include:
a) To create a sustainable
energy-neutral local economic area with 50.000 inhabitants./span>
b) To avoid the need to import wood
and other energy resources into the project area through the use of sustainable
locally produced energy resources.
c) To introduce about 20.000 locally
produced high efficiency cook stoves fuelled by mini-briquettes made from
sustainably and locally produced biomass, and solar cookers for daytime
d) To produce at least 100 kg a day
of sustainable biomass in each of the [200] first level (tank commission) areas
for the required local production of mini-briquettes for cooking purposes.
e) To create added value through
local integrated recycling of organic and non-organic waste.
f) To reforest the [forest or natural
reserve] in the project area, rehabilitate its flora and fauna and set up ecological
corridors with neighbouring areas.
g) To create CO2
sinks through the application in the project area of a menu of six
reforestation/afforestation methodologies under the CDM mechanism and generate
CER certificates covering the repayment (where necessary) of the initial
capital investment for the project.
h) To install at least [200] solar
photovoltaic water pumping systems for distributed drinking water supply, and
solar lighting equipment for [200] study rooms and [241] schools.
Integrated development projects are
innovative in relation to ecology and sustainability because:
01. An innovative
menu of CDM mechanisms covering different types of land use is used to fund the
repayment (where necessary) of the initial capital loan, store CO2, improve
water management and the ecological infrastructure of the project area.
02. A unique
combination of methods and technologies promotes the formation of a coordinated
energy-neutral ecologically sustainable local economy system.
03. The proposed
combination of methods and technologies is in line with the principles of
Mother Earth recently introduced by legislation in Bolivia.
04. Extended use
is made of sustainable energy technologies, such as widespread application of
photovoltaic energy installations.
05. In principle,
all energy involved is sustainably produced and consumed in the project area
Integrated development projects are fully
sustainable. Click the file ecological aspects to see how the project
concepts allow for energy-neutral structures, a wide use of alternative energy
technologies, and the conservation of the natural resources in project areas.
More information on the relationship between integrated development projects
and the protection of the environment is available in Section 5: Sustainability of the course
for the Diploma in Integrated Development.
Click on Kyoto Protocol : Analysis of possibilities for finance to
see how a menu of 13 CDM methodologies ensure that projects are CO2 neutral .
The methodologies can be applied during project execution whether or not
finance is made available under the Kyoto protocol.
The on-going management of project
structures is also fully sustainable. As social, financial, productive and
service structures are created during project execution they are taken over by
the local cooperative for the on-going management of the
project structures. For full information on the management of
project structures, click to see details on the division of responsibilities amongst the three administrative levels in each
project area.
Health goals of
integrated development projects include :
a) To carry out a basic hygiene
education programme by establishing [200] Community Health Clubs in the project
area and promoting on-going hygiene education courses in all the schools there.
b) To contribute to the fight against
water-related diseases through hygiene education, the supply of appropriate
sanitation, clean drinking water systems, drainage of stagnant water, local
production of mosquito nets and similar.
c) To eliminate smoke hazards in
10.000 homes through the introduction of high efficiency cookers and efficient
grey water and waste disposal systems.
d) To use the
local money system to provide [200] basic nursing facilities at each of the
first-level (tank commission) areas, locate and/or train nurses for them, build
housing for the nurses, and subsidise their salaries as required under the
local money system.
e) [Over time, as doctors for the job
can be found ] To use the local money system to provide up to [40] local medical
centres including doctors’ accommodation facilities, and subsidise the doctors’
salaries as required under the local money system.
f) To provide a local basic hospital
facility in [place] with up to 1 bed, and at least 0.5 bed, for each of the
[200] tank commission areas. Simple hospital construction can be carried out
under the local money system, once qualified design and specifications for
buildings suitable for the project area are available. Support will be given
under the local money system for the supply of non-specialist services, such as
guards, gardeners, cleaning services, washing services, non-qualified kitchen
services and food supply.
g) To provide a network of [40]
bicycle ambulances operating under the local money system.
h) To set up a cooperative formal
money health insurance fund operating under the local money system to cover the
cost of medicines.
The innovative aspects of integrated
development projects in relation to health issues include:
01. Health proposals covered by the
project are based on preventive social health action and not on curative
02. Subject to the availability of
doctors over time, up to [40] local medical centres including appropriate
accommodation for doctors can be built under the local money systems using
local labour and materials. This means the centres are cooperatively built and
owned by the local populations, while at the same time, builders and suppliers
are always fully paid for their work.
03. Doctors can be paid, or their
state-paid salaries supplemented, by the local populations under the local
money system.
04 Up to [200] nursing points
including accommodation for nurses will be built under the local money systems
using local labour and materials. This means the nursing points are
cooperatively built and owned by the local populations, while at the same time,
builders and suppliers are always fully paid for their work.
05. Nurses can be paid, or their
state-paid salaries supplemented, by the local populations under the local
money system.
06. Medicines are cooperatively purchased
in bulk by the project according to medical prescriptions. For the purpose a
cooperative health insurance fund is set up. Local nurses ensure the medicines
are administered according to prescription.
07. A basic level local hospital with
up to [200] beds (at least 0,5 beds for each tank commission area) should be
built in [place]. Many of the building costs and the costs of on-going
non-professional services will be covered under the local money system.
Purchase of medical equipment and imported medical supplies for the hospital is
in principle not included in the project as they tend to cause financial
leakage from the project area. Funds for equipment and supplies must be
separately sourced under a conventional aid agreement.
The public education goals of
integrated development projects include :
a) To enable women, students and
others who wish to study in the evening to do so.
c) To offer a full school programme
up to University entry level for all children and youths in the project area
and adult education, especially for women.
Integrated development projects are
innovative in relation to education because:>It is possible to build any
required number of schools and accommodation for teachers using local labour
and materials under the local money systems. This means the schools are
cooperatively built and owned by the local populations, while at the same time,
local builders and suppliers are always fully paid for the work they do.
Teachers can be paid, or their
state-paid salaries supplemented, by the local populations under the local
money system.
development projects cover management of communal lands. Waste recycling
structures include the recycling of urine, composted faeces, and other organic
solids with grey water. This alone ensures sufficient production of a varied
diet even in times of drought and crisis. The menu of 13 CDM methodologies to be adopted includes
extensive planting of fruit and nut trees, bamboo (shoots for food), and
horseradish for vegetable oils and edible “spinach” leaves during the dry
season. A three-tiered system of cooperative plant nurseries and seed banks is
set up for local use. Structures for the local production of biomass for
mini-briquettes for cooking are created. Water supply structures include
distributed clean drinking water, rainwater harvesting, the recycling of grey
water, and water conservation methods for forests and agricultural lands.
Goals of integrated development projects
relative to agricultural production and food security include :
a) To safely recycle urine and faeces at
household and/or local level to provide sufficient fertiliser for growing all
basic foods needed.
b) To eliminate the need for importation of
staple foods into the project area.
c) To institute [200] plant nurseries at first
project level (tank commission area) and [40] plant nurseries at intermediate
project level (well commission area) for the production of plants for CDM
projects and for local cultivation.
d) To plant between 11 and 16 hectares in fruit
trees and nut trees on settlements as defined under the CDM mechanism in each
of the [200] first level project (tank commission) areas to earn CER certificates
under the Kyoto Treaty and to reinforce food security.
e) To plant between 7 and 16 hectares of bamboo
in each of the [200] first level project (tank commission) areas to earn CER
certificates under the CDM mechanism under the Kyoto Treaty and to
reinforce food security.
f) To plant an average of 12 hectares of Moringa
(horseradish) trees in each of the [200] first level project (tank commission)
areas to earn CER certificates under the CDM mechanism under the Kyoto Treaty
and to reinforce food security.
Integrated development projects are innovative in relation to
agricultural production and food security because:
01. For drinking water supply, a hub and spoke
concept is used whereby, assuming borehole capacities permit, several high
pressure solar pumps are installed in series in one large diameter borehole
feeding 5-8 distributed drinking water points, forcing water where necessary
over a distance of several kilometres. This means that just [40] high capacity
boreholes need to be drilled instead of [200] boreholes as would be the case in
conventional projects, leading to important cost reductions for the drinking
water supply system.
02. Use is made of gypsum composite
technologies for the local manufacture of water tanks, toilet systems, high
efficiency stoves, support structures for buildings, school furniture etc.
These can in principle be 100% manufactured, installed and maintained under the
local money system set up without the need for any formal money capital at all.
03. Ecological locally built dry composting
toilet systems with separation of faeces and urine are used. Urine and faeces
are safely recycled at tank commission level for productive purposes.
here for more information agricultural production and food security
Each integrated
development project is based on a population of about 50.000 people, and
in each project area structures are organised in three anthropologically
justified levels.
About 20 individual
projects are therefore needed for each 1.000.000 inhabitants.
By way of example, a
sub-regional plan for the integrated development of West Africa under the
auspices of the Organisation of West African States (ECOWAS, French UEMOA)
excluding Nigeria and Ghana
would involve about 2.500 projects. Execution of integrated development plans
for Nigeria and Ghana
together would involve another 3.500 projects.
Depending on
accessibility and population densities, detailed district, regional, and
national integrated development plans can be prepared for just a few Euro cents
per inhabitant. Students and NGO members drafting project documentations
automatically qualify to act as project coordinators for the individual
projects they have drafted.
Each integrated
development project sets up an autonomous, interest-free, inflation-free,
cooperative local economy system. Subject to availability of finance, there is
no limit to the number of projects which can be executed contemporaneously.
A perspective for the
rapid achievement of the Millennium Goals is therefore created.
Many existing
development projects have already failed or risk failure because they are not
fully sustainable over a longer term. This is often because an appropriate
framework of enabling social, financial, and productive structures under which
management and maintenance costs and long-term replacements of capital goods
can be carried out is missing.
The social,
financial, productive and service structures foreseen in the Model for
integrated development projects can be built around structures set up under traditional
projects to create cooperative,
interest-free, inflation-free local economic environments in the project areas.
This way several thousand employment opportunities can be created in each
project area and large amounts of on-going formal money costs saved. On-going financial leakage from project
areas, typical of traditional
development projects, is blocked. The small amount of formal money reaching the
project areas is, wherever possible, retained and continually recycled there.
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is not the key that opens the gates of the market but the bolt that bars
Silvio, The Natural Economic Order, revised English edition, Peter Owen, London 1958, page 228
“Poverty is created scarcity”
Wahu Kaara, point 8 of the Global Call to Action Against Poverty, 58th
annual NGO Conference, United Nations, New
York 7th September 2005.

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