NGO Another Way (Stichting Bakens Verzet), 1018 AM Amsterdam, Netherlands.


Edition 03: 11 March, 2011


01. E-course : Diploma in Integrated Development (Dip. Int. Dev)


Quarter 1.






Study value : 04 points out of 18.

Indicative study time: 112 hours out of 504.


Study points are awarded only after the consolidated exam for Section A : Development Problems has been passed.



Second block : The problems to be solved.


Study points : 02 points out of 18

Expected work required: 55 hours out of 504


The two study points will be finally awarded on successful completion of the consolidated exam for Section A : Development problems.



Section 1. Analysis of the Millennium Goals. [22 hours]


[18.00 Hours] Analysis of the Millennium Goals.

[04.00 Hours] Preparation report Section 1 of Block 2.


Section 2: Relate the Millennium Goals to the services for a good quality of life in Section 2 of block 1. [23 hours]


[18.00 Hours] Analysis of the services made available by integrated development projects.

[05.00 Hours]  Preparation report Section 2 of Block 2.


Second block : Exam. [ 4 hours each attempt]


Consolidated exam for Section A : Development problems (for passage to Section B of the course :  [ 6 hours each attempt].



Section 2: Relate the Millennium Goals to the services for a good quality of life in Section 2 of Block 1. [23 hours]


Analysis of the services made available under integrated development projects.[18.00 hours]


01. Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger.

02. Achieve universal primary education.

03. Promote gender equality and empower women.

04. Reduce child mortality.

05. Improve maternal health.

06. Combat HIV/aids, malaria and other diseases.

07. Target 09 : Ensure environmental sustainability.

08. Targets 10 and 11 : Water, sanitation  and slums.

09. Develop a global partnership for development.


[05.00 Hours]  Preparation report Section 2 of Block 2.



Analysis of the services made available under integrated development projects.[18.00 hours]


02. Achieve universal primary education. (At least 2 hours).


Look at slide View slides :


Goal 2 : Achieve universal primary education.

The organisation of educational  structures.

Target 3 : Ensure that all boys and girls complete a full course of primary schooling.


1.  Target 03 : By 2015, ensure that all boys and girls complete a complete cycle of primary schooling. (UNESCO).


Review  Model file 05.36.0 public education structures.


- Integrated development projects foresee full education possibilities in each project area up to the level of a university propaedeuse. (Details : Block 4, section, 09. Education structures.)

- All children in each project area benefit from a full cycle of primary school, and, if they wish, from a full secondary school cycle . . (Details : Block 4, section, 09. Education structures.)

- A trade school , and eventually, a university propaedeuse course will be set up in each project area.(Details : Block 4, section, 09. Education structures.)

- Young people between the ages of 15-24 at the start of each project will be able to follow evening courses.(Details : Block 4, section, 09. Education structures.)

- Evening classes will be held in each project area for adults, especially women. (Details : Block 4, section, 09. Education structures.)

- Study rooms equipped with photovoltaic lighting will be built in each tank commission area (about 200 study rooms in each project area). . (Details : Block 4, section, 09. Education structures.)

- In principle, it is possible to build hundreds of schools in each project area, subject always to the availability of teachers. . (Details : Block 4, section, 09. Education structures.)


1. Opinion.


On one page make a list of the indicators for Millennium  target 03 : Primary education for all and show how they are covered under the structures listed above. At the bottom of the page, draw your conclusions. Bear in mind that Millennium Goal 2 applies at the national level, while individual integrated development projects under the Model apply to areas with +/- 50.000 inhabitants. To attain national coverage, about 20 projects for each 1.000.000 people must be set up. 


2. Opinion.


On two pages write 12 short  paragraphs and a conclusion describing exactly the actions are  to be carried out on the ground  for each individual integrated development project and how the on-going  running  of  the structures in question would be paid for.


Here is a plan of the 12 paragraphs :


01. The use of  local money systems  to finance the on-going costs of the structures. For full details on the local money systems  see parts 3. Introduction to local money systems and 4. In-depth analysis of the local money systems  in Block  4, Section 3 : Analysis of the financial structures 

02. Who builds the schools?

03. Where do the teachers come from?

04. Who pays what?

05. At tank commission level – primary schools (up to 200-250 schools according to needs). . For full details on the tank commissions see 2. The tank commissions in  Block 4, Section 2 : Analysis of the social structures.

06. At tank commission level – study rooms (up to 200-250 study rooms in each project area). For full details on the tank commissions see 2. The tank commissions in  Block 4, Section 2 : Analysis of the social structures.

07. At well-commission level – the secondary schools (up to 35-45 for each project area). For full details on the well commissions see 3. The well commissions in  Block 4, Section 2 : Analysis of the social structures.

08. At project level : a trade school in each project area.

09. At project level : (eventually) a university propaedeuse course in preparation for tertiary education.

10. Women have access to evening courses.

11. Young people between 15-24 at the beginning of the project, chance of evening classes (without exclusion of older men !)

12. Your conclusion.


Extra indicators for Millennium target 03 relating to education are suggested on pages 60—62 of the UNIFEM report Making the MDGs Work for All . They include the rate of completion of primary studies and the retention rate. The report proceeds with ideas over the continuation of the education programme over a longer term :


« Ensure that, by 2015, children everywhere, girls and boys alike, will be able to complete a full course of junior secondary schooling or, for countries that have already or almost achieved universal junior secondary education, a full course of senior secondary or equivalent technical and vocational schooling.


L2.B.1 Net enrolment ratio in junior/senior secondary/technical and vocational education (adapted as relevant to the country situation.)

L2.B.2 Gross enrolment ratio in junior/senior secondary/technical and vocational education.

L2.B.3 Ratio of girls to boys in junior/senior secondary/technical and vocational education.

L2.B.4 Proportion of pupils starting grade 6 who reach grade 9/ grade 12 (based on global indicator 2..).

L2.B.5 Junior/senior secondary/technical and vocational completion rate (as recommended by UN Statistics Division).

L2.B.6 Junior/senior secondary/technical and vocational retention rate.


L2 a. Increase girls and boys physical access to primary education by 5 percent* each year until 100 percent enrolment is achieved (or to junior secondary or senior secondary, as appropriate to the country).

I2.a.1 Distance and/or time spent travelling to school, by education level, sex and other relevant socio-economic categories.

I2.a.2 Ratio of girls to boys staying in state supported accommodation to attend school, by education level.

I2.a.3 Proportion of schools with adequate toilets.

I2.a.4 Proportion of schools with separate toilets for girls and boys.

I2.a.5 Proportion of schools with access to safe Water.


I2.b Increase number of female teachers at all levels in schools, including as head teachers, by 5 percent* each year until women are at least 40 percent of the total.

I2.b.1 Proportion of female teachers, by school type, school location and education level.

I2.b.2 Proportion of female senior and head teachers, by school type, school location and education level.


L2c. Increase enrolment and completion rates for girls from minority populations in primary education by 5 percent* each year until 100 percent enrolment is achieved (or to junior secondary or senior secondary, as appropriate to the country).

I2.c.1 Enrolment rates, by sex for minority populations at each level of education.

I2.c.2 Completion rates, by sex for minority populations at each level of education.

I2.c.3 Teachers from minority groups as percentage of all teachers, by sex and level of education.

I2.c.4 Number of schools or programmes specifically directed towards minority groups in terms of gender-responsive approaches to the minority culture and/or language.


I2.d Increase parental and community support for girls’ education.

I2.d.1 Proportion of parents with positive attitudes to girls' education, by sex of participating parent or community member and, where relevant, sex of child/children.


L2e. Increase labour force participation rates for girls leaving school by 2 percent* each year so that girls’ education leads to practical benefits for the girls and their families.

I2.e.1 Labour force participation rates for women, by education level, location and other relevant socio-economic categories.

I2.e.2 Ratio of female to male labour force participation, by location and other relevant socio-economic categories.

I2.e.3 Number of new jobs created for women.

I2.e.4 Ratio of new jobs held by women to those held by men, by location and other relevant socio-economic categories.


L2 f. Reduce the amount of domestic work carried out by girls and boys by at least 15 minutes* per week each year.

I2.f.1 Number of hours spent on domestic chores and care work, by sex and other relevant socio-economic categories.


L2 g. Reduce the sex difference in the amount of domestic work carried out by girls and boys by 2 points* per time use survey.

I2.g.1 Ratio of hours spent on domestic chores and care work by girls over that carried out by boys.

I2.g.2 Ratio of girls to boys carrying out domestic chores and care work.


L2 h Review, by 2015, all curricula and materials, teacher training and methods at all levels of education, remove gender stereotypes and adapt to the different interests and learning styles of girls and boys.

I2.h.1 Number of gender evaluations of curricula, materials, teacher training curricula and institutions and number of changes resulting from these.

I2.h.2 Proportion of the curricula which has been reviewed from a gender-responsive rights-based perspective.

I2.h.2 Proportion of schools and educational institutions with specific gender equality policies, programmes and procedures.


I2.i  Ensure that, by 2015, all curricula and materials, teacher training and methods at all levels of education have been reviewed and modified to promote a human rights perspective, encourage active learning, respect children’s rights, and promote respect, protection and fulfilment of the human rights of women and girls.

I2.i.1 Number of rights-based evaluations of curricula, materials, teacher training curricula and institutions and number of changes resulting from these.

I2.i.2 Number of schools and educational institutions with explicit harassment, bullying and sexual harassment policies and procedures to deal with cases.

I2.i.3 Number of incidents of harassment, bullying and sexual harassment reported in schools, by sex of victim and sex of perpetrator.


L2 j Provide sufficient budget to support the chosen education strategies and ensure that policies and programmes to benefit girls receive an equal share.

I2.j.1 Proportion of the national budget devoted to education, by level of education.

I2.j.2 Proportion of the national budget actually spent on education, by level of education.

I2.j.3 Proportion of GDP allocated to education.

I2.j.4 Proportion of the national education budget allocated to gender-responsive rights-based initiatives, by level of education.

I2.j.5 Proportion of the national education budget actually spent on gender responsive rights-based initiatives, by level of education.


Some of the UNIFEM’s proposals are automatically covered by integrated development projects. Others can be incorporated in them. Are there any indicators which you think would not apply to local development projects with 50.000 inhabitants ?


3. Research.


Make a chart with 5 columns.


In the left column right in all the indicators L2 B and L2.j.5.  In the second column state whether the indicator is already foreseen in the Model structures. In the third column, state whether the indicator can be incorporated in the Model structures.  In the fourth column supply the indicators which cannot be included in the Model structures. In the fifth column write your comments (a few words next to each indicator are enough). At the bottom of your chart, draw your conclusions.


4. Opinion.


On one  page give a brief opinion on Millennium Goal 2 (target 03).


 Second block :  Problems to be solved.

Index : Diploma in Integrated Development  (Dip. Int. Dev)

 List of key words.

 List of references.

  Course chart.

 Technical aspects.

 Courses available.

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