ONG Stichting Bakens Verzet (Une Autre Voie), 1018 AM Amsterdam, Pays Bas.
01. Cours
e-learning : Diplôme de Développement Intégré (Dip. Dév.Int)
03: 09 Septembre, 2009
Valeur attribuée : 06 points sur
Travail prévu : 186 heures sur
Les points ne sont attribués
qu’après le complètement réussi de l’examen consolidé pour
Valeur attribuée : 02 points sur 18
Travail prévu : 54 heures sur 504
Les points ne sont attribués
qu’après le complètement réussi de l’examen consolidé pour
Section 2: Capacity building. [5 heures]
02.00 Heures analyse matériel du Modèle.
02.00 Heures approfondissement.
01.00 Rédaction rapport
02.00 Heures analyse matériel du Modèle.
votre travail sur les ateliers Moraisiens à la section 1. Justification de l’ordre
de séquence de la création des structures du quatrième bloc: Les structures à créer.
Les annexes 09.11
et 09.12 BIBLIOGRAPHIE ATELIERS OW du Modèle contiennent des informations (en
anglais) sur le travail du sociologue Brésilien Clodomir Santos de Morais.
Capacity building
«Capacity building » a neologism of
uncertain parentage .... is, a transitive, interventionist and
development-inducing concept , well within the parameters of mainstream
development practice. Capacity building
or development of capacity is the language and strategy now used at all
levels. This notwithstanding, it is, as Southern critics like to point out, a
«concept used by Northerners towards Southerners, with reference to others
rather than themselves, and within a context which sees Southern development
organizations as local implementing agents for Northern policies. In this
sense, «capacity » refers largely to the «absorption capacity »
of Southern organizations. » Carmen. R. And Sobrado M., Those Who
don’t Eat and those who don’t Sleep, A Future for the Excluded, Zed Books, London, 2008. (Citation de Kaplan,
A : «The development of capacity », NGLS Development Dossier, Palais
des Nations, Suisse. )
1. Opinion.
Sur une page
appliquez l’idée d’un “concept used by Northerners towards Southerners,
with reference to others rather than themselves, and within a context which
sees Southern development organizations as local implementing agents for
Northern policies” aux initiatives de développement qui ont eu lieu dans
votre zone. Êtes vous d’accord avec l’opinion du Kaplan? Pourquoi?
Why a Method That Has Shown Such Excellent Results Has Not Spread
More Widely.
«Capacity building » or «organizing and
training for the promotion of people’s initiatives and capacities » are
mottos readily subscribed to by agencies all over the world, and with access to
multi-million dollar resources, all with disappointingly meagre results. This
has been the case not only in the so-called «developing » countries,
but also with the poor and excluded in the «developed » world.
Clodomir de Morais has achieved unrivalled results and successes in this very
field, and in three continents, wherever his vision and interpretation of
reality, his method of capacitation and his programmes for job creation and
income generation have been applied over the last quarter-century. It is a real
mystery, then, as to why his achievements have passed almost unnoticed.
Especially by the aforementioned agencies, and why his method has not become
standard practice all over the world.
«The first reason lies, we think, in the fact that a
method that offers a sure-fire way of developing the autonomous capacities of
the poor annoys those organizations and institutions that appear to operate
according to a more or less cleverly disguised clientelist hidden agenda. This
autonomous capacity goes against the grain, not only of the vested interests of
the powers that be, but also of the culture of dependency and slavish
conformity that is typical of a mutually reinforcing clientelist culture,
typical of experts who put the organizations they are working for at their own
service rather than serving them.
«A second inhibiting factor and one that, we think,
has weighed extremely heavily is the conceptual mode and language, a throw-back
to the 1950s, in which the Theory of Organization is couched. Even though Clodomir’s
discourse, from a purist Marxist-Leninist perspective, is ideologically
unorthodox in that he bases his theory and practice on the organizational
capacities of people and not on the principles of class struggle, this mere
association was enough to brand him and his ideas as instruments of «the Evil
Empire », which was then only too easy for politicians and development
experts who, for whatever reason, felt that his ideas needed rejecting......
«Third, de Morais’ vision and method .... were starved,
for too long, of the proper research,
systemization, conceptualization, theory-building and dissemination that might
have made him more accessible to social scientists.... » Sobrado M.,
Clodomir Santos de Morais : The Origins of the Large-Scale Capacitation
Theory and Method, A Future for the Excluded,
ed. Carmen. R. And Sobrado M.,
Zed Books,
2. Opinion.
Sobrado pense
“qu’une méthode qui offre une voie certaine au développement des capacités autonomes
des pauvres va contre les intérêts des organisations et institutions qui
semblent opérer selon un ordre du jour qui en couvre les intentions
clientélistes.” Expliquez sur une page ce que vous en pensez. Pouvez-vous
fournir des exemples applicables à votre pays ?
«The total ignorance about [those] elementary
sociological principles that have demonstrated their great operational value in
the design and evaluation of projects is also a deplorable fact of life in the
so-called developed countries as in the rest of the world.
« Here, as elsewhere, assistentialist policies
and assistentialist experts peddling
their interventionist recipes abound.. Much-trumpeted
«empowerment » or «capacity-building » often boils down to
little more than technical training courses that keep young unemployed boys off
the street, or, at best, get them the occasional salaried job. Alternatively,
clusters of training modules and services around the micro-enterprise cure-all
are provided. » Sobrado M.,
The OW’s :Potential : Concluding Observations, A Future for
the Excluded, ed. Carmen. R. And Sobrado
M., Zed Books,
3. Opinion.
Expliquez sur une page mots, la différence entre les
ateliers Moraisiens prévus au Modèle de
développement intégré et “des cours de formation technique dont le but est de
tenir les jeunes loin de la rue.”
Lisez votre travail sur l’industrie de la pauvreté
dont à la section 1. Analyse des causes de la
pauvreté du premier bloc : La pauvreté et la qualité de
vie du
4. Opinion.
Sur une
page utilisez les observations que vous
y avez fait comme exemples du pourquoi le travail de Morais ne s’est pas diffusé plus rapidement.
◄ Cinquième bloc : Section 2: Capacity building.
◄ Cinquième bloc : Comment les structures dont au troisième bloc font
face à des problèmes spécifiques.
◄ Table matières pour le Diplôme du Développement
Intégré (Dip.Dév.Int)
«L’argent n’est pas la
clef qui ouvre la porte au marché mais la clenche qui la barre. »
Gesell Silvio, «The
Natural Economic Order »
Version anglaise révisée,
Peter Owen, Londres 1948, page 228
“Poverty is created scarcity” (La pauvreté est la privation construite)
Wahu Kaara, point 8 of the Global Call to Action Against Poverty, 58th
annual NGO Conference, United Nations, New York 7 Septembre 2005.
œuvre est mise dans le domaine public aux termes d’une licence
Creative Commons
Attribution-Non-commercial-Share Alike 3.0.