NGO Another Way (Stichting Bakens Verzet), 1018 AM Amsterdam, Netherlands.


Edition 02: 23 April, 2010


01. E-course : Diploma in Integrated Development (Dip. Int. Dev)


Quarter 1.






Study value : 04 points out of 18.

Indicative study time: 112 hours out of 504.


Study points are awarded only after the consolidated exam for Section A : Development Problems has been passed.



First block : Poverty and quality of life.


Study value : 02 points out of 18.

Indicative study time: 57 hours out of 504.


Study points are awarded only after the consolidated exam for Section A : Development Problems has been passed.



First block : Poverty and quality of life.


First Block : Section 1. Analysis of the causes of poverty. [26.50 hours]

First Block : Section 2. Services needed for a good quality of life.

First Block : Exam. [ 4 hours each attempt]



Section 1 of Block 1 : Analysis of the causes of poverty. [26.50 hours]


Part 1 : Introduction to the causes of poverty.[06.50 hours]


01. Definition of poverty.

02. Some factors linked with poverty.

03. Debts and subsidies.

04. Financial leakage : food and water industries.

05. Financial leakage : energy.

06. Financial leakage : means of communication.

07. Financial leakage : health and education.

08. Financial leakage : theft of resources.

09. Financial leakage : corruption.

10. The industry of poverty.


Part 2 : In depth analysis of the causes of poverty. [14.00 hours]


01. In depth : definition of poverty.

02. In depth : some factors linked with poverty.

03. In depth : debts and subsidies.

04. In depth : financial leakages : food and water industries.

05. In depth : financial leakage : energy.

06. In depth : financial leakage : means of communication..

07. In depth : financial leakage : health and education.

08. In depth : financial leakage : theft of resources.

09. In depth : financial leakage : corruption.

10. In depth : the industry of poverty.


Report on Section 1 of Block 1 : [06.00 Hours]



Report Section 1 of block  1.  (At least 6 hours).



Prepare your report on the basis of the work you have done during your study for Section 1 of Block 1. In practice, you have already prepared the documentation for your report. You are obviously free to adapt your texts to create a harmonious and interesting document.


Comments setting up a direct relation between your project area and the study material will be privileged.


The material covered is vast. You are required to select and distil the main concepts and present them simply.   


Your report is based on 300 points, being 10 points for each of the introductions 01-10, and  19 points for each of the in-depth studies 01-10. and 10 points for your conclusion. The resulting figure is divided by 30, to produce a final mark out of 10. A final mark of at least  7 out of 10 is required. If your result is less than 7 out of 10 or in case of a very weak result in any specific aspect, your tutor will inform you of the weaknesses so that you can review the subjects in question.


Once your tutor has approved the report with a mark of at least 7 out of 10, you can proceed to section 2 of Block 1 of the course. The two study points earned for your work on Section 1 of Block 1 will not be awarded until you pass the consolidated exam for Section A.  You can sit the Section A  exam after passing the  Block 2 exam.


Be brief. You are required to respect the maximum number of words. Anything written in excess of that number will be considered as not written.


The title of your report is “An introduction to the causes of poverty in (your chose area, eventually, if applicable, your region or country)”


Short, coherent, introduction:  (Maximum 250 words. No points.)


01. Definition of poverty. (Maximum 250 words. 10 points.)

01. In depth : definition of poverty. (Maximum 500 words. 19 points)


02. Some factors linked with poverty.  (Maximum 250 words ; Value  10 points.)

02. In depth : some factors linked with poverty.   (Maximum 500 words. 19 points)


03. Debts and subsidies. (Maximum 250 words ; Value  10 points.)

03. In depth : debts and subsidies. (Maximum 500 words. 19 points)


04. Financial leakage : food and water industries. (Maximum 250 words ; Value  10 points.)

04. In depth : Financial leakages : food and water industries. (Maximum 1000 words. 19 points)


05. Financial leakage : energy. (Maximum 250 words ; Value  10 points.)

05. In depth : Financial leakage : energy. (Maximum 500 words. 19 points)


06. Financial leakage : means of communication. (Maximum 250 words ; Value  10 points.)

06. In depth : Financial leakage : means of communication.. (Maximum 500 words. 19 points)


07. Financial leakage : health and education. (Maximum 250 words ; Value  10 points.)

07. In depth : Financial leakage : health and education. (Maximum 500 words. 19 points)


08. Financial leakage : theft of resources. (Maximum 250 words ; Value  10 points.)

08. In depth : Financial leakage : theft of resources. (Maximum 500 words. 19 points)


09. Financial leakage : corruption. (Maximum 250 words ; Value  10 points.)

09. In depth : Financial leakage : corruption. (Maximum 500 words. 19 points)


10. The industry of poverty. (Maximum 250 words ; Value  10 points.)

10. In depth : the industry of poverty. (Maximum 500 words. 19 points)


Your  conclusion: (Maximum 500 words; 10 points.)


E-mail your report to your tutor.


 First  block : Poverty and quality of life.

Index : Diploma in Integrated Development  (Dip.Int.Dev)

 List of key words.

 List of references.

  Course chart.

 Courses available.

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