kNGO Another Way (Stichting Bakens Verzet), 1018 AM Amsterdam, Netherlands.


Edition 01: 28 October, 2009

Edition 02 : 21 March, 2011


01. E-course : Diploma in Integrated Development (Dip. Int. Dev)


Quarter 1.






Study value : 04 points out of 18.

Indicative study time: 112 hours out of 504.


Study points are awarded only after the consolidated exam for Section A : Development Problems has been passed.



Second block : The problems to be solved.


Study points : 02 points out of 18

Expected work required: 55 hours out of 504


The two study points will be finally awarded on successful completion of the consolidated exam for Section A : Development problems.



Section 1. Analysis of the Millennium Goals. [22 hours]


[18.00 Hours] Analysis of the Millennium Goals.

[04.00 Hours] Preparation report Section 1 of Block 2.


Section 2: Relate the Millennium Goals to the services for a good quality of life in Section 2 of block 1. [23 hours]


[18.00 Hours] Analysis of the services made available by integrated development projects.

[05.00 Hours]  Preparation report Section 2 of Block 2.


Second block : Exam. [ 4 hours each attempt]


Consolidated exam for Section A : Development problems (for passage to Section B of the course :  [ 6 hours each attempt].



Section 2: Relate the Millennium Goals to the services for a good quality of life in Section 2 of Block 1. [23 hours]


Analysis of the services made available under integrated development projects.[18.00 hours]


01. Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger.

02. Achieve universal primary education.

03. Promote gender equality and empower women.

04. Reduce child mortality.

05. Improve maternal health.

06. Combat HIV/aids, malaria and other diseases.

07. Target 09 : Ensure environmental sustainability.

08. Targets 10 and 11 : Water, sanitation  and slums.

09. Develop a global partnership for development.


[05.00 Hours]  Preparation report Section 2 of Block 2.



Analysis of the services made available under integrated development projects.[18.00 hours]


03. Promote gender equality and empower women. (At least two hours)


Refer to the following slides :


Goal 3 : Promote gender equality and empower women.

Target 04 : Eliminate gender disparity in primary and secondary education preferably by 2005 and at all levels by 2015.


Review  file 08.30 of the Model on women’s rights.  For more detail on the issue of  how women’s rights are protected in integrated development projects refer to  Section 1 of Block 5 : Gender. 


Millennium Goal  3 adds little to target 3 on (primary) education for all. Target 4 refers both to primary and to secondary education and to women’s rights to education which are already covered in numerous international treaties and protocols.


Target 04 :  Eliminate gender disparity in primary and secondary education preferable by 2005 and at all levels by 2015.


Indicator 09 : Ratio of girls to boys in primary, secondary and tertiary education (UNESCO).

Indicator 10 :  Ratio of literate women to men 15-24 years old.(UNESCO).

Indicator 11 :  Share of women in wage employment in the non-agricultural sector. (ILO)

Indicator 12 :  Proportion of seats held by women in national parliaments. (IPU)


Integrated projects under the Model (details Block 5, Section 1: Gender) provide (in each project area):


1.  A complete cycle of primary and secondary education for all. (Details : Block 4, section 09. Education structures.)

2.  A trade school  and (eventually) propedeuse courses to prepare for university studies. (Details : Block 4, section 09. Education structures.)

3.  Study rooms in each tank commission area.  (About 200 rooms for each project). (Details : Block 4, section 09. Education structures.)

4. Hygiene education courses at tank commission level and in schools. (Details : Block 4, section 2,  1. Hygiene education clubs.)

5. Illiteracy amongst 15-24 year olds disappears as full education paths are completed. (Details : Block 4, section 09. Education structures.)

6. Adult evening education (in particular for women and girls)  (Details : Block 4, section 09. Education structures.)

7. Improvement in the ratio of literacy amongst 15-24 year-olds can be evaluated at any moment by comparing it with the ratio applicable at the moment the project started. (Details : Block 4, section 09. Education structures.)


Basic preparation for women to participate in formal political structures  (For details : Block 4, section 2,  2. Tanks commissions. ;3. Well commissions, 4. The central committee ;  Block 5, Section 1: Gender)


Women control all the project structures. (For details : Block 4, section 2,  2. Tanks commissions. ;3. Well commissions, 4. The central committee ;  Block 5, Section 1: Gender) 


Cooperatives, micro-credit systems, and local money systems are set up in each project area in favour of all inhabitants without exception.

(Details : Block 4, section 3,  3. Local money systems - introduction ;4. Local money systems – in depth analysis ;5. Interest-free micro-credit systems - introduction  6. Interest-free micro-credit systems – in depth analysis;  7. Purchasing cooperatives – introduction ; 8. Purchasing cooperatives in-depth analysis.)


The share of women in wage employment in the non-agricultural sector (indicator 11) IS NOT supported by the Model.


For information on the proportion of seats held by women in national parliaments (indicator 12)  see Block 5, Section 1: Gender. Integrated development projects do not address indicator 12 directly. The structures created in each project area strongly advance women’s empowerment and their participation in public life. Increase of women’s share of seats at all political levels will, as a result, increase dramatically. 


1. Research.


On one  page make a list of the four indicators mentioned for Target 04 : Eliminate gender disparity in primary and secondary education preferably by 2005 and at all levels by 2015. .Next to them make notes on their coverage under the structures created by integrated development projects under the Model. At the bottom of the page, draw your conclusions. Bear in mind that Millennium Goal 3 applies at the national level, while individual integrated development projects under the Model apply to areas with +/- 50.000 inhabitants. To attain national coverage, about 20 projects for each 1.000.000 people must be set up. 


Note that integrated development projects under the Model do not recognise the employer-employee relationship. The structures created support individuals, families and cooperatives. This does not mean there is any intention to eliminate employer-employee relations in individual project area. Employer-employee relationships continue as they were before the project started, independently of the structures for local development set up by integrated development projects.


Note also that integrated development projects are not directly interested in the proportion of seats held by women in national parliaments. Women should be in a majority on the various commissions involved in the operation  at all levels of  project structures. Women will learn to take responsibility in the management of social, financial and service structures. It is also expected they will be active in the production structures set up in each project area., both in the ones set up under the local money systems and in those set up under the micro-credit systems.


2. Research.


On two pages write 12short  paragraphs and a conclusion on how Millennium Goal 3 on the promotion of gender equality and the empowerment of women is achieved by integrated development projects.


Consider :


01.  Availability of a complete cycle of primary and secondary studies.

02.  Availability of a trade school and (eventually) studies for a university propedeuse open to all.

03.  200-220 study rooms at tank commission level.

04.  Hygiene education courses.

05.  Literacy ration of 15-24 year-olds which improves automatically as the new education cycles are completed.

06.  Improvement in the literacy ratio of 15-24 year-olds when compared with the ratio at the start of project activities.

07.  Adult evening education classes, especially for women and girls (but men not excluded !)

08.  Basic preparation for the participation of women in political activity at all levels.

09.  Control by women of  project structures; enhances administrative experience and eligibility for seats in parliament.

10.  Cooperatives, micro-credits, and local money systems improve women’s mobility and the flexibility of their productive activities.

11.  The share of women in wage employment in the non-agricultural sector (indicator 11) IS NOT supported by the Model.

12.  Proportion of seats occupied by women in national parliaments.


In pages 63—86 of the UNFEM  report Making the MDGs Work for All the author suggests some extra indicators relative to target 04 of Millennium Goal 3 to cover development over a longer term. Most of the ideas introduced by UNIFEM refer to salaried jobs, the need for which is eliminated under integrated development projects. They represent a form of  monetisation of quality of life which integrated development projects do not support.


Consider for example :


« I3.a Increase employment for women by 2 percent* each year until labour force participation rates for women and men are similar in total and by sector and industry.

13 b. Eliminate gender inequality in employment by decreasing women’s reliance on informal sector employment by 2 percent* per 3-year* survey period.

l 3 c. Eliminate gender inequality in employment by closing gender gaps in earnings by 2 percent* per 3-year* survey period until equality is achieved.

L3.d Eliminate gender inequality in employment by reducing occupational and industrial segregation by 2 percent* per 3-year* survey period until equality

is achieved.

L3.e Increase incomes for women through women-owned and women-controlled businesses by 2 percent* each year until parity is reached with men. » 


Other ideas, on the other hand, can easily be or are already incorporated in integrated development projects :


«13. f  Improve sexual and reproductive rights for women.

L3.g Eliminate social expectations and gender stereotypes about whether women or men should do unpaid domestic and care work, leading to an increase in the amount of time that men spend on housework and child care and a more equal sharing of these responsibilities between women and men.

L3.h Reduce the incidence of violence against women and girls by 5 percent* each year until it is eliminated.

I3.i Reduce the incidence of violence against women, including gender-based in situations of crisis or conflict by 5 percent* each year until it is eliminated.

13. j Increase women’s participation in the public sphere at all levels by 5 percent* each year to reach at least 30 percent* by 2015.

I3.k Provide sufficient budget to support the chosen strategies and ensure that policies and programmes to benefit girls receive an equal share. » 


Some of  the propositions l 3f – l 3 k are automatically included in integrated development projects. Others can be included. Are there any targets which you think would not apply to local development projects in areas with 50.000 inhabitants ?


3. Research.


Make a chart with 5 columns.

In the left column write indicators 1 3  f-k. In the second column show which indicators are already included in the Model structures. In the third column show the indicators which could be incorporated in the structures of integrated development projects.  In the fourth column show which indicators could not be incorporated in integrated development projects. In the fifth column write your comments (a few words next to each indicator are sufficient).Note your conclusions at the bottom of the page.


4. Opinion.


On one page give a short opinion on Millennium goal  3 (target  04)..